Firesky, the publisher for Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment’s troubled Stargate Worlds MMORPG, have announced their new Stargate product, Stargate: Resistance, at the game’s new homepage.
Here’s the announcement from Chris Klug, Creative Consultant:
Hello to our fans, and a special hello to any of you I’ve had the pleasure of chatting with one-on-one during the past couple years. I’m glad to be back online! I’m sure it comes as no surprise to you that here at Firesky the last year has been a little rough. The fact I’m here talking to you should tell you there’s a happy ending in sight.
We’ve come through it all with as much excitement and passion for the Stargate franchise as ever (Stargate: Universe, anyone?) and, as you can see from this new website, for now we’re focusing our efforts on an exciting new game for you Stargate fans, Stargate:Resistance. Combining the talents of all our developers, this 3rd-person action title pits teams of Stargate Command personnel against the System Lords and their minions in exhilarating real-time online battles. This new title is the fruit of what we’ve all worked on in the last few months.
The game focuses on three really exciting elements: fluid team-centric play (the classes support one another), fast-paced real-time combat, and wonderful maps designed specifically to bring these two sides into conflict through dynamic hand-to-hand and ranged combat.
Resistance brings to our fans the kind of gameplay SGW never planned to deliver. Resistance delivers the combat, weapons and tactics seen so often on the show that many of you have been asking for. I know this game will excite fans who have longed to go toe-to-toe with a Jaffa as well as those who always wanted to dominate the galaxy in ways the MMO could only hint at, and I’m proud to have been part of this team and prouder still that Firesky is bringing this product to you. Everyone working hard on this title is equally proud, and well they should be.
As well as building this new exciting product, paramount to Firesky’s long-term future is restoring your confidence and trust in us. While we’ve never lied to you about our circumstances, many times we were silent while our critics had their fun at our expense. We chose to remain quiet during those times, because, honestly, we often didn’t know what our future was day-to-day, sometimes even hour-to-hour. As a group we chose to not say anything until we knew something.
Moving forward, think of our relationship as one we need to re-build; imagine this conversation is the first one we have over a cup of coffee in Starbucks where I ask you to give us a chance to restore what we had and enjoyed together.
Continue to stick with us. I know you’ll enjoy the fast-paced action Resistance has in store for you while we continue to work towards SGW’s release.
Some of the game’s details are included below, but more information can be found on the FAQ page at their website:
What is Stargate Resistance?
Stargate Resistance is a team-based 3rd person shooter set in the Stargate universe. Players will join a team based on which faction they choose and go head- to-head against other players as they vie for control of the galaxy across different worlds.
What Platforms will it be on?
Stargate Resistance will be available on the PC only.
What are system requirements?
Minimum System Requirements
• Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
• 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor
• 512 Mbytes of System RAM
• NVIDIA 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ Video Card
• 8 GB of Free Hard Drive SpaceRecommended System Requirements
• 2.4+ GHZ Dual Core Processor
• 1 GBytes of System RAM
• NVIDIA 7800GTX+ or ATI x1300+ Video Card
• 8 GB of Free Hard Drive SpaceThese specs are subject to change as game development continues.
When will it be released?
Stargate Resistance is set to be released in the first quarter of 2010.