The May 1 SG-1 marathon on Sci Fi featured SG-1’s funniest episodes, including “Upgrades,” “Wormhole X-treme,” and “The Other Guys”. This appears to have been the last SG-1 Monday block for a while. Starting Monday May 8, Sci Fi will be running blocks of 4 Atlantis Season 2 episodes, and will do that each Monday in May. This week’s only snippet was from Claudia Black, and is provided here once again courtesy of Elyse of
Claudia Black
“I was living in London last year and luckily Stargate was screening a little
bit ahead of the schedule in America so I saw ‘Citizen Joe’ and I thought, it
must have been an old episode. And I said to my roommates who were coming
home from work ‘I’m not sure what season it’s from, it’s really cool’ and then I
had a look online to see what it was and delighted in the fact that I’d been
able to see something the fans in America hadn’t yet seen.”