Write SCI FI's wrongs!

Save Stargate SG1.com has learned that in its 3rd week, Battlestar Galactica, critically acclaimed flagship show of the SCI FI Channel, has shed more viewers.

Airing Friday 20 October, Exodus Part 2 obtained a 1.4 HHR according to the Nielsen fast overnight ratings. This is a drop of approximately 11.1% from the 1.6 HHR for Exodus Part 1, and a drop of approximately 22.2% from the 1.8 HHR gained by the Season 3 premiere episodes.

No one here wishes ill of Battlestar Galactica, any more than we wish ill of Stargate SG-1 or Atlantis. Many of us are fans, or at least viewers, of all three shows. As campaigners, Save Stargate SG-1 have been arguing since the cancellation that, together, the Gates and Galactica had a natural synergy, a must-see triad in the SCI FI Friday lineup that strengthened the ratings of all.

SCI FI fixed what wasn’t broke. They were wrong.

Stargate SG-1, Atlantis and Battlestar Galactica have all shed viewers since the separation. Together, they were thriving, holding their audiences, gaining viewers, riding high. Separated by SCI FI’s scheduling decisions, they’re suffering. Stargate SG-1 has been cancelled. Even more expensive to produce, Galactica is bleeding viewers week on week. The proof is in the Nielsens, not the media hype.

It’s time to call SCI FI Channel on its bad decisions. Time to tell it straight to Bonnie Hammer and Mark Stern. They were wrong. Dead wrong. Let’s help them right that wrong.

Now is the time to tell them to save not just Stargate SG-1, but themselves.

SCI FI Channel needs to reinstate its SCI FI Friday lineup NOW: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica.

SCI FI Channel needs an 11th season of Stargate SG-1. Or it might not make it into a 4th season of Galactica.

Parent company NBC Universal’s poor performance has seen them launch a $750 million restructure, including shedding 700 jobs, in a bid to restore profits. They cannot afford for SCI FI or Galactica to fail.


Randy Falco, President
NBC Universal Television Group,
30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York, NY, 10112


Bonnie Hammer, President
NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel,
30 Rockefeller Plaza,
New York, NY, 10112

Mark Stern, Executive Vice President Original Programming
NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
100 Universal City Plaza
Bld. 1440, 14th Floor
Universal City, CA 91608


FAO: Bonnie Hammer, President
NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
Fax: (212) 664-3890
Tel: (212) 664-4444

FAO: Mark Stern, Executive VP Original Programming
NBC Universal | Sci Fi Channel
Tel: (818) 777-1000

Spread word as far as you can. Encourage everyone to write SCI FI’s wrongs.

2 thoughts on “Write SCI FI's wrongs!”

  1. I do believe that they have made their bed but it is commendable the efforts of this site to save them from having to lie in it. When will these people learn that they haven’t got the power anymore, the fans have.

    In the short term they can cancel shows vindictively (as was done with SG, the refusal to count the second airing shows signs of that) but they will suffer in the long term as has happened to their show BSG, the one series that belongs to them and they make money from.

    Through ratings fans can either cancel a show or through community power they can save it if the said network is smart enough to listen.

    Listen Sci-Fi!

  2. Years ago I was selected to do a nielsens ratings book. I was stationed in Hawaii for the military. I had SG1 on each page faithfully.
    Even got my wife hooked on it. She’s even come around to the Atlantis spin-off. We had our Scifi Fridays. The 3 hour block of SG1, Atlantis and BSG was great. We would even tell friends “sorry can’t do that night out… staying home, making nacho’s.. and watching SciFi Friday.”
    Now, my life isn’t boring. I like a night out on the town as much as the next person but it was a choice that became a tradition. A feeling of ” hey I have a 3 hour movie that I want to see.. and it’ll be brand new every week.” We even did Scifi mondays. Now ” Wrestling” can a network be accused of “jumping the shark” , look shows with worm-hole physics, transdimensional conduits, alternate timeline paradoxs should never EVER share a time slot remotely close to anything with initials TNA, TNT, or WW- anything. Bad network execs BAD!!! Shame… now that we have that out of the way. Do not cancel SG1.

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