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23 Jul 06
10.02 Morpheus review by Mel
Mel episode rating: fair
Okaaaayyyy... Um... Not a great episode. Not the worst -- at least in the sense of continuing the search for Merlin's weapon. There were elements that gave me fond remembrances of things that made this show great and elements that made me sigh in disappointment.

It was FANTASTIC to see Daniel in puzzle-solving mode--one of my favorite things about my favorite archaelogist! One of my other favorite things is Philologist!Daniel. Still another is Sleepy!Daniel. :D

Vala is her charming self. I loved watching her dutifully pass each book to Daniel in the briefing room with the general as he explained how he found the gate address. However, I have issues with Vala's reaction when Landry told her she wasn't going. With her daughter out there, I expected some strong maternally charged argument. At least a "That's my daughter out there! I have to save her!" They missed the boat by not allowing that to play out.

Further, I would think, during psychological testing, Dr. Hutcheson might have asked about her daughter. If they're trying to assess Vala's motives or fitness to serve, wouldn't they consider certain facts such as a) she's postpartum and probably rather hormonal, and b) she's the mother of the leader of the Ori invasion. Wouldn't these be important to explore psychologically? Too heady and deep for M&M, I suppose. With the potential for emotion and intense dialogue, I'm guessing it's easier to ignore it or make a joke of it instead.


While we're dealing in humor OTOH...

I did enjoy the Woolsey B-story. Re-introducing him as possibly returning to his sneaky ways in this episode was a good touch. At the end, when Vala mentioned Woolsey's "sexual advances", and a flustered Woolsey protested and followed the general out of the gateroom, it looked like MS broke character. He was genuinely trying to stifle laughter there! It was just too real a moment to be in character. Loved that!

Teal'c was wonderful. I have to say he is consistently a quiet, enduring strength even after all this time. He is a rock of integrity, experience, wisdom and goodness. He doesn't get the airtime he deserves, but still has a significant presence even when his story is not front and center. His brave insistence to carry Mitchell when he himself could barely make it any further was very Teal'c. Nice moment. Nice team moment for Teal'c and Mitchell too. :-)

Mitchell did well this time, too. His "Wasn't he one of the Knights who say 'Ni'?" comment in reference to Sir Gawain made me LOL. I'm glad to see his character looking more grounded, rather than those distracting and unappealing bouts of bad judgement and near mania last season.

Look! Up in the sky! It's astrophysicist! It's a medical examiner! It's SUPer!Sammy!

Crap. Here we go again.

Once again, Sam performs an autopsy. Did the doctor pull out the parasite from the brain matter? Nope. Sammy did. I guess the doctor assisted her. Gotta wonder when, during her doctoral studies in astrophysics and flight training, Sammy managed to acquire a medical doctorate in forensic science as well. I don't even know what to say about the heart attack scene. Guess there wasn't enough tech-y stuff for Sam to do or say, so this nonsensical crap gave her some purpose and allowed us to be dazzled by her ability to use a defibrillator as if she does that sort of thing everyday.


Weird team moment in the lab near the end. Completely apart from it being rather obvious how the cure came about, I thought the explanation of it was tragically stilted and ridiculous in its timing. I mean, wouldn't logic dictate -- considering his team was sitting there in the lab drinking coffee and kibbitzing -- that Landry would have already been apprised of the development of the cure at the time it was being administered to the comatose SG1 in the infirmary? I think a "Thank God Teal'c captured that lizard!" would have been a much better dialogue choice over the gratuitous gotta- remind-' em- how- very- smart- Sam- is medical babble as Sam explains to all the circumstances that led to their being alive and able to sit, drink coffee, and kibbitz about it. I guess Sam can never NOT have the answers. Too bad. I thought we'd seen the back of Super!Sam in S8.

Not M&M's best work by a longshot.

  © Mel, 2006.  All rights reserved.
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