New Show for Stargate Writers Revealed?

Transporter 3 movie posterProducer Joe Mallozzi has been blogging over the past few weeks about a potential new writing opportunity for him and fellow Stargate writer-producers Paul Mullie and Robert C. Cooper. Last week the three met up in Toronto to break episodes with the show-runner and producers of the new series, which Joe declined to name but has described as the first season of a TV show based on an established franchise. He’s also said it’s action-oriented, not science fiction and has a male main character.

On his last day in Toronto, Joe revealed the name of the show-runner: German-born producer Alexander M. Ruemelin. An alert blog reader of Joe’s, Randomness, used his google-foo to discover that Alexander Ruemelin is the show-runner of the new series The Transporter, based on the three-movie, French franchise of the same name (The Transporter 1, 2, and 3).

Today Joe made it clear he and Paul at least have made deals to work on the project, and that he’s planning to move to Toronto for the filming season. Robert C. Cooper appears to already be living there and attached to the project.

Below are some internet reports about the new Transporter series. The show will be financed by the French company that produced the movies. It will be filmed in English and has been picked up by a “major” U.S. network. It will tell the story of a man whose job is to transport anything, anywhere, no questions asked.

The timing and Joe’s description of the show seem to match. As well, Joe wouldn’t have approved those blog comments by Randomness if he had wanted it to remain a secret.

So if this is all correct, congrats to Joe, Paul, and Rob — on to Toronto! And may we ask you to consider Stargate actors as you’re casting your new show. 🙂

5 thoughts on “New Show for Stargate Writers Revealed?”

  1. If it were me, I’d take a year-long job over the chance of maybe having a few weeks of work on a DVD movie…

  2. As far as I can tell, Brad Wright and Carl Binder are still with Stargate.

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