SGA 5.12 "Outsiders" Episode Guide
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The Atlantis Expedition is brought to trial by the Coalition for their “crimes against the people of the galaxy.”
Guide | Transcript
MGM/ Official Summary
The official summary is not available as this episode has not yet aired in the United States.
Spoiler Summary
The Balarans who survived the Hoffan plague that Michael released on their world have joined into another society on another planet. They have become friends and neighbors to the villagers, who are ruled by a Council and number about 600-700 people. Three of the Council are Elson, Jervis, and Renni. Two of the Balarans are Novo and Safaris.
The village has welcomed Dr. Carson Beckett and his work at the village’s clinic. He has shown nothing but kindness to both the villagers and the Balarans, those the Councillors call “outsiders”. Sheppard and his team visit the village to warn Beckett and the Council that a Wraith hive is on its way and to propose that the entire village evacuate to Atlantis for immediate safety and then relocate to a new world. Unfortunately, neither the “outsiders” nor the Council agree that leaving their homeworld is their best option.
- Joe Flanigan as Lt. Col. John Sheppard
- Rachel Luttrell as Teyla Emmagan
- Jason Momoa as Ronon Dex
- Jewel Staite as Dr. Jennifer Keller
- Robert Picardo as Richard Woolsey
- and David Hewlett as Dr. Rodney McKay
Guest Stars
- Paul McGillion as Dr. Carson Beckett
- Jervis
- Elson
- Novo (female)
- Renni (female, 30s)
- Safaris (male)
- Male Wraith
- Wraith Commander
- Written by Alan McCullough
- Directed by
Production Gallery
The following are links to images concerning the production of this episode and were published by Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog:
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Production Notes
- "We have an idea for episode 12 (and are looking for a suitable location)..." — Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog, March 22, 2008.
- "Alan is focused on his third script..." — Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog, April 11, 2008.
- "Next to thinking up with episode titles, coming up with names for aliens and off-world villagers is one of the most challenging aspects of this job. In preparation for an upcoming script, we recently set aside time to brainstorm some terrific names. So far, we’ve got: Philip Seymour Hoffan, Felicity Hoffan, Carey the story’s pariah (aka Pariah Carey), and, my favorite, David Hassel the Hoffan (aka David Hassel Hoffan). An entire afternoon well spent." — Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog, April 28, 2008.
- "We have Alan McCullough’s location episode (q.v. yesterday‘s David Hassel Hoffan entry)..." — Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog, April 29, 2008.
- "Outsiders will be Alan’s follow-up to The Queen..." — Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog, May 8, 2008.
- "I returned to the production offices late this afternoon - anxious, exhausted, slightly nauseous, and more than a little combative. In other words, I was in a the perfect mood to give a fellow writer notes on his latest script. Today, that writer happened to be Alan McCullough. The script: Outsiders. Alas, I got to do very little screaming/script-throwing/couch-jumping. Alan wrote a solid first draft of what is going to be a really good episode. Damnit! And I’d made it a point to wear my couch-jumping shoes today too." — Joseph Mallozzi in his personal blog, May 14, 2008.
- Concept Art for this episode reveal that it is now episode 513 (Mallozzi's blog, May 21, 2008).
Further Reading
--DeeKayP 06:54, 22 May 2008 (PDT)