Stargate Universe: Major Characters: Difference between revisions

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|valign="top"|[[Chloe Armstrong]] - Chloe is both the daughter of and aide to U.S. Senator Alan Armstrong, the head of an organization that exists to oversee funding for the Stargate Program. She was responsible for influencing the decision to continue financial support for research into the ninth chevron. She has a wild streak and is closer to her father than to her mother.  (From MGM)
|valign="top"|[[Chloe Armstrong]] - Chloe is both the daughter of and aide to U.S. Senator Alan Armstrong, the head of an organization that exists to oversee funding for the Stargate Program. She was responsible for influencing the decision to continue financial support for research into the ninth chevron. She has a wild streak and is closer to her father than to her mother.  (From MGM)
==Stargate Program==
==Homeworld Command and the Stargate Program==
|valign="top"|[[Image:sgu-jack-oneill.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Jack O'Neill|Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:sgu-jack-oneill.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Jack O'Neill|Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Jack O'Neill|Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill]] - Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill is the first leader of the legendary SG-1 and now heads Homeworld Security. His headquarters at Homeworld Command in Washington, D.C., oversees the rescue effort to bring home those stranded so very, very far away aboard the Ancient ship ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Jack O'Neill|Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill]] - Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill is the first leader of the legendary SG-1 and now heads Homeworld Security. His headquarters at Homeworld Command in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., oversees the rescue effort to bring home those stranded so very, very far away aboard the Ancient ship ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Image:Djssg1s10.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Daniel Jackson|Dr. Daniel Jackson]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:Djssg1s10.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Daniel Jackson|Dr. Daniel Jackson]]]]
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|valign="top"|[[Mehta|Dr. Mehta]] - She works beside Col. Telford at Homeworld Command and accompanied him to the ''Destiny'' via the Ancient Communications Stones when Col. Young and Chloe Armstrong first used them. Chloe used Mehta's body to visit her mother to tell her of the Senator's heroic death.
|valign="top"|[[Mehta|Dr. Mehta]] - She works beside Col. Telford at Homeworld Command and accompanied him to the ''Destiny'' via the Ancient Communications Stones when Col. Young and Chloe Armstrong first used them. Chloe used Mehta's body to visit her mother to tell her of the Senator's heroic death.
|valign="top"|[[Image:sgu-black-title.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Peterson|Maj. Peterson]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:sgu-peterson.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Peterson|Maj. Peterson]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Peterson|Maj. Peterson]] - As a member of O'Neill's Homeworld Command at the Pentagon, Maj. Peterson acts as liaison and escort whenever someone from the ''Destiny'' uses the Ancient Communications Stones in a body-swapping session. He paves the way in briefing the loved one on how the body swap works.  
|valign="top"|[[Peterson|Maj. Peterson]] - As a member of O'Neill's Homeworld Command at the Pentagon, Maj. Peterson acts as liaison and escort whenever someone from the ''Destiny'' uses the Ancient Communications Stones in a body-swapping session. He paves the way in briefing the loved one on how the body swap works. One such occasion was when he escorted Col. Everett Young when he visited his wife Emily for the first time after being stranded on the ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Image:sgu-green.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Green (SGU)|Maj. Green]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:sgu-green.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Green (SGU)|Maj. Green]]]]
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|valign="top"|[[Image:vanessajames.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Vanessa James|Lt. Vanessa James]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:vanessajames.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Vanessa James|Lt. Vanessa James]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Vanessa James|2nd Lt. Vanessa James]] - Stranded on the ''Destiny'', Lt. James also had a sexual relationship with Lt. Matthew Scott while they were assigned to Icarus Base. As one of the few officers aboard the ''Destiny'', James leads military teams as assigned. Her first away team served in the search and rescue capacity.
|valign="top"|[[Vanessa James|2nd Lt. Vanessa James]] - Stranded on the ''Destiny'', Lt. James also had a sexual relationship with Lt. Matthew Scott while they were assigned to Icarus Base. As one of the few officers aboard the ''Destiny'', James leads military teams as assigned. Her first away team served in the search and rescue capacity. She was one of those selected by lottery to survive on a nearby planet when the ''Destiny'' appeared to be on a fatal collision course with a sun, but that event proved to be a false alarm and she returned to the ship to resume her duties.
|valign="top"|[[Image:darrenbecker.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Darren Becker|Airman Darren Becker]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:darrenbecker.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Darren Becker|Airman Darren Becker]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Darren Becker|Airman Darren Becker]] - Worked in the mess on Icarus Base and is now stranded on the ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Darren Becker|Airman Darren Becker]] - He worked in the mess on Icarus Base and is now stranded on the ''Destiny''. His number one duty is to ration out the food and water at mealtimes, which are done in small groups scheduled twenty minutes apart. He was one of the people chosen in the lottery to survive the presumed destruction of the ''Destiny'' when it was on a collision course with a sun, but, fortunately, that was a false alarm and he returned to the Ancients' ship to once again serve protein powder meals in the mess.
