8.17 "Reckoning Part 2" Episode Guide
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Carter and Jacob calibrate the Ancients' weapon to destroy the Replicators. Mind-probed by Replicator Carter, Daniel recovers his buried memories and takes control of the Replicators invading the SGC and the temple on Dakara. He's able to stop them long enough to let Jacob activate the weapon and finally destroy the Replicators.
Guide | Transcript
SciFi.com Official Summary
Hidden in the ruins of the temple on Dakara is an Ancient weapon powerful enough to destroy the Replicators and all life in the galaxy. Thanks to Ba'al, General O'Neill, Lt. Col. Samantha Carter and her father, Jacob/Selmak, know it. And thanks to Daniel Jackson's repressed Ancient knowledge, from when he was Ascended, Replicator Carter knows it, as well. It's only a matter of who finds the weapon first.
Carter and Jacob/Selmak arrive at Dakara. Teal'c shows them a wall marked with Ancient writing. It's a good bet that the weapon is behind it and that the writing is the key to opening the wall. But despite Selmak's efforts to decipher it, all he comes up with is gibberish. Time grows short. Teal'c informs them that sensors show Ba'al's fleet will arrive within the hour.
On the Replicator ship, Replicator Carter has only just begun to probe Daniel's mind for the secrets of the Ancients and the way to destroy Anubis.
On Dakara, Carter figures out how to decode the writings, and she opens the wall. Inside, they find the weapon. They are about to plant the bomb to blow it up when Jacob/Selmak notices that it works much like the disruptor O'Neill built using Ancient knowledge to defeat the Replicators. Consequently, this weapon might possibly be modified to work only on the Replicators.
Ba'al arrives and begins attacking the rebel fleet. Bra'tac orders the fleet to fall back, hoping to lure Ba'al into an ambush from rebel forces hidden behind the moon, but Ba'al doesn't take the bait.
On Dakara, Carter and Jacob/Selmak try to modify the output wave of the weapon to match that of the disruptor technology. But even then, in order to hit the Replicators everywhere in the galaxy before they adapt to the technology, they would have to dial all the stargates in the galaxy, simultaneously. Selmak doesn't know how to reprogram a stargate to do this. But Carter knows who does: Ba'al.
Ba'al is contacted and beams his holographic transmission into the weapon chamber. To their surprise, he immediately accepts the proposal to work with a Tok'ra and a female Tau'ri to defeat the Replicators.
Back on Earth, Stargate Command has been compromised by the Replicators—and so has the base's self-destruct protocol. O'Neill begins a base evacuation. The President authorizes the detonation of a 10-kiloton nuclear warhead on the site, on O'Neill's command.
On the Replicator ship, Replicator Carter is in for a surprise. While she was in Daniel's mind, he got into hers using some of the Ancient knowledge that she unlocked. He won't let her out of his mind or leave hers until he learns how to defeat the Replicators.
The situation at SGC looks hopeless. O'Neill relays a message to General George Hammond: Drop the nuke ASAP. O'Neill decides to evacuate his men through the stargate.
On Dakara, Ba'al shows Carter how to alter the stargate's DHD to dial all the other gates simultaneously and helps her and her father modify the energy wave. They are almost finished when Ba'al's ship falls under Replicator attack. His holographic transmission fades out. Carter and Jacob/Selmak are on their own.
Suddenly, all the Replicators throughout the galaxy freeze. Daniel has achieved control over them, but his human brain can't keep it up for long.
Replicator Carter stabs Daniel. The Replicators resume their destruction of SGC, Dakara and the rest of the galaxy. Jacob/Selmak finishes modifying the weapon and activates it. The wave shoots through the stargate and bursts from all the gates across the galaxy. Replicators everywhere are destroyed, including Replicator Carter and her ship, with the dying Daniel Jackson aboard.
With the Replicator ships above Dakara dormant, Ba'al orders Teal'c to surrender. But the rebel forces are already aboard Ba'al's ship. Before Bra'tac can kill him, Ba'al beams himself away. But the fact that he has fled convinces the Jaffa that he was, indeed, a "false god."
The Jaffa have scored a major victory against the Goa'uld. The Replicators have been destroyed.
Only then does the SG-1 team face the fateful question: What has become of Daniel?
- Richard Dean Anderson as Brig. Gen. Jack O'Neill
- Amanda Tapping as Lt. Col. Samantha Carter
- Christopher Judge as Teal'c
- and Michael Shanks as Dr. Daniel Jackson
Guest Stars
- Isaac Hayes as Tolok
- Tony Amendola as Bra'tac
- Carmen Argenziano as Jacob Carter/Selmak
- Cliff Simon as Ba'al
- Jeff Judge as Aron
- Amanda Tapping as Replicator Samantha Carter
- Eric Breker as Col. Reynolds
- Gary Jones as Sgt. Harriman
- Dan Shea as Siler
- Emy Aneke as Ba'al's Jaffa
- Written by Damian Kindler
- Directed by Peter DeLuise
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--DeeKayP 06:54, 5 Feb 2005 (PST)