Joe Mallozzi revealed in his blog entry of August 13 that Michael Shanks will guest star as Daniel Jackson in an additional episode of Stargate Universe. From his entry:
And, since he [Rob] was there, I told him how much we’d enjoyed the previous day’s dailies. The film looks amazing. For his part, Rob had nothing but praise for the actors and, given their significant roles in this episode, Robert Caryle and guest star Michael Shanks in particular.
The term “dailies” refers to the film shot and reviewed each day, in this case yesterday being Aug. 12. Since Robert C. Cooper is directing, we can be quite certain the episode is 1.14 “Human”. What we know about this episode so far is:
Rush subjects himself to an experiment involving the ship’s computer and flashes back to the time when he was first being recruited into the Stargate Program. He’s forced to relive a personal tragedy that he never really handled emotionally before.
Old-time Stargate fans will be happy to learn that Daniel will play a signficant role in an episode of Stargate Univere’s first season.
I’m happy! Find a way to get him in every episode and I’ll be even more so!