SG-1 Marathon Precedes 3 Hours of Stargate Friday

The schedule bot is showing an all-day marathon of SG-1 episodes beginning Friday morning at 8 am/7 am Central. The episodes to be shown are mostly two-parters:
The Tok’ra Part 1
The Tok’ra Part 2
Nemesis Part 1
Small Victories Part 2
Wormhole X-Treme!
Prometheus Part 1
Unnatural Selection Part 2
Fallen Part 1
Homecoming Part 2
Lost City Part 1
Lost City Part 2

Following that at 7 pm will be a re-run of this week’s episode of Eureka followed by the special Sci Fi Inside: Stargate SG-1’s 200th Episode, then the SG-1 episode “200” and Atlantis episode “The Real World”. So prepare yourself for a day of Stargate this Friday on Sci Fi Channel!

Thanks to Karen for the tip!