SOLUTIONS EXCLUSIVE: Stargate SG-1’s star Richard Dean Anderson has broken his ankle
After eight years of playing kick-ass Special Ops Colonel Jack O’Neill taking on all comers in Stargate SG-1, the equally athletic and sporty star Richard Dean Anderson has finally met his match in little daughter Wylie.
A play session for dad and daughter left dad with a broken ankle!
With all of the fights, acrobatics, aeronautics, alarums and excursions Anderson has had to go through in his role as O’Neill, being felled by playing with his little girl of all things has left the star laughing.
A devoted dad who helps out at his daughter’s school, Anderson has signalled his intention to retire from his active role in Stargate SG-1 in order to spend more time with Wylie at their home in Los Angeles.
The show’s producers and broadcaster SCI FI Channel still hope to negotiate with Anderson several appearances as Jack O’Neill in Season 9. O’Neill’s absence from the SGC will be explained by way of promotion as he’ll be taking over from General Hammond as the head of Homeworld Security.
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Serious of this? Would it mean that RDA wouldn’t be able to play Jack for a part of S9 if he DID agree?
Well, it might seriously mess up the start of filming in March if he had agreed to do an early ep to show him leaving the SGC…
I hope his ankle’s better soon. The main thing is for him to make sure he rests and recupperates.
Hugs to ya and a Speedy recovery from your injury. Wylie is tougher than you thought, hehehehee! Get Well! Writer997/Tracey
I hope he is better soon and we will see something of him in season 9!A little is better than nothing! He has said he will retire before and then starts a new series!
Wow, that “su…” I feel for you Rick. My healing wishes and prayers to you for having to endure yet another broken bone. How many is that now? Take care, we really would like to see you occasionally at SGC, please.
I had to grin at this- I did the same thing years ago when my youngest daughter and I were playing. Hope you’re feeling better soon!
I hate to say this , the show has taken a whole new approach to the epsiodes and I basically hate them. Gone are the interaction between the characters , the action has been taken out of most of them and now it seems like it has become a soap opera type of show. My theory is if it isnt broke why fix it.
Take care of yourself Rick and of Wylie.
Hope you get Better soon
Hoping to see you in Seaon 9
Loyal Fan
Get better soon Rick. it’s no fun having a broken bone. Been there done that. lol
I hope you get better soon.I still wish we will see you in see you in one or another season nine episode (after recovery).
Get Well Soon Rick ;>
Hope we will see you in Season Nine…even if it just a few episodes.
OUCH…..hope it’s not a bad break and it gets better real soon.
Sorry to hear about Anderson, hope he gets better soon. He will.
Delighted! to hear about O’neill … Perhaps he could get the Iron Boot bronzed? For his desk at HWS? :-/
( of course he’s booting himself )
What about Hammond? If O’Neill takes over HWS, does Hammond waste the taxpayers’ money by going on trips to Hawaii like our Homeland Security?
I’ll miss RDA, but he is great in all I’ve seen him in. I hope to see him in something again soon.
aww…I hope he has a quick recovery.
– Get well soon, Rick! …so you can play more with Wylie. ;^)
Been there, done that. No fun.
I hope he heals quickly.
oh rick at least u hav a good reason to eat chocolate cake and hav everybody fussin over u! hope ur ok love u loads!
lov laura
Richard, I’m sorry to hear about your broken ankle! I hope it heals soon! I know it must be hard to be inactive while it heals. Love u lots and lots!
Hope it heals real quick,girls are tough aren’t they.Would love to see you in S9,wouldn’t be right without you there.
Rick, hope you heal quickly with as little discomfort as possible. If you need any TLC, just email me.
I hope you heal soon and with-out pain. I have had a few breaks and its no fun. Hope to see you in season 9……love ya lots!!
It aint no fun being hurt, and havign to rest all the time. So Get Well Soon Richard!!
Rick I hope you get well soon. Sorry to here about the ankle. I hope you come back for S9.
You must have some rough little girl there. Get well soon. I hope to see you in Season 9.
Maybe one should remember that one is not as young as one thinks one is and little girls play just as rough as little boys!!!! LOL
I bet that Wylie watches too much of the show and decided to take on her dad. I hope Rick is feeling better soon and gets back to his busy duties. Poor baby!
Dear Rick, Hope to see you back on your feet soon & kicking some more gould ass. Get well soon. Rest that ankle for me ok. I care alot about you & want you up & a around. Take care big hug 4 wylie. She didnt mean to hurt you im sure. Heather.
Ric God Bless and heal quick. Wylie IS the most important thing you could be putting your energy into. BE a GREAT DAD
Hope that ankle heals up soon rick!
we all hope to see you in season 9, even if its just the last few episodes,(if season 9 is the last season) where you come back to kick some more snake head ass, and we need some closure on the Sam-Jack situation!! must have closure!! Anyways, take care man ive been fan since your Mcgyver days im glad its still on tv too
that’s so classic! im laughing my head off. Hope it gets better soon! Be more careful next time. Lil’ gals play rough. I know. I used to be little! Love ya heaps!
RDA get well soon! Yeeeaaaah. Best wishez
Rick, hope you’re better soon. If you have a dog hug it daily and you will feel better. It works! Love ya.
oh the poor baby! have broken my ankle twice before and it soooooooo sore you can’t explain it! Keep it in the air – doctor’s orders (and it means people have to run around after you! hehe!)
It’s a shame that Jack O’Neill won’t be around but whatever is decided i wish RDA the best for the future with his beautiful daughter!
Stargate will not be the same without O’Neill. Losing Hammond hurt the series, losing the “MAN” would be an axe. Lets get O’Neill in the sarcoughagus fix his ankle and move on. Anyway, all kidding aside – get well soon Rick, you will be missed.