|valign="top"|[[Image:lisapark.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Lisa Park|Dr. Lisa Park]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:lisapark.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Lisa Park|Dr. Lisa Park]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Lisa Park|Dr. Lisa Park]] - She becomes familiar with the various technological systems aboard the ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Lisa Park|Dr. Lisa Park]] - She is versed in Ancient technology and led a team to explore some of the systems aboard the ''Destiny''. She's familiar with the control consoles in the ''Destiny'''s 'gate room, and she was the lead in repairing the "space suits" left behind by the Ancients. She was also one of the people chosen by lottery to survive the ''Destiny'''s collision with a sun, but that proved to be a false alarm.
|valign="top"|[[Image:jeremyfranklin.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Jeremy Franklin]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:jeremyfranklin.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Jeremy Franklin]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Jeremy Franklin]] - He assisted in the surveying of the ''Destiny'' and sealing leaks. He was one of the members of the first away team to a planet selected by the ''Destiny'' to help in the ship's air system repairs. When he was about to follow Andrea Palmer and Sgt. Curtis to another planet, Rush ordered Greer to shoot him to prevent him from stepping through the Stargate to certain death. Lt. Tamara Johansen removed the bullet that had lodged in his right shoulder.
|valign="top"|[[Jeremy Franklin]] - He assisted in the surveying of the ''Destiny'' and sealing leaks. He was one of the members of the first away team to a planet selected by the ''Destiny'' to help in the ship's air system repairs. When he was about to follow Andrea Palmer and Sgt. Curtis to another planet, Rush ordered Greer to shoot him to prevent him from stepping through the Stargate to certain death. Lt. Tamara Johansen removed the bullet that had lodged in his right shoulder. He doesn't trust people in authority now that their food and water are being rationed.
|valign="top"|[[Image:hunterriley.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Hunter Rily|Sgt. Hunter Riley]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:hunterriley.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Hunter Rily|Sgt. Hunter Riley]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Hunter Riley|Sgt. Hunter Riley]] - He was the 'gate technician on Icarus Base and has taken the same role on ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Hunter Riley|Sgt. Hunter Riley]] - He was the 'gate technician on Icarus Base and has taken the same role on ''Destiny''. He also facilitates the use of the communications stones and has access to the ship's food and water supply. He, too, was one of the people chosen by lottery to survive the ''Destiny'''s collision with a sun, but fortunately, that was the way the ship normally recharges its reserve. Riley just celebrated his 30th birthday.
|valign="top"|[[Image:dalevolker.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Dale Volker|Dr. Dale Volker]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:dalevolker.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Dale Volker|Dr. Dale Volker]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Dale Volker|Dr. Dale Volker]] - He is an astrophysicist who is stranded on ''Destiny''. He suffered a broken arm in the evacuation of Icarus Base.
|valign="top"|[[Dale Volker|Dr. Dale Volker]] - He is an astrophysicist who is stranded on ''Destiny''. He suffered a broken arm in the evacuation of Icarus Base, but this hasn't kept him from working wherever he is needed. Col. Young believes that Volker should be kept up-to-date with what's going on with the ''Destiny'', so he assigned him to work with Dr. Rush. Unfortunately, Rush prefers to work with Eli Wallace or to work alone rather than have Volker there. Rush intimidates Volker and shakes his self-confidence.
|valign="top"|[[Image:adambrody.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Adam Brody]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:adambrody.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Adam Brody]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Adam Brody]] -  He is a scientist who understands some of the technology of the ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Adam Brody]] -  Brody is an engineer and knows how to read Ancient. He is used mostly in determining the function of various computer systems. His translations are sometimes incorrect, but for the most part, he is very competent at what he does. He was one of those chosen by lottery to board the only working shuttle and survive on a nearby planet when the ''Destiny'' appeared to be on a catastrophic collision course with a sun. Fortunately, that proved to be a false alarm, and Brody returned with the others to the ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Image:spencer.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Spencer|Marine Sgt. Spencer]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:spencer.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Spencer|Marine Sgt. Spencer]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Spencer|Sgt. Spencer]] - He is "a hard-ass military type who proves himself a bit of a loose cannon with a hair-trigger temper facing the strain and tensions of an unforeseen jaunt through distant space." (Joseph Mallozzi quote)
