Jason Momoa

Ronon DexJASON MOMOA joined the cast of Stargate Atlantis during its second season as the Satedan runner Ronon Dex. After Atlantis ended its run, Momoa made only a few guest starring appearances on The Game before he was tapped to play Khal Drogo in HBO’s Game of Thrones and the new incarnation of Conan in the 2011 movie Conan the Barbarian. Jason has recently joined the DC Comic movie franchise as the superhero character Aquaman.

Beyond Ronon Dex

These are the roles that Jason Momoa has had since he became Ronon Dex, the most recent on top.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones
Picture 4 of 5

Khal Drogo in multiple S1 episodes
April 17, 2011 - June 19, 2011

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Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)