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[[Image:cameronmitchell.jpg|frame|left|Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell]]

Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell is an accomplished F-302 pilot and led the F-302 squadron in the battle with Anubis over Antarctica. He was gravely injured in the battle, protecting the lives of SG-1 as they gained access to the Antarctic Outpost and the Ancient weaponry powerful enough to destroy Anubis' attacking fleet. Mitchell was granted his choice of assignments after he recuperated from extensive combat injuries.  He chose to join SG-1, and was given command of the disbanded team.  He was able to entice the veterans of the unit back, and now works in tandem with Lt. Col. Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Teal'c.
==Cameron: A Visual History==
| valign="top"|[[Image:youngmitchell.jpg|left|Young Mitchell]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:91205.jpg|left|F-16 Pilot]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:90101.jpg|left|By Stargate]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:90203.jpg|left|Sword in Stone]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:90803.jpg|left|Recuperating]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:90809.jpg|left|After Sodan]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:91008.jpg|left|With Daniel]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:91202.jpg|left|In Galaran memory machine]]
| valign="top"|[[Image:91406.jpg|left|Talking to Fergie]]
==Comprehensive Character Biography==
Status: Complete Through 9.14 "Stronghold"<br />
Originally written by: Aurora Novarum
{{Cameron Mitchell Bio}}
==Related Characters==
* [[Jack O'Neill|General Jack O'Neill]]
* [[Daniel Jackson|Doctor Daniel Jackson]]
* [[Samantha Carter|Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter]]
* [[Teal'c]]
* [[Hank Landry|General Hank Landry]]
* [[Vala Mal Doran]]
* [[Ba'al]]
* [[Emissary]]
* [[Bryce Ferguson|Bryce "Fergie" Ferguson]]
* [[Haikon]]
* [[Jolan]]
* [[Khalek]]
* [[Mitchell|Mitchell's father]]
* [[Mrs. Mitchell|Mitchell's mother]]
* [[Lionel Pendergast|Colonel Lionel Pendergast]]
* [[Redmond]]
* [[Reya Varrick]]
* [[Volnek]]
==Related Articles==
* [[Air Force Academy Hospital]]
* [[Ancients]]
* [[Antarctica]]
* [[Avalon]]
* [[F-302]]
* [[Free Jaffa]]
* [[Galar]]
* [[Galaran Memory Device]]
* [[Galarans]]
* [[Goa'uld]]
* [[F-302#9.01_.22Avalon_Part_1.22:_Flashbacks_of_the_Antarctic_Dogfight|Mitchell's Crash in Antarctica]]
* [[Ori]]
* [[P8X-412]]
* [[Priors of the Ori]]
* [[Prior Plague]]
* [[Prometheus]]
* [[SG-1]]
* [[Sodan]]
* [[Sodan Planet (P9G-844)]]
* [[Stargate Command (SGC)]]
* [[Stargate]]
==Key Episodes==
Key episodes in Cameron Mitchell's character arc, in which major character development occurred, something big happened to him, or we learned something big about him or his past.
* [[9.01 "Avalon Part 1" Episode Guide|9.01 "Avalon Part 1"]]
* [[9.05 "The Powers That Be" Episode Guide|9.05 "The Powers That Be"]]
* [[9.08 "Babylon" Episode Guide|9.08 "Babylon"]]
* [[9.11 "The Fourth Horseman Part 2" Episode Guide|9.11 "The Fourth Horseman Part 2"]]
* [[9.12 "Collateral Damage" Episode Guide|9.12 "Collateral Damage"]]
* [[9.13 "Ripple Effect" Episode Guide|9.13 "Ripple Effect"]]
* [[9.14 "Stronghold" Episode Guide|9.14 "Stronghold"]]
==Related Links==
* [ Bio of Cameron Mitchell]
* [ Wikipedia entry for first Space Shuttle mission]
* [ Congressional Medal of Honor Society], where you can learn about the medal and the real life heroes who received their country's highest honor for service above and beyond the call of duty.
* [[Ben Browder]] as Cameron Mitchell
* [[Maximillian Uhrin]] as Young Mitchell
--[[User:Aurora|Aurora]] 15:56, 29 January 2006 (PST)

Revision as of 19:59, 29 January 2006