|valign="top"|[[Spencer|Sgt. Spencer]] - Spencer is probably one of the most tightly-wound people aboard the ''Destiny''. He is eager to get home and looks out only for himself. He hoarded power bars and water when these items were being rationed. He takes a prescription medication that he's about to run out of and he attempted to start a riot during the lottery to select those who would survive on the shuttle when the ''Destiny'' appeared to be on a fatal collision course into a sun. Sgt. Greer struck him so hard that he lost consciousness and remained so long after the lottery was completed. He was caught hoarding and locked up by Lt. Johansen when Young was off-world, but the colonel let him out with a warning.
|valign="top"|[[Image:caine.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Caine|Dr. Caine]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:caine.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Caine|Dr. Caine]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Caine|Dr. Caine]] - Stranded on the ''Destiny''.
|valign="top"|[[Caine|Dr. Caine]] - His role is not yet known.
|valign="top"|[[Image:andreapalmer.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Andrea Palmer]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Andrea Palmer]] - As a geologist, she was an important member of the first away team to a planet visited by the ''Destiny'' in search of lime for the air scrubbing system. Thinking that the desert planet they were on didn't have the needed lime, Palmer and Curtis overrode the lock the ''Destiny'' had placed on a nearby planet and stepped through the Stargate. They didn't answer their radios afterwards and the ''Destiny'' resumed its pre-programmed course, leaving them behind and without a dialing device. (SGU 1.03 "Air Part 3")
|valign="top"|[[Image:curtis.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Curtis|Sgt. Curtis]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:curtis.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Curtis|Sgt. Curtis]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Curtis|Sgt. Curtis]] - Among the stranded on the ''Destiny'', Curtis led a group to survey the Ancient ship, but as a member of the first away team, he was stranded on a planet with Andrea Palmer when the two of them overrode the lock-out code to another planet identified by the ''Destiny'' as a possible location for the lime that was needed in the air scrubbing systems aboard ''Destiny''. (SGU 1.03 "Air Part 3")
|valign="top"|[[Curtis|Sgt. Curtis]] - Among the stranded on the ''Destiny'', Curtis led a group to survey the Ancient ship, but as a member of the first away team, he was stranded on a planet with Andrea Palmer when the two of them overrode the lock-out code to another planet identified by the ''Destiny'' as a possible location for the lime that was needed in the air scrubbing systems aboard the Ancient ship. (SGU 1.03 "Air Part 3")
|valign="top"|[[Image:andreapalmer.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Andrea Palmer]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:gorman.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Gorman|Marine Cpl. Gorman]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Andrea Palmer]] - As a geologist, she was an important member of the first away team to a planet visited by the ''Destiny'' in search of lime for the air scrubbing system. Thinking that the desert planet they were on didn't have the needed lime, Palmer and Curtis overrode the lock the ''Destiny'' had placed on a nearby planet and stepped through the Stargate. They didn't answer their radios afterwards and the ''Destiny'' resumed its pre-programmed course, leaving them behind and without a dialing device. (SGU 1.03 "Air Part 3")
|valign="top"|[[Gorman|Marine Cpl. Gorman]] - He was among the survivors who ended up on the ''Destiny'', and was a member of one of the first away teams sent to a planet visited by the ship, under the command of Lt. James. Later, Col. Young assigned Gorman to investigate the ''Destiny'''s weapons capabilities. While on his way to the 'gate room to unload ice for the water supply, Gorman encountered the "dust devil" entities from the Destiny's first off-world mission and, feeling threatened, shot at them. They retaliated by attacking him, the effect being like thousands of tiny razors. Unfortunately, his wounds were too severe to be effectively treated and he died a few hours later.  
==Loved Ones Left Behind on Earth==
==Loved Ones Left Behind on Earth==
|valign="top"|[[Image:emilyyoung.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Emily Young]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:emilyyoung.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Emily Young]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Emily Young]] - She is Col. Everett Young's wife who was upset when her husband took the position as the Icarus Base commander. She is eager for him to resign his commission.
|valign="top"|[[Emily Young]] - She is Col. Everett Young's wife who was upset when her husband took the position as the Icarus Base commander. When Young visited her in Col. Telford's body, Emily could barely take in the news of her husband's situation. Not knowing if or when Everett will return home, Emily seemed ready to divorce him on the spot, but she wished him well and that he would remain safe.
|valign="top"|[[Image:maryannwallace.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Maryann Wallace]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:maryannwallace.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Maryann Wallace]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Maryann Wallace]] - She is Eli's mother, a hard-working waitress who also has a serious medical condition that has run down her family's finances. Eli takes the job on the Icarus Project in order to help his mother cover the medical expenses, which will be taken care of by the U.S. Air Force.
|valign="top"|[[Maryann Wallace]] - She is Eli's mother, a hard-working waitress who also has a serious medical condition that has run down her family's finances. Eli took the job on the Icarus Project in order to help his mother cover the medical expenses, which will be taken care of by the U.S. Air Force.
|valign="top"|[[Image:mrsarmstrong.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Mrs. Armstrong]]]]
|valign="top"|[[Image:mrsarmstrong.jpg|thumb|170px|left|[[Mrs. Armstrong]]]]

