Baby Shanks and Other Vancouver News

Lots of news is coming out of this weekend’s Creation Stargate Convention in Vancouver, B.C.

First, Michael Shanks and Lexa Doig are the proud parents of a new baby boy, Samuel David Shanks, born around March 19 (not a firm date; Michael said 6 days ago as of yesterday). Many congratulations to Michael and Lexa on their first boy! As reported by MSOL earlier, Michael is taking off 2 episodes of filming to be there for the new baby, and that time started last week, so the timing worked out perfectly.

For excellent, very close-up photos of all of the con events, visit this site: The pictures of Michael from his Saturday appearance are particularly great!

Big news was reported by Annie at OurStargate on Season 10 guest stars (highlight to read):Richard Dean Anderson will be returning for guest appearances in Season 10. According to producer N. John Smith, RDA misses working on the show and would like to come back for some guest shots. There is no word on which episodes he might appear in, for example, the big 200th episode, which will begin filming in early April. Perhaps the show will finally make clear what General O’Neill has been up to.

Speaking of the 200th episode, word from various quarters is that it will be (highlight to read):A very funny, reportedlyl even hilarious episode that will poke fun at the show but with the audience in on the joke.

Stay tuned for more reports out of Vancouver, though sadly none of your Solutions reporters are there.

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