Nialla’s latest installment, a parody of 8.08 Covenant, is here for your enjoyment!
Category: Features
Massive update to Michael Shanks interviews
We’ve updated and expanded our Michael Shanks Interviews section at Stargate SG-1 Solutions, adding 18 new interviews from throughout 2002-2005, as well as adding additional content to some of the existing transcripts. Wherever possible, we’ve added links to where you can buy the magazines online and we’d sincerely recommend that you do so. Magazines are an expensive investment but we hope you’ll trust our word of mouse and make that contribution in support of continuing coverage of Michael Shanks’ career and roles.
We’ve also added a publicity section, starting out with the six adverts supporting Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson placed sci-fi and entertainment industry publications by the worldwide fan co-operative during the SDJ campaign. If you recall, I was webmaster for Stargate SG-1 Solutions when it was still at its old URL and was campaign HQ for the Save Daniel Jackson campaign.
And there’s a collection of 23 magazine covers Michael has appeared on promoting Stargate SG-1 and Dr. Daniel Jackson in the UK, US and Canada, including the prestigious TV Guide cover with Richard Dean Anderson.
We hope you’ll enjoy what is the most comprehensive Michael Shanks interview collection on the web.
Check out our comprehensive collection of Michael Shanks interviews
Affinity: The Breadbox Edition and more
We’re proud to present Nialla’s latest: 8.07 Affinity: The Breadbox Edition
And new for our readers, Nialla has provided a funny yet strangely useful list of definitions of her BBE terms: Breadbox Editions: Definitions.
SG1Solutions forum promo winner
We’re happy to announce that the winner of January’s TRADING POSTS promo on our SG1Solutions fan forum is: DeeKayP with 120 posts 🙂 Debi chose as her prize the Stargate SG-1 Season 5 DVD box set (pictured.)
And congratulations to our runner up posters on the SG1Solutions forum this month:
Prince 3030 with 100 posts
DreamSteph with 94 posts
JayB111 with 73 posts
February’s most prolific poster gets one of the following goodies delivered direct to their door 🙂
An autographed photo signed by any member of the main cast – from the official Stargate SG-1 charity autographs site.
Stargate SG-1 ‘Dr. Daniel Jackson’ T-shirt – from Creation, sizes S, M, L or XL
Stargate SG-1 Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 DVD Box Set – choose any one season from 1-6 (PAL or NTSC, Region 1 or 2)
MacGyver Season 1 DVD Box Set – (released Jan 25th, NTSC,requires Region 1 or region-free DVD player)
You can join us on our SG1Solutions fan forum: all are welcome 🙂
Avatar: The Breadbox Edition
Nialla has something for all fan species to enjoy in her parody of 8.06 “Avatar”. Read it here!.
Icon: The Breadbox Edition
Join us in enjoying the latest of Nialla’s SG-1 episode parodies:
It's Good To Be King photogallery
Last year, our photographer Cathy Holroyd was in Tynehead Park in Greater Vancouver to shoot the outdoor sets used for the episode “It’s Good to be King”. In return for kind permission from the relevant people, she agreed to hold her photos back until the episode had been broadcast. This is because the pictures contain a major SPOILER, both for this and future episodes.
Cathy has stunning and detailed shots of the locations Stargate and DHD, and two other things that were important parts of the episode. Whilst at Tynehead, she also photographed the bridge from Avenger 2.0 where Sam finds Felger ‘feeding the ducks’.
Tynehead Park will be known to some of you from Michael Shanks’s stories about how Daniel descended naked in a public dog-walking park! Yes, somewhere in this park, a dog got a very nice view 😉
We have provided screencap galleries for your reference, and a map which shows where the different Stargate locations are in the park in case any of you are lucky enough to be able to visit and follow in SG-1’s footsteps.
We hope you enjoy the gallery, please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think would be interested.
