David Nykl in "Zero Point" Now Available for Download

Zero Point

The third and final Atlantis episode in the first season of the new Big Finish Stargate series of audio dramas, “Zero Point”, is currently available for download and its CD for purchase at the production’s website. This production is written by James Swallow and directed by Sharon Gosling and features the voice of David Nykl as Dr. Radek Zelenka. “Zero Point” also features a musical score and runs for approximately 70 minutes.

Set between “Reunion” and “Midway” of Season Four, the story synopsis: “Zelenka reluctantly finds himself aboard the Starship Apollo as part of Colonel Carter’s drive to survey the area of space surrounding Atlantis’ new planet. It’s a sensible idea, he understands that – but it’s also very dull. Dull, that is, until the ship discovers an entirely new life form…”

Fans will be able to download each audio adventure in the six-episode season, along with the CD artwork, for $8.99 (USD). This episode’s CD release is priced at $18.15 + $2.74 shipping (USD) at the website. Those who buy the CD will be permitted to download the episode from the website at no extra charge.

Big Finish is planning on releasing additional titles for a second season, including “Pathogen”, which features Teryl Rothery and audio drama newcomer Christopher Judge.

One thought on “David Nykl in "Zero Point" Now Available for Download”

  1. I WAS feeling interested – but from the UK they are charging at almost double the price! The quoted download price of $8.99 (USD) should equate to around £5 – but is being charged at £8.99.

    The website quotes prices automatcally in your own local currency – so it knows where you are viewing from – and therefore that it is ripping you off with inflated prices. Not a good start in attracting customers!

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