Consulting producer Joseph Mallozzi is offering fans a chance to submit their questions to Stargate star Amanda Tapping in the comment section of his weblog. Here are his instructions:
“I was exchanging emails with the lovely Amanda Tapping and I asked her whether she might be interested in doing a fan Q&A. Well, I’m happy to report that she’s more than happy to visit with us. And with production on Sanctuary’s second season poised to begin soon, she has a rare/brief window of calm before the inevitable storm. So…
“If you’ve got questions for Amanda Tapping, start posting. But please avoid duplicating questions that have already been asked. Be concise and let’s avoid burying Amanda under the inevitable avalanche of well-wishes and meandering queries.”
He’s opened the floor, so send in your questions now! Go HERE, and while you’re there, read over Mallozzi’s “fond remembrances” of the original four SG-1 actors: Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Michael Shanks, and Christopher Judge.
ETA: The deadline for submitting your questions has now passed. Look for the answers in Mallozzi’s weblog soon.