Shanks Gets Role in Hallmark Movie

Michael Shanks (spring/summer 2007)

Michael Shanks Online, the official website of the Stargate star, has announced that the actor has a role in a new movie. In a note to update his fans, Shanks wrote:

I’m working on a Hallmark channel movie with Gail O’Grady (NYPD Blue/American Dreams) about breast cancer right now. As of yet the project has no title, but it is being directed by Anne Wheeler (Suddenly Naked). It has been fun! My character in the movie is named Brad Marshall, and I play husband to the lead character Emily (Gail O’Grady). Emily is diagnosed with breast cancer, and the story is about her personal trials and tribulations with the disease and her family’s struggles.

According to the website, the tentative title for the movie is Race for the Cure, and the film had also been referred to as a Mother’s Day Project, which might indicate that Hallmark will be releasing the movie in early May. MSOL promises an update as soon as more information is available.