Cinescape Grades "Beachhead"

“No such thing as too big…”

BeachheadColumnist Jason Davis gave "Beachhead" a grade of "B". He praised the building up of the Ori story over the first few episodes: “Surely, the display of power offered in this installment presented some idea of the scope that things will take as the series continues. The Ori are clearly a formidable opponent for Stargate Command and their existence creates many unanswered questions to explore as the series progresses.”

Davis enjoyed the character moments given to Vala, Mitchell, Landry, and Nerus, and made special mention of the music of Joel Goldsmith: “Though Vala’s innuendo-laden humor is gone, the growing power of the Ori seems fit to take the season into darker territory and the score for "Beachhead," particularly the teaser, proves that the composer is up for the challenge.”

Davis, however, erroneously concludes that the reduced opening credits are meant to give the program more time to tell the story (Joseph Mallozzi has stated that the episodes are not longer with the reduction of the opening credits to 10 seconds): “Speaking of music, now might be a good moment to consider the abbreviation of the opening titles. A bold alteration of format, it suggests that the show is a well-known commodity no longer needing a weekly introduction while simultaneously salvaging a few extra minutes in which to tell the week’s story.”

Read the whole review at
Solutions Episode Guide for “Beachhead”

[Thanks to SueB45 for the tip — DeeKayP]