Revision as of 19:10, 1 November 2009


The following article contains SPOILERS. Proceed at your own risk.

Destiny: Major Characters

Dr. Nicholas Rush - Since the loss of his wife, Rush's dedication to science and his desire to explore the mysteries of the ninth chevron have overridden all else, at any cost. He alone is to blame for the situation that has flung everyone to the far reaches of the universe, without a way home. Even in his solitude, he is without remorse. (From MGM)
Col. Everett Young - As a life-long military man Col. Young has had difficulty hanging up his wings. When he signs on for one more mission, it pushes his already strained marriage to the breaking point. Young is not one to assign high risk missions to others and he is often at odds with Dr. Rush. (From MGM)
Camile Wray - Human resources executive Wray finds herself the highest ranking member of the International Oversight Committee (IOA) onboard the Destiny. Like many of those stranded on the ship, she is devastated by the separation from loved ones back on Earth. (From MGM)
Lt. Matthew Scott - Scott is a new member to the Stargate team with a troubled past. He is completely unprepared when he is thrust into a leadership role at a time of crisis. Scott struggles to maintain accord between those who have different agendas. (From MGM)
Lt. Tamara Johansen - Unable to afford medical school, this strong willed medic was days away from leaving the program when she found herself the only one with any medical training on board the Destiny. She has to contend with a difficult and secret history with someone who is also on board. (From MGM)
MSgt. Ronald Greer - A military man with a short fuse and no apologies, Greer has a mysterious past that has yet to be revealed. (From MGM)
Eli Wallace - A total slacker, who just happens to be an utter genius with anything he puts his mind to - mathematics, computers, video games. A lack of confidence has left him with an acerbic sense of humor. (From MGM)
Chloe Armstrong - Chloe is both the daughter of and aide to U.S. Senator Alan Armstrong, the head of an organization that exists to oversee funding for the Stargate Program. She was responsible for influencing the decision to continue financial support for research into the ninth chevron. She has a wild streak and is closer to her father than to her mother. (From MGM)

Homeworld Command and the Stargate Program

Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill - Lt. Gen. Jack O'Neill is the first leader of the legendary SG-1 and now heads Homeworld Security. His headquarters at Homeworld Command in the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., oversees the rescue effort to bring home those stranded so very, very far away aboard the Ancient ship Destiny.
Dr. Daniel Jackson - Dr. Jackson is the brilliant archaeologist who opened the Stargate over a decade ago and made the Stargate Program possible. He joined SG-1 upon its inception and found the Lost City of the Ancients, Atlantis. He's considered the world's foremost expert on the Ancients, the advanced race of humans who built the Destiny so very long ago. He was selected to host the orientation videos aimed at those who were new to the Stargate Program and the Icarus Project.
Col. Samantha Carter - She holds a Ph.D. in Theoretical Astrophysics and is the foremost expert on the technology of the Stargate, having upgraded the dialing computer program to dial the Stargate at Stargate Command without the use of a Dial Home Device. She was one of the original members of SG-1, became its leader for one year, became the head of R&D for a brief while at Area 51, rejoined SG-1 during the war with the Ori, became the leader of Atlantis Base, and then was given the command of the Daedalus-Class starship U.S.S. George Hammond. Hers was the only ship to defend Icarus Base when it was attacked.
Col. David Telford - Stubborn and supremely confident, Colonel Telford is the head of the team that was selected to take the first journey through the Stargate using the ninth chevron. He is a life-long, highly skilled military man who is also an F-302 pilot. (From MGM)
Dr. Mehta - She works beside Col. Telford at Homeworld Command and accompanied him to the Destiny via the Ancient Communications Stones when Col. Young and Chloe Armstrong first used them. Chloe used Mehta's body to visit her mother to tell her of the Senator's heroic death.
Maj. Peterson - As a member of O'Neill's Homeworld Command at the Pentagon, Maj. Peterson acts as liaison and escort whenever someone from the Destiny uses the Ancient Communications Stones in a body-swapping session. He paves the way in briefing the loved one on how the body swap works. One such occasion was when he escorted Col. Everett Young when he visited his wife Emily for the first time after being stranded on the Destiny.
Maj. Green - As a member of O'Neill's Homeworld Command at the Pentagon, Maj. Green has a similar position as Maj. Peterson. His first time to act as escort was when Chloe Armstrong swapped bodies with Dr. Mehta in order to see her mother and to give her the grave news that Sen. Armstrong had heroically sacrificed his life.
Dr. Williams - Scientist or liaison with Homeworld Security who is working on a new solution to get those stranded on the Destiny home. (According to spoilers for "Earth") CASTING: According to IMDb: Ryan Kennedy
Dr. Eleanor Perry - A brilliant scientist who happens to be a quadriplegic, affected since childhood. However, after being brought on board the Destiny as the only person who may be able to save the ship and her crew from certain annihilation, she is given temporary powers that enable her to walk again and to finally experience intimacy. (Modified from a casting call from Spoiler TV for "Sabotage")

U.S. Government and International Oversight Advisory (IOA)

Sen. Alan Armstrong - He was the distinguished Senator who had the political oversight to the Icarus Project. He was also the proud loving father of Chloe Armstrong, who was also his political aide. Senator Armstrong sacrificed his life in order to give those stranded on the Destiny more time to figure out the problem with the Ancient ship's air supply.
Carl Strom - IOA representative and Camile Wray's supervisor, Carl Strom believes that the IOA should have full control of the Destiny. He does everything he can to see that this becomes a reality.

