The Auctioning Off of Stargate

Stargate fans can mourn, but at the same time Stargate collectors can rejoice! There will be an auction of many of the franchise’s props this coming Friday and Saturday (June 17 and 18).

The Province declares, “You could own a part of the universe.”

Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi wrote about the event in his recent weblog entry: “[H]alf of the FX stage (that once held the village and hive ship sets) is filled with stuff from the shows.” The Province has a picture of the stage, so visit the website to see which props you can readily identify.

The Province got quotes from actor David Nykl (Dr. Radek Zelenka, Stargate Atlantis) and producer John Lenic, who worked on all three shows in the franchise. Lenic described the auction:

Some of the furniture key to Stargate Universe and Atlantis, that stuff will go fairly quickly. There’s monitors that were built into the set, people saw them for years. There’s a lot of military clothing. Basically the majority of the stuff being sold is stuff that we’ve used in the three shows over the 14 years that isn’t specific to any episode.

VIP Auctions, out of Chicago, are running the auction and will be selling the Stargate itself, either in pieces or as a whole. The finality of this struck Mallozzi as well when he commended the efforts of the Save SGU campaign, but at the same time admitted, “Can’t tell you how touching it is to read that fan efforts are still ongoing despite what most (myself included) consider very long odds.”

About the auction Mallozzi concluded, “Sad, sad, sad. :(”

We couldn’t agree more.