Part 4 of the “Along the Continuum with Brad Wright” video interview series is now up at MGM’s Official Stargate website.
Wright said that he wanted Continuum to have “a classic Stargate feel” by bringing back the Goa’uld, especially Ba’al.
Wright’s response to the question about when people on Earth will find out about the Stargate: “Finding out about the Stargate has been a story that has always been at the back of my mind as a potential, big thing we could do, and I think it’s a big enough story to save it for a movie. Hint. Hint. Hint. Hint.”
Stargate: Continuum‘s DVD/Blu-ray release dates (if you know of other dates, please let us know and we’ll add them to the list):
- July 29, 2008: North America
- August 6, 2008: Australia
- August 18, 2008: UK
- September 10, 2008: Italy
- October 27, 2008: Czech and Slovak Republic
[Thanks to Thor_sglegendnet for the release date for Italy and to marsel_sfg for the Czech and Slovak Republic’s.]
release date for Czech and Slovak Republic are 27.10.2008. enjoy
…and also update your SG wiki, Czech and Slovak release date for “Arch of Truth” is 25. August 2008 (not 28. July 2008) distributor change the release date. thanks