1.02 "Children Of The Gods Part 2" Episode Guide

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1.02 "Children Of The Gods Part 2"


When Sha're and Skaara are kidnapped, Jack returns with Daniel to Earth where a new team is formed to battle the alien threat: SG-1. They go through to another world, home to Apophis, an alien parasite like Ra. Sha're and Skaara are taken as hosts while the members of SG-1 are rescued by the most unlikely ally: Apophis' First Prime Teal'c.

Guide | Transcript | Wallpapers

MGM/SciFi.com Official Summary

Colonel Jack O'Neill retired from the military a year ago. Prior to retirement, he led an expedition through the Stargate, an ancient portal that allows instantaneous travel to other galaxies. He is called back to duty by General Hammond when a group of aliens emerge from the Stargate, kill the soldiers guarding it, and kidnap a female guard. After seeing the aftermath of the alien attack and the strange bodies they left behind, O'Neill confesses that he defied the order to destroy Abydos, the world he visited via the Stargate. He reveals that Dr. Daniel Jackson, the scientist who was thought to have died on that mission, is alive and living on Abydos. It is also clear that these aliens are not from Abydos.

O'Neill is reunited with his old comrades Kawalsky and Ferretti and joined by Capt. Samantha Carter, an astrophysicist. SG-1 returns through the Stargate to Abydos. They discover that Jackson has taken an Abydan wife, the beautiful Sha're, and that Skaara, the young Abydan boy O'Neill cherishes as a son, has grown into a fine young man. They also see Jackson's latest discovery: a giant cartouche covered in hieroglyphics that seems to be a map of many Stargates throughout the galaxy.

As they marvel, however, the aliens led by the handsome but evil Apophis, are making use of a similar map. They emerge from the Stargate on Abydos, and after a brief battle, kidnap Sha're and Skaara. Ferretti, who was wounded in the firefight with the aliens, has seen the hieroglyphic code that indicates the alien's destination. O'Neill and Jackson are determined to follow the aliens and to save their loved ones.

With a troop of soldiers from Earth in tow, they track the aliens to the planet Chulak. There they discover that Sha're is now Apophis' queen; her body has been taken over by the hideous snake creatures, known as the Goa'uld, who rule this planet and collect life forms from around the galaxy to use as hosts. They know they can't save her, but can they save themselves and Skaara before they're killed by the Goa'uld guards and before General Hammond sends a nuclear weapon through the Stargate to destroy the planet?


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--Kylie Lee 04:03, 10 Jul 2004 (PDT)