Tynehead Park: Avenger 2.0, Fallen and It’s Good To Be King Photogalleries
Discuss the galleries on the SG1Solutions forum
WIKI: episode transcribers needed
Stargate SG-1 exists in many ways to serve as a news and information resource for the core of fans who are pro-team, pro-Daniel, pro-Jack & Daniel friendship, and that in many ways makes us pretty unique in fandom. Like sister site Stargatefan, we strive to write episode guides, transcripts and articles which are fair and positive towards the contributions of all the team members.
What sets us apart from other sites is that our transcripts at Solutions are *SEARCHABLE*. Just think: every time you have a nagging question about who said what or who did that, you can type in that word or phrase and our wiki database will find the transcript for you.
The Solutions adminners have worked like trojans for 2 years on our transcripts project and we are closing in on the end of it but our little band of slaves is pretty wrung out from all the work so we’re putting out a plea for help in transcribing the following episodes:
6.09 Allegiance
6.10 Cure
6.11 Prometheus
6.12 Unnatural Selection
6.13 Sight Unseen
6.14 Smoke And Mirrors
6.18 Forsaken
If just 7 of our many visitors here can give us an afternoon or two of their time, that will get this part of the massive transcripts project done. You don’t need any whizzy technical skills, just a text or word processing program and access to the episode. We’re setting a deadline of the end of January for the transcript to be completed and frankly, we’re begging for your help. On me knees, here 🙂
Please, please help. Thank you. Very, very much.
WIKI: can you help?
Our intrepid little band of Solutions Adminners have been working their asses off for 2 years now to bring you the most comprehensive and in-depth Stargate SG-1 information and resources. Had we been content to write the brief summaries other sites are offering up, we’d have been done ten times over. Instead, we set out to be distinctively different, to support the information needs of committed fans and fanfiction writers, and to present all information to you in a completely accessible and searchable format.
This led to the creation of our Wiki knowledge base which is ever-growing and expanding. We are in desperate need of volunteers to write articles for the Wiki. Some articles are long, some are short, but all clearly explain the science or mythology or technology or history behind a key Stargate SG-1 place, person, theme or thing, and relate it to events from the episodes.
We are looking in particular for writers for any of these most wanted Wiki pages. Can you help? We desperately need you.
You don’t need to have any whizzy html skills, just a few afternoons or evenings of your time to review episodes for one of these key topics and write up your findings in a straight-forward, objective way. You’ll have all the help we can give 🙂
If you can contribute an article, just drop us a line. Please. Help us.
Our thanks.
SG1Solutions Forum promo: post the most to win a DVD box set
Post The Most!
We’d like to encourage y’all to drop by and participate more actively in our little online community SG1Solutions Forum, so starting this month we’re launching our Trading Posts project 🙂 As in, literally trading posts – for prizes. The SG1Solutions forum member with the most substantive posts in our discussion threads each month (a minimum of 80 posts in a calendar month) will win a cool prize.
Is there a catch? Not if you’re playing fair and participating in the discussions. 101 posts consisting solely of 🙂 or What She Said or Me too aren’t going to cut it. We’re keen to get discussions of the episodes going, in-depth analysis of anyone or anything you like, participating in the polls, spoiler discussions, future speculations, Jack and Daniel – are they doing it or not? But substantive posts in all the folders do count towards your total. And that’s all there is to it. Have your say, have an opinion and share it 🙂
And no, the Mods won’t be carrying home the prizes!
January’s most prolific poster gets one of the following goodies delivered direct to their door 🙂
Stargate SG-1 Season 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 DVD Box Set – choose any one season from 1-6 (PAL or NTSC, Region 1 or 2)
MacGyver Season 1 DVD Box Set – (released Jan 25th, NTSC,requires Region 1 or region-free DVD player)
Farscape Peacekeeper Wars Miniseries DVD (released Jan 18th, NTSC, requires Region 1 or region-free DVD player)
Please come join us. Post and spread the word.
Click here to start posting to SG1Solutions: the forum of Many Voices