User talk:DeeKayP/John Sheppard

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Lt. Col. John Sheppard


From MGM: Gifted pilot Lt. Colonel John Sheppard is the military leader of the premiere Stargate Atlantis team. A cunning soldier with a wry wit and wicked golf swing, Sheppard leads the team through both on-base and off-world missions. Sheppard’s leadership and bravery is put to full use as the crew works to stay one step ahead of their longtime foe, the Wraith, and newly emerging enemies sure to test their stamina.

Personal Data

  • Birthday:
  • Birthplace:
  • Marital Status: Divorced, Nancy Sheppard
  • Children: None
  • Parents: Patrick Sheppard (Deceased)
  • Siblings: Dave Sheppard
  • Stargate Program Rank: United States Air Force Lt. Colonel
  • Stargate Program Position: Military Leader of the Atlantis Base and Leader of the flagship Stargate team (usually identified as Sheppard's Team)

Before Joining the Stargate Program

Before Joining the U.S. Air Force

  • MENSA candidate
  • Privileged Lifestyle

Military Career in the U.S. Air Force

Military background contributed by mischief5 and Matt B.:

Sheppard attended Stanford University (SGA 4.15 "Outcast"). In order to qualify for training as a USAF pilot, he needed a B.S. in aeronautical engineering. (This is according to the USAF Academy website.) It's likely that he joined the AFROTC at Stanford as those students who do have a far better chance of being accepted by the Air Force as officer candidates than those who don't.

Sheppard also has a Masters degree. This is a requirement for all officers in the US military who seek promotion to field grade (major and above). It is unlikely that he took both his Bachelors and his Masters at Stanford as it is frowned upon in academia to take multiple degrees at one institution. Where he got his Masters and in what discipline remain unknown. However, given his facility with numbers, he probably went with Applied Math.

All USAF pilots begin their training in fixed wing aircraft. Sheppard would have trained as a fighter pilot before switching over to rotor aircraft.

Sheppard would have been the right age to be a first lieutenant during the Gulf War, having just completed his fixed wing training as a fighter pilot.

Sheppard's actions and the dialog between him and his friends, Mitch and Dex, indicated that he was a Special Ops trained pilot (SGA 1.09 "Home", 1.10 "The Storm Part 1", 1.11 "The Eye Part 2"). This is further supported by his hallucinations on M1B-129 when he relived portions of his rescue attempt of his friend Capt. Holland whose helicopter was downed in Afghanistan (SGA 3.09 "Phantoms"). Special Ops rotor pilots are trained to provide ground support when required.

Sheppard trained as a pilot during the period of time when the Air Force was still operating full SERE training (Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape). Before reporting to McMurdo, he would have gone to the Arctic Survival School in Alaska. He was at the end of his second tour at McMurdo, the U.S. Antarctic base, having requested a post as far from the world as possible, when he was asked to pilot the helicopter carrying Brig. Gen. Jack O'Neill to the Antarctic Outpost that housed the Ancient Weapons Platform.

Atlantis Expedition

Hobbies and Other Interests

  • Ferris Wheels: When introducing himself to the Athosian leader Teyla Emmagan, Sheppard declared that he liked Ferris wheels (SGA 1.01-1.02 "Rising"). When he was stuck inside a sanctuary for people to meditate toward reaching ascension, Sheppard claimed that he thought about sitting on a Ferris wheel to get to a peaceful state, although he was distracted with thoughts about a beautiful woman (SGA 2.12 "Epiphany", 3.14 "Tao of Rodney").
  • College Football:
  • Anything that goes more than 200 MPH: Sheppard's "need for speed" has been realized through his accomplishments as a skilled pilot. He has a remarkable history as a military pilot, including flying the Apache, Cobra, Blackhawk, and V-22 Osprey helicopters, as well as the Stargate Program's F-302 fighter. He's also an accomplished pilot of the Ancient Puddle Jumper and the Wraith Dart. (SGA 1.01-1.02 "Rising", 3.20 "First Strike Part 1", 2.10 "The Lost Boys Part 1")
  • Golf:
  • Video Games:
  • Reading: War and Peace
  • Music: Johnny Cash
  • Skateboarding:
  • Remote Controlled Cars:
  • Sparring:
  • Drinking:
  • Food: Sheppard seems to have a fondness for turkey sandwiches.
  • Dislike of Clowns:

Injuries, Sicknesses, Deaths

  • Infected with Wraith Retrovirus: After being fed upon by the Wraith Ellia who was undergoing a metamorphosis with the prototype of Dr. Beckett's retrovirus, Sheppard began to mutate into a human-Iratus hybrid. Fortunately, Beckett developed a cure, and Sheppard returned to normal, but not without a few close calls. (SGA 2.07 "Instinct", SGA 2.08 "Conversion")

Key Episodes


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Further Reading


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