Louis Ferreira

Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)

Louis Ferreira

Beyond Everett Young

These are the roles that Louis Ferreira has had since he became Col. Everett Young, the most recent on top.

Grey Gardens

Grey Gardens
Picture 14 of 15

David Maysles
April 18, 2009

Col. Everett YoungLOUIS FERREIRA (also known as JUSTIN LOUIS) starred in Stargate Universe as Col. Everett Young, the commander of Icarus Base and the one who evacuated the base when it came under attack. His decision to save his people’s lives came at a great cost as they traveled through the Stargate billions of light years away from Earth to take refuge on a dying starship left behind by the Ancients, the Destiny.

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Divider Strip for Actors..Beyond the Event Horizon (original image from MGM)