Stargate SG-1 Crew Interviews: Martin Wood
Martin Wood Q & A with Solutions, Part Two
18 Do directors find it restrictive, if you are hired mid series as a director, to follow style and conventions developed by the pilot director / producer of a now established format? Not every series follows the Stargate, X-Files formula of trying out new Directors for the first season or two and then settling in with the ones you like for the long haul. The advantages to doing it this way are obvious if you use an ensemble cast and a complicated story arc- the Directors get familiar with the various acting styles, cast quirks, and aren’t always asking “Why does this happen” , or “What happens if you run through the puddle of an incoming wormhole…?”
19 (a) How do you feel about advert breaks affecting the style and flow of episodic television? They are a necessary evil in the world in which we choose to exercise our art. I have a certain zen about commercial breaks- often I will use them to slightly re-block a scene, change the show’s pace or just “restart”. When Stargate started out on Showtime we had to concentrate on shooting scenes that would split at the act breaks for syndication. When we went to Sci-fi there was a brief interlude of “Hey let’s use these commercial breaks to toss around the story a bit (use them for time transitions or pace stoppers)- then we remembered the DVD’s ….(b) Will product placement make its way into TV drama as much as it has infiltrated feature films? It is soooo already there. Every “actual”product someone drinks, eats, blows their nose in is a cleared product. Take a look at what Felger is offering Carter to drink when she comes over to his apartment in “Avenger 2.0”- it’s a Mountain Dew (and there are cans of it all over his living room) or look at the type of beer SG-1 is drinking when they are at O’Neill’s house in “Lost City”- it’s Guiness and each time one of those labels appears on the screen it’s product placement- I don’t think it’s as blatant and as exploited as it is in features but it’s there. How many of you can find the box of “Jaffa Cakes” in Teal’c’s room in “Changeling” (they are there…they are buried and unrecognizable but they are there and we had to get them cleared).
20 What's your favourite TV show other than Stargate, past or present? What type of show (other than Stargate) would you like to direct? A movie? ![]() That’s a tough question for me- Favourite TV show depends on how much time I actually have to watch TV- Right now I record “24” every week but never get to watch it (the same with “West Wing”), I wish I owned every Simpsons, I used to love “Black Adder” and saw just about every “Next Generation”, never missed any of Serling’s “Twilight Zone”, or “Monty Python” or “World at War”. Very eclectic tastes- lots of the time I will watch a favourite Director or “show style” for homework.
21 If you had the opportunity to specify running time for a weekly serial, what would be your preferred duration? 70 minutes- I spent some time thinking about this one. 44 minutes and 19 seconds (Standard Stargate issue) is too short to actually arc an A and B story, offer up any kind of character development, and to resolve a crisis. 90 minutes means you are putting in too much exposition and have started to bore the audience. I like a show that picks you up, thrashes you about a bit and then puts you back down at the end with a kind of tired satisfied feeling- not exhausted and not too hungry for more.
22 How long does it take to prepare an episode, and what sort of things are involved? ![]() A regular one hour episode takes @ 14 days to prep and shoot- 7 days prep, 7days shoot- during prep I get the script, read it, and start to break it down into the actual shots that you get to see. During Shooting I tear out my hair and throw most of the cool shots on the floor in order to finish my days on time. ![]()
23 If you weren't a director, what would you be doing with your life? Astronaut
24 If you could pick any job to do on Stargate, (other than directing) what would it be and why? I’d be the camera operator, I was tempted to say editing but I don’t have the patience for the directors.
25 You've directed some incredibly powerful and dramatic episodes over the years, as well as some lighthearted ones. Do you have a preference for which you prefer to do? Does the "ambience" of an episode bleed into the filming, or is everyone generally relaxed, no matter what's being filmed? Both are very cool and it really depends on what day you are talking to me- If I’ve just finished a tough dramatic action episode then I’m more likely to choose a lighthearted one, and vice versa. The good thing about Stargate and the Stargate crew is that they are all very sensitive to what kind of show we are shooting and they change to suit. We laugh all the time – we just choose our moments more carefully in the dramatic shows. ![]()
26 Have you ever been frustrated by changes an editor has made to your "director's cut"? All the time but that’s the process- Robert Cooper and Brad Wright are both much better in the edit suite than I am. Joe and Paul are too. And remember the cut that I turn in is almost always several minutes long- their job is to trim it down to a specific time- I leave in all the cool shots and all the meaningful glances, in the world of television this will slow the pace down and make the show really long. Usually the Producer’s cut is trimming to time and tightening up. The editors are really really good and will generally fight the good fight for me if they know I feel strongly. If I watch the producer’s cut and disagree with something then I will go to them and plead my case- more often than not if I feel very strongly about something they will change it back – unless it’s stupid.
27 What do you want to do when (if?) Stargate SG-1 finishes? Rest for a very long time. Play with my little girl more, walk her to school, spend some time at home not blocking scenes, and move on to the next epic series. Oh yeah and do a couple of Stargate movies.
28 What's the most important lesson you've learned as a director? Patience and how difficult the making of an hour of GOOD television really is.
29 Do you find it hard to relax and watch films and TV shows, or do you find yourself critically assessing camera angles, plot points and the impact of scenes? Ask my girls, they’ll tell you that they have had to learn to decipher the noises I make while I’m watching a show or a movie. If the movie is so-so I am usually taken out of it by bad acting, bad directing, or bad camera work. If it’s really good then I find that I have to watch it again with the sound down to concentrate on the production. Really good directing, really good acting, exceptional camera work, sound editing, all those things generally never get past me and it’s the first thing that I will talk about when I get out of a movie- I don’t usually separate a good movie from good production it’s all part of the same experience for me.
Pam: It’s good to have them all back together- I missed Michael’s acting, and I missed Michael. Things were really good this year. It wasn’t my favourite year for the episodes that I did- I don’t think that I did my best work this year. Although having said that I really really enjoyed several of them. Fallen/Homecoming were a lot of fun, Revisions was a good change and fun to do, Avenger 2.0 was a scream, Fallout…well- not my favourite, and the two Lost City episodes- I really enjoyed. ![]()
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