Vancouver Sun Features Stargate Franchise

Brad Wright talks of feature film to be made in near future

Marke Andrews of the Vancouver Sun has published an article entitled, “Stargate’s success is out of this world: Series have brought $500 million US in production to B.C.” (Saturday, April 8, 2006). The two-page article features quotes from Stargate SG-1 co-creator and executive producer Brad Wright.

Not only does Andrews list the incredible numbers associated with the Stargate franchise, but he also presents a concise history of its production. Wright attributes some of SG-1‘s success to its continuity in the creative staff over the last ten years. He also stated, “The show doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s meant to be a fun show.”

Wright also states that he’s most excited about the upcoming multi-player role game being developed by Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment, as well as the feature film he hopes to make in the near future.

Read the complete article HERE.

[Thanks to prion6 for the tip.]

2 thoughts on “Vancouver Sun Features Stargate Franchise”

  1. To be honest, I’d like the show to take itself a bit more seriously, you know?


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