Season One

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Stargate SG-1 Season One Episode Guides

1.01 "Children Of The Gods Part 1"
When the SGC is attacked by an alien with glowing eyes, Col. Jack O'Neill is recalled from retirement to lead a second team through to Abydos: his mission to retrieve Dr. Daniel Jackson. Daniel's discovery of a cartouche leads astrophysicist Capt. Carter to realize an entire network of Stargates could exist, leading to millions of worlds.

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1.02 "Children Of The Gods Part 2"
When Sha're and Skaara are kidnapped, Jack returns with Daniel to Earth where a new team is formed to battle the alien threat: SG-1. They go through to another world, home to Apophis, an alien parasite like Ra. Sha're and Skaara are taken as hosts while the members of SG-1 are rescued by the most unlikely ally: Apophis' First Prime Teal'c.

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1.03 "The Enemy Within"
With the SGC under attack by Apophis, Maj. Kawalsky is forced to battle a larval Goa'uld for control of his mind. Daniel Jackson and Jack O'Neill attempt to communicate with the Goa'uld to no avail. It claims Kawalsky's body for its own. The major elects to undergo life-threatening surgery to remove the Goa'uld and appears to make a full recovery.

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1.04 "Emancipation"
On the planet of Simarka, where the fierce Mongolian race of Shavadai mistreat their oppressed females, Sam Carter is kidnapped and sold to a brutal warlord. When her escape attempt fails, Carter challenges the Shavidai's misogynous ways in a battle of wits and wills which may bring women equality or end in her own death.

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1.05 "The Broca Divide"
Returning from a planet with both a civilized and a primitive side, the SG-3 marines and all but two members of the SG-1 team become infected with a virus which rapidly spreads throughout the SGC. Violence breaks out everywhere as personnel regress to an aggressive primitive state. Can Teal'c and Daniel Jackson find the cause?

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1.06 "The First Commandment"
The SG-1 team is sent after an SG team which has failed to return from a mission. They find that their captain, Jonas Hanson, Sam Carter's ex-fiancé, having been treated as a god by the fearful, primitive locals, is drunk with power and tyrannizing them. Can Carter and the team overcome Hanson before he kills them all?

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1.07 "Cold Lazarus"
A strange crystal strikes down O'Neill, replacing him with a double that returns with the SG-1 team to Earth to find the cause of O'Neill's private grief—his son's death. But the crystalline entity double is dangerously unstable as O'Neill's bewildered wife Sara soon discovers. Can O'Neill return to the SGC in time to save everyone and prevent chaos?

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1.08 "The Nox"
When a planned ambush against Apophis goes disastrously wrong, resulting in fatalities among the SG-1 team, the peace-loving Nox restore them to life. But while these gentle people can bring back the dead, can they resist the deadly technology of Apophis and his Jaffa? The attempts of SG-1 to defend the Nox make matters worse.

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1.09 "Brief Candle"
On the mysterious planet Argos, the beautiful Kynthia seduces Jack O'Neill into marriage. As a result of their liaison, Jack is condemned to an Argosian lifespan of only a hundred days. As he ages rapidly and his health fails, will his team succeed in their frantic search for a cure? Jack's bitterness changes the peaceful Argosians forever.

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1.10 "Thor's Hammer"
Looking for allies against the Goa'uld, the SG-1 team gates through to Cimmeria, home of the legendary Norse gods. Teal'c and Jack O'Neill are transported to the underground labyrinth caves of the vicious creature Unas. Can Daniel Jackson and Carter rescue them? They must enlist the aid of the fearful Kendra, once host to a Goa'uld.

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1.11 "The Torment Of Tantalus"
Daniel Jackson discovers that in 1945, a brilliant young professor went through the Stargate, never to return. Together with his fiancee, Catherine Langford, SG-1 discovers the now aged Ernest Littlefield trapped in a decaying castle. With Daniel captivated by Ernest's amazing discoveries, the others race against time to get them all home.

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1.12 "Bloodlines"
With the proviso that they bring back a Goa'uld larva for study, Teal'c returns with the SG-1 team to Chulak to stop the Goa'uld from enslaving his son Ry'ac. After a difficult reunion with Drey'auc, the wife he abandoned, Teal'c discovers that his son is dying. He needs the healing properties of a larval Goa'uld and the only one available is Teal'c's own.

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1.13 "Fire And Water"
The SG-1 team is transported to Oannes, a planet of opposites, the home of the sole survivor on an ancient aquatic race. Teal'c, Jack and Carter return to Earth shell-shocked at their loss of Daniel Jackson. The grieving team members are confused, unable to let go of Daniel. Can they discover their true memories in time to rescue Daniel?

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1.14 "Hathor"
The evil and beautiful Goa'uld Hathor escapes from stasis in a Mayan pyramid in Mexico. At the Stargate facility, she uses her charms and a powerful drug to seduce men into her service as she plots to take over the world. With Daniel as her Beloved Pharaoh and Jack her intended First Prime, can Carter and the female personnel stop her in time?

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1.15 "Singularity"
Sam Carter returns with the sole survivor of a planetary plague—a little girl, Cassandra. As they become attached, Carter, Dr. Fraiser and Daniel discover the girl's terrible secret—a time-bomb implanted by the Goa'uld Nirrti to destroy the Stargate on Earth. Can Carter save Cassandra or will she share her fate?

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1.16 "Cor-ai"
O'Neill and the team travel to Cartago, where Teal'c is recognized as once having been First Prime to Apophis, who 'harvested' hosts from this world many times. His guilt already decided, Teal'c is arrested for the murder of Hanno's father and put on trial for his life. While Jack and Carter attempt to get help from the SGC, Daniel battles Hanno in Cor-Ai.

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1.17 "Enigma"
The SG-1 team rescues a group of highly developed survivors from the cataclysmic planet of Tollan. To stop the legendary knowledge of the Tollan people from falling into the wrong hands, O'Neill and his team stake all on the cross-universal rescue.

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1.18 "Solitudes"
Following a Stargate technical defect, O'Neill and Carter find themselves stranded on an icy wasteland. O'Neill is severely wounded, both are freezing to death, and nobody can find the section of the universe in which they are stranded.

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1.19 "Tin Man"
Upon landing on Planet PX3-989, the mysterious alien Harlan renders the SG-1 team unconscious. After waking and returning to the SGC, they find that their spirits and minds have been transferred into the bodies of androids. Their energy literally failing, the team must return to Harlan in a bid to reunite body and soul.

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1.20 "There But For The Grace Of God"
A mysterious mirror transports Daniel Jackson to another dimension. Suddenly he finds himself on an alternate Earth under attack from the Goa'uld, his place at the SGC filled by Catherine Langford and Dr. Sam Carter. Daniel foresees that the same fate awaits Earth in his reality. Can he return home in time to save the world?

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1.21 "Politics"
Only Daniel Jackson knows of the Goa'uld plans to invade Earth. Despite the injury he sustained in escaping the other reality, no one takes his warnings seriously, not even Jack and his friends on SG-1. The adversarial Senator Kinsey has chosen to terminate the costly Stargate Program and close the gate forever just as Earth faces its worst threat.

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1.22 "Within The Serpent's Grasp Part 1"
Convinced at last by Daniel to take the threat seriously, Jack leads SG-1 into disobeying orders as they gate off-world to the coordinates Daniel brought back from the alternate reality. The team find themselves amidst preparations by Apophis and Klorel for an all-out strike on Earth. Can they avert disaster and save Earth?

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