SG-1 Character Hints for Season 10

Joe Mallozzi has been blogging and answering fan questions at his Blog on Gateworld, the Ask JM Thread on Gateworld, and right here on the Solutions forum Q&A with Joe Thread. Wiki editor DeeKayP has been diligently updating our Season Ten page with all episode spoilers revealed by Joe or anyone else, but we thought it would be of interest to summarize what Joe has revealed about character arcs and directions in Season 10, especially those that are not episode-specific. Joe’s words are presented in quotes.

Jack will be referenced from time to time but “you can only do so many one-sided phone calls before it begins to feel like that season of Three’s Company…”

Joe acknowledged that Jack’s new position as head of Homeworld Security was not stated explicitly, and it seems this was almost an oversight by the production staff. As for whether RDA will appear in Season 10, “It’s entirely possible. It’s just a matter of finding the right story for him.”

Daniel will finally go to Atlantis and spend time there, in episode 3 of Season 10. This implies we will see some of the Atlantis crew and locations in that episode. Joe says there was heated debate in the writers’ room as they were breaking the story. As to why: “That you’ll have to wait and see although, at the time we were discussing it, it was intended to serve as the launch for a significant, potentially very controversial story arc for one of the characters.”

As for speculation that Daniel will be darker in character in Season 10: “I’ve been sworn to secrecy on this one.”

There are no plans to give Daniel a medal for his contributions. “I don’t think Daniel would place much importance on things like medals or awards. What was and continues to be important to him are the contributions he makes (and is able to make).”

Mitchell and Carter share command of SG-1 depending on the circumstances. However, this is not discussed between the two characters in Season 9, and they will not act in an obvious way as co-leaders in Season 9.

As far as Mitchell’s prominence in the stories, “Mitchell will have his hands full in the season premiere and throughout season 10, believe me.” He also said, “All of our main characters will get their opportunities to shine, either in individual stories or within bigger stories.”

Vala’s introduction as a show regular will include a lot of debate at the SGC as to whether she is worthy or trustworthy enough. An added element that we don’t know about will help sway the arguments. Still, “Vala will not be getting a free pass.”

In fact, we should not assume that Vala will actually be joining the SG-1 team. He was surprised to read talk of a ‘team of 5’ and, as for whether Vala will eventually join SG-1, said only, “it’s possible.”

Vala will be living on Earth, but her particular living situation (e.g., on base or off) will depend on her behavior.

As for Vala’s motherhood status, “What child? Well, let’s just say if she was pregnant and did have a child, then, yeah, we would probably see that child in season 10.”

There will be an “angsty” scene between Daniel and Sam in Morpheus.

Teal’c will have a chance to step up in a non-Jaffa story in Morpheus.

There is no Sam/Jack ship planned for Season 10 or for the foreseeable future. “To be perfectly honest, there are more interesting and important stories to tell at this point.”

There are no plans to ship Carter with anyone else, either.

In fact, there are no plans for any pairings or romantic sub-plots at all in Season 10.

The first eight or so stories for the year will not have Carter crossing over to Stargate Atlantis. That may happen later as the needs of the shows dictate.

We may actually see the Furlings in Season 10. The writers had serious discussions about having them appear in the landmark 200th episode.

We may see the Tok’ra again in Season 10.

There are no plans for Young Jack to return, since without senior Jack there as a comparison, the character doesn’t work at all.

The episode “Counter-Strike” “affords a bonding opportunity between two characters with a rocky past.” Also in that episode, Daniel will tell Vala about Share. One may infer that it’s Daniel and Vala who have the bonding opportunity, but that’s not certain.

There will be a ‘significant loss’ in “Counter-Strike.” Asked to assure the loss will not be Jack, he said “This early, I can’t assure anyone of anything with regard to who or what, exactly, is lost in Counter-Strike.”

It is not possible for a person to become a Prior unwillingly.

There are no plans for Peter DeLuise, Michael Shanks, or Chris Judge to write scripts this year, but they are welcome to suggest ideas.

Filming of Season 10 will begin in the third week of February.

Watch this space for more tidbits as we hear about them.

Update: 31 December 2005

Here are some more updates from Joe Mallozzi’s various posts.

“Vala’s character will evolve. She’ll essentially remain the character we’ve come to know, but will gain added depth.”

When asked that Joe confirm the truth of the rumor that Vala and Cameron would be paired off more in S10 in order to appease the Farscape fans, Joe responded, “False. Part of the fun of adding Vala to the mix will be in exploring her relationship with each member of SG-1. ”

Concerning who will be on the SG-1 team in S10, “As Carter pointed out in Lockdown, there’s nothing in the regulation that states an SG team has to be made up of four members.” Even so, he confirmed that Mitchell, Daniel, Teal’c, and Carter will be members of SG-1. As for Vala, “Another great question.”

In responding to why some fans have not embraced Mitchell, “He’s a little more difficult to categorize (ie. stoic warrior, scientist, rogue) and, like the others, will acquire depth and a fuller character over time. The problem is, Mitchell was introduced at a time when were introducing a bunch of other major series elements and, as a result, we didn’t get the opportunity explore him as much as we may have wanted to – something that we rectify in the back half of season 9 with episodes like Stronghold and Collateral Damage.”

Joe provided more insights on the SG-1 command issue. He said again that it was debated in the writer’s room and “ultimately decided [that] Carter and Mitchell would share leadership of the team. Who is in charge is entirely mission-dependent.” That said, it was not an issue for Season 9 as the question of who is in charge did not affect any of the stories. This may change in Season 10, in other words, the issue may be addressed more explicitly.

There are still no plans for O’Neill to make an appearance in the 200th episode.

Regarding off-world versus Earth-based stories in Season 10, “Its a fairly even mix to start, but given what we’ve talked about, there should be more off-world stories this season than other seasons.”

Shanks' CSI Miami Episode Ranks #1

For Nielsen Ratings for week of December 19 to 25

Michael Shanks as Doug StetsMichael Shanks’ appearance in the episode “Payback” was watched by 20.3 million viewers as reported by! This rating put CSI: Miami at the top of the Nielsen prime-time ratings for the week of December 19 to 25. During the previous week, the show ranked #10 with 13.8 million viewers.

CNN Top 10 (changes weekly) (previous week’s ratings are in cache in Google)

[Thanks to Jace and luvtwtid for the tip — DeeKayP]

Sci Fi Magazine Q&A Transcript

We’ve created a full transcript of the already-released February 2006 Sci Fi Magazine Q&A that used questions submitted by fans. Included in our article are all the print and on-line Q&A’s for Stargate SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis, arranged by cast and crew member.

Enjoy the Q&A here!

Creation Offers Large Daniel Photo; Free Shipping

Regarding the new Daniel tee-shirt design we discussed and pictured here, Creation offers the following:

We’re happy to say that we have this cool new 10″ by 15″ full color glossy of Michael Shanks available for pre-order now! The photos are being manufactured as we write this and will be ready to be shipped in January after the Holidays.

Order before December 31 and it’s FREE SHIPPING on ALL PHOTOS!

CLICK HERE TO VISIT OUR STARGATE RETAIL STORE and also check out all the other great new things we’re offering! It’s the world’s largest STARGATE STORE and we appreciate your support! ENJOY THE HOLIDAYS!

Update on the T-SHIRT version of this photo: the studio approved the design, now it needs to be separated by Creation’s graphic artists and manufactured. We’ll keep you posted and let you know when you can reserve one for yourself!

Thank you!

Your friends at Creation Entertainment

According to the Creation web site, all photos are being offered for no shipping charges, not just the Daniel one.

Shanks Joins Cast of "Dead Stop"

Maderfilm sought Michael Shanks for a leading role

Maderfilm's DEAD STOP

Recently revealed in an Eclipse Magazine interview, Michael Shanks has been cast in a leading role for the sci-fi anthology Dead Stop, produced by Maderfilm.

In a news release on their site, Maderfilm proudly announced “Stargate SG-1‘s Michael Shanks Joins Cast of DEAD STOP“: “Producer Julie Caitlin Brown has been working tirelessly to attach talent and shop this anthology film developed by Mr. Mader with partners Marc Scott Zicree & Emmy-Winner Michael Reaves. After landing the incredible JOHN RHYS-DAVIES for a role in Mr. Reaves’ segment, she recently brought the script to MICHAEL SHANKS who agreed to play one of the lead roles, joining Star Trek’s ROBERT PICARDO and ARMIN SHIMERMAN who were already attached. Stay tuned for more news and updates as this exciting project heats up.”

The Maderfilm website contains news and current project information and will be updated as the project takes off. Dead Stop is an “anthology film in the tradition of The Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, and Creepshow…”

Dead Stop is about two brothers who seek out revenge for their kid sister’s assault. The three of them set out, but their car gets stranded near an inn kept by Mr. Chance, who invites them to stay in separate rooms of his vacant, abandoned hotel. According to Eclipse Magazine, the siblings are “suddenly thrust into dramatic stories in which they are entirely different people confronting a host of ghosts and monsters. Within these stories, they must rise to their best within themselves to survive.” Maderfilm’s website states, “…all three must confront their darkest natures and deepest fears.” Shanks will play the role of Garrett, one of the brothers who takes this incredible, life-changing adventure.

Shanks will co-star with three sci-fi veterans. John Rhys-Davies has performed in several well-known works, including the Lord of the Rings and Indiana Jones films. Stargate SG-1 viewers will recognize Robert Picardo as Richard Woolsey (“Heroes”, “Prototype”), as well as his time as the holographic doctor in Star Trek: Voyager. Armin Shimerman might also be recognized by SG-1 fans as Anteaus of the Nox (“The Nox”), even though his time as Quark in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine might be more known.

Maderfilm has also included an additional note about this anthology: it will include “Knife Through the Veil”, a “notorious” Twilight Zone episode that was “yanked by the censors one week before shooting” because it was “too hot for CBS to air!”

  • Eclipse Magazine interview by M.R. Reed
  • About Maderfilm
  • Maderfilm: Current Projects
  • Maderfilm: News
  • New Creation Pics and Proposed Daniel Tee-Shirt

    Creation Entertainment has some new SG-1 items available, including new photos of Daniel and Vala together, and composite shots of Mitchell and of Vala. View them here.

    Also, Creation asked for ideas for a new Daniel-themed tee-shirt, and, based on feedback in this Our Stargate thread, have created a prototype design that emphasizes Daniel’s roots in archaeology and exploration. Feel free to comment on the design at OS or write to Gary of Creation directly at:

    Thanks to Annie at Our Stargate for the news and image.

    CSI Writer Praises Shanks' Performance

    “Payback” airs Monday, December 19, at 10PM Eastern on CBS

    Eclipse Magazine conducted an interview with actor Michael Shanks and CSI Miami episode writer Marc Dube concerning Shanks’ upcoming role as Doug Stets, a prime suspect in a murder case in the upcoming episode, “Payback”.

    “To have a professional actor come in and add some nuance to a character is such a pleasant surprise.” Dube has high praise for Michael Shanks’ work. “He can say more with a hesitation or a look than most can with a monologue. With only a couple of scenes to work with, he was able to portray not only an overly concerned boyfriend, but also a man with a violent streak. He was a pleasure to work with.”


    “To his credit, Michael played the role as written and he knew exactly where to take it,” Dube said of working with Shanks on the set of CSI: Miami. “He’s been there many times before. He knew what to do with each moment and how to play every word. He’s the kind of actor who was able to craft his performance without us having to do any rewriting.”

  • Eclipse Magazine article “Michael Shanks Get’s ‘Payback’ On CSI: Miami” by M.R. Reed
  • CSI Files: “Michael Shanks To Become A Suspect On ‘Miami'” by Carolina (includes excerpts of Eclipse Magazine article and related discussion forum)
  • SciFi: Season Nine Marathon

    Week of January 2 brings lots of SG-1

    Stargate SG-1

    Start off the New Year with the SciFi Channel and Stargate SG-1‘s Season Nine! An entire day of episodes awaits you as SciFi prepares to resume new episodes on Friday, January 6, at 8PM Eastern with “The Fourth Horseman Part 2”.

    On Monday, January 2, the morning begins with four episodes from previous seasons. Starting at noon Eastern, all Season Nine episodes will air in order, with a repeat of 9.10 “The Fourth Horseman Part 1” at 10:30 PM:

    Stargate SG-1 Marathon: Monday, January 2, 2006

    All times Eastern
    08:00 AM 2.16 “The Fifth Race”
    09:00 AM 3.14 “Foothold”
    10:00 AM 3.16 “Urgo”
    11:00 AM 3.21 “Crystal Skull”
    12:00 PM 9.01 “Avalon – Pt 1”
    01:00 PM 9.02 “Avalon – Pt 2”
    02:00 PM 9.03 “Origin – Pt 3”
    03:00 PM 9.04 “The Ties That Bind”
    04:00 PM 9.05 “The Powers That Be”
    05:00 PM 9.06 “Beachhead”
    06:00 PM 9.07 “Ex Deus Machina”
    07:00 PM 9.08 “Babylon”
    08:00 PM 9.09 “Prototype”
    09:00 PM 9.10 “The Fourth Horseman – Pt 1”
    10:30 PM 9.10 “The Fourth Horseman