MGM to replace disks in R1 S8 Boxed Set
Consumer complaints concerning the edited, syndication version of “Threads” instead of the original broadcast version being placed on the recently released Season Eight DVD Boxed Set for Region 1 (United States, Canada) have reached the ears of MGM. issued this statement at their website:
We had a number of Stargate SG-1 fans tell us that the original episode of “Threads” that ran for 90 minutes wasn’t included in the season 8 DVD set; it was the edited 60 min version. We contacted MGM and asked them about the episode and they sent over this response:
Thank you for purchasing Stargate Sg-1 Season 8 Giftset. We will be making the original broadcast version of the episode “Threads” available soon. If you would prefer that version, we will be offering an exchange and will notify you details of this exchange soon. We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.
It’s nice to see a studio address a problem with a set so quickly. We’ll keep you updated on the exchange program when we get more information from MGM.
[Thanks to Nialla for the tip — DeeKayP]