S9 Spoilers: "Prototype"

Initial spoilers are available for an SG-1 episode set to air just before the mid-season 2-parter in Season 9 (according to JM on Gateworld):

9.09 “Protoype”
Writer: Alan McCullough
Director: Will Waring

In a lab where Anubis had been performing genetic experiments, SG-1 discovers a human man in stasis, named Khalek. They release him and bring him back to the SGC, but Daniel comes to realize that as a highly evolved human, he is a grave threat. Khalek possesses the genetic memories of Anubis as well as the potential to ascend on his own, though he doesn’t know it yet. Daniel wonders whether they should kill him, or at least put him back in stasis. Daniel finally gets Khalek to admit that, through his memories of his ‘father’ Anubis, he remembers Daniel, and he remembers the great pleasure Anubis had in having millions of slaves bow before him. But what Khalek desires most of all is to experience, as Anubis did, the sweetness of killing another being for the first time. He predicts that before it is over, either he or Daniel will have had that pleasure.

Teal’c and Mitchell travel to Dakara to seek advice from the Jaffa So’Kresh. So’Kresh served under Anubis and was aware of his genetic experiments. He’d heard that Anubis was trying to build an army of Mashur, mutants who would ascend to the realm of the Ancients and fight them, in revenge for what Anubis had suffered at their hands.

Meanwhile at the SGC, NID Attorney Richard Woolsey has arrived and tells General Landry that the committee overseeing the SGC wants Khalek to be studied, not placed in stasis, in spite of the threat he poses.

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