Solutions is always proud to announce significant developments in the Stargate: SG-1 world, and to provide our own analysis of spoilers as they become available. However with the increasing popularity of the show we’ve found it hard to keep up with all of the news! We’d therefore like to recommend the sg1_spoilme Yahoo! Group as an additional source for SG-1 and Atlantis spoilers and news. sg1_spoilme is the largest Stargate-related Yahoo! group, with over 4500 members. It’s a great source for learning about interviews, news coverage, episode-related website updates, fan convention reports, and general behind-the-scenes goings on for both Stargate: SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis. The list owners work very hard to gather all relevant news each and every day.

Join the list here: Join sg1_spoilme

All posts to the list are moderated so that only news, information, and spoilers get through, with no contentious or off-topic discussion. Just the facts, ma’am. The list does not push an agenda or censor information based on who sends it in, where it is hosted, perceived fandom allegiances, personal actor preferences, or any other political baloney.

If you want to know all that’s going on in the Stargate world, sg1_spoilme is the place for you!

You may now return to writing those letters to TPTB about “Threads” 🙂