Stargate Planner: Week of July 11-17

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


July 11
Syfy’s “Powerful Monday” begins tonight with the premieres of Eureka at 8/7c, Warehouse 13 at 9/8c, and then the new Alphas at 10/9c. Be expecting to see SGU’s MING-NA and ALAINA HUFFMAN later on this season on Eureka and Alphas, respectively. Currently, we don’t know the dates of their episodes, but we’ll report them as soon as we do.
July 12
July 13
July 14
July 15
PAUL McGILLION is scheduled to be a guest and a presenter for the Constellation Awards at the Polaris 25 convention in Toronto that’s starting today and ending on the 17th. Other Stargate stars making guest appearances are BEN BROWDER, JEWEL STAITE, ADAM BALDWIN, and ARMIN SHIMERMAN. Make sure to visit the con’s website for schedule details.

CONNOR TRINNEER will be attending Creation Entertainment’s weekend-long celebration of the 45th anniversary of Star Trek in Boston. William Shatner is the guest of honor on Sunday, the 17th.

July 16
July 17


Conan the Barbarian (final poster)For news as it happens, make sure to visit the STARGATE TWITTER SUPERFEED for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature BEYOND THE EVENT HORIZON, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.

Our LJ COMPANION has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits. Some of our recent posts in this LJ, as well as from the related SGU DESTINY, a Universe-specific community, include:

For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.