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Stargate SG-1 Solutions Season 1 Wallpapers & Screencaptures

All wallpapers are sized 1024x768.  To view full size, click on the thumbnail.  To save the full-size wallpaper, wait until it loads completely on your screen, then right-mouse click and "Save Picture As."

All episode screencaptures are sized at 600x339 and presented in their own gallery.  You can choose to browse the thumbnail index pages or click through each full-size screencap in turn.  To save the full-size image, wait until it loads completely on your screen, then right-mouse click and "Save Picture As."

1.01 Children Of The Gods Part 1 Screencaptures Wallpapers
1.02 Children Of The Gods Part 2 Screencaptures Wallpapers

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21981 hits since March 1, 2006

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