We’re happy to announce that the winner of January’s TRADING POSTS promo on our SG1Solutions fan forum is: DeeKayP with 120 posts
Debi chose as her prize the Stargate SG-1 Season 5 DVD box set (pictured.)
And congratulations to our runner up posters on the SG1Solutions forum this month:
Prince 3030 with 100 posts
DreamSteph with 94 posts
JayB111 with 73 posts
February’s most prolific poster gets one of the following goodies delivered direct to their door
An autographed photo signed by any member of the main cast – from the official Stargate SG-1 charity autographs site.
Stargate SG-1 ‘Dr. Daniel Jackson’ T-shirt – from Creation, sizes S, M, L or XL
Stargate SG-1 Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 DVD Box Set – choose any one season from 1-6 (PAL or NTSC, Region 1 or 2)
MacGyver Season 1 DVD Box Set – (released Jan 25th, NTSC,requires Region 1 or region-free DVD player)
You can join us on our SG1Solutions fan forum: all are welcome