Stargate Universe: 2.18 "Epilogue"

The Ancestors' fates are recorded in EPILOGUE.
Tonight at the new time of 9 PM ET on Syfy—and later this week in Canada and Australia—is Stargate Universe episode 2.18 “Epilogue,” written by Carl Binder and directed by Alex Chapple.

Picking up right where we left off from last week’s “Common Descent,” we’ll find out the fate of Novus, the world that was settled and developed by the time-traveling Destiny crew when they arrived there over 2000 years ago. The massive city was apparently abandoned as the cold and ash that resulted from a supervolcano’s eruption drove them out. But, where did they go?

Find out tonight as the video logs retell the survivors’ stories, and afterwards, make sure to rejoin us here for our episode poll on the front page.

Link and Spoiler Collection

[spoiler intro=”Episode Synopsis from TV Guide (Spoilers)”]

Destiny reaches an abandoned modern civilization on a planet in the throes of seismic destruction. While the crew retrieves valuable data archives stored underground, Rush discovers a possible way to help the planet’s survivors.[/spoiler]

[spoiler intro=”Syfy: Preview (NEW TIME! 9 PM ET)”]


[spoiler intro=”Syfy: Sneak Peek (Actual Scene)”]


[spoiler intro=”Space: Preview (Tuesday)”]