Icarus Base and Destiny: Supporting Characters


2nd Lt. Vanessa James - Stranded on the Destiny, Lt. James also had a sexual relationship with Lt. Matthew Scott while they were assigned to Icarus Base. As one of the few officers aboard the Destiny, James leads military teams as assigned. Her first away team served in the search and rescue capacity. She was one of those selected by lottery to survive on a nearby planet when the Destiny appeared to be on a fatal collision course with a sun, but that event proved to be a false alarm and she returned to the ship to resume her duties.
Airman Darren Becker - He worked in the mess on Icarus Base and is now stranded on the Destiny. His number one duty is to ration out the food and water at mealtimes, which are done in small groups scheduled twenty minutes apart. He was one of the people chosen in the lottery to survive the presumed destruction of the Destiny when it was on a collision course with a sun, but, fortunately, that was a false alarm and he returned to the Ancients' ship to once again serve protein powder meals in the mess.
Dr. Lisa Park - She is versed in Ancient technology and led a team to explore some of the systems aboard the Destiny. She's familiar with the control consoles in the Destiny's 'gate room, and she was the lead in repairing the "space suits" left behind by the Ancients. She was also one of the people chosen by lottery to survive the Destiny's collision with a sun, but that proved to be a false alarm.
Jeremy Franklin - He assisted in the surveying of the Destiny and sealing leaks. He was one of the members of the first away team to a planet selected by the Destiny to help in the ship's air system repairs. When he was about to follow Andrea Palmer and Sgt. Curtis to another planet, Rush ordered Greer to shoot him to prevent him from stepping through the Stargate to certain death. Lt. Tamara Johansen removed the bullet that had lodged in his right shoulder. He doesn't trust people in authority now that their food and water are being rationed.
Sgt. Hunter Riley - He was the 'gate technician on Icarus Base and has taken the same role on Destiny. He also facilitates the use of the communications stones and has access to the ship's food and water supply. He, too, was one of the people chosen by lottery to survive the Destiny's collision with a sun, but fortunately, that was the way the ship normally recharges its reserve. Riley just celebrated his 30th birthday.
Dr. Dale Volker - He is an astrophysicist who is stranded on Destiny. He suffered a broken arm in the evacuation of Icarus Base, but this hasn't kept him from working wherever he is needed. Col. Young believes that Volker should be kept up-to-date with what's going on with the Destiny, so he assigned him to work with Dr. Rush. Unfortunately, Rush prefers to work with Eli Wallace or to work alone rather than have Volker there. Rush intimidates Volker and shakes his self-confidence.
Adam Brody - Brody is an engineer and knows how to read Ancient. He is used mostly in determining the function of various computer systems. His translations are sometimes incorrect, but for the most part, he is very competent at what he does. He was one of those chosen by lottery to board the only working shuttle and survive on a nearby planet when the Destiny appeared to be on a catastrophic collision course with a sun. Fortunately, that proved to be a false alarm, and Brody returned with the others to the Destiny.
Sgt. Spencer - Spencer is probably one of the most tightly-wound people aboard the Destiny. He is eager to get home and looks out only for himself. He hoarded power bars and water when these items were being rationed. He takes a prescription medication that he's about to run out of and he attempted to start a riot during the lottery to select those who would survive on the shuttle when the Destiny appeared to be on a fatal collision course into a sun. Sgt. Greer struck him so hard that he lost consciousness and remained so long after the lottery was completed. He was caught hoarding and locked up by Lt. Johansen when Young was off-world, but the colonel let him out with a warning.
Dr. Caine - His role is not yet known.


Andrea Palmer - As a geologist, she was an important member of the first away team to a planet visited by the Destiny in search of lime for the air scrubbing system. Thinking that the desert planet they were on didn't have the needed lime, Palmer and Curtis overrode the lock the Destiny had placed on a nearby planet and stepped through the Stargate. They didn't answer their radios afterwards and the Destiny resumed its pre-programmed course, leaving them behind and without a dialing device. (SGU 1.03 "Air Part 3")
Sgt. Curtis - Among the stranded on the Destiny, Curtis led a group to survey the Ancient ship, but as a member of the first away team, he was stranded on a planet with Andrea Palmer when the two of them overrode the lock-out code to another planet identified by the Destiny as a possible location for the lime that was needed in the air scrubbing systems aboard the Ancient ship. (SGU 1.03 "Air Part 3")
Marine Cpl. Gorman - He was among the survivors who ended up on the Destiny, and was a member of one of the first away teams sent to a planet visited by the ship, under the command of Lt. James. Later, Col. Young assigned Gorman to investigate the Destiny's weapons capabilities. While on his way to the 'gate room to unload ice for the water supply, Gorman encountered the "dust devil" entities from the Destiny's first off-world mission and, feeling threatened, shot at them. They retaliated by attacking him, the effect being like thousands of tiny razors. Unfortunately, his wounds were too severe to be effectively treated and he died a few hours later.

Loved Ones Left Behind on Earth

Emily Young - She is Col. Everett Young's wife who was upset when her husband took the position as the Icarus Base commander. When Young visited her in Col. Telford's body, Emily could barely take in the news of her husband's situation. Not knowing if or when Everett will return home, Emily seemed ready to divorce him on the spot, but she wished him well and that he would remain safe.
Maryann Wallace - She is Eli's mother, a hard-working waitress who also has a serious medical condition that has run down her family's finances. Eli took the job on the Icarus Project in order to help his mother cover the medical expenses, which will be taken care of by the U.S. Air Force.
Mrs. Armstrong - She is Sen. Armstrong's wife and Chloe Armstrong's mother. When Chloe told her that the Senator was dead, Mrs. Armstrong comforted herself with several glasses of alcohol. She threatened Maj. Green, Chloe's military escort, that she'd make the Stargate Program public if Chloe wasn't returned home safely.
Sharon - Camile Wray's 12-year life partner. CASTING: Reiko Aylesworth
Annie Balic - Lt. Matthew Scott's lover from youth and now mother of his eight-year-old son. CASTING: Sarah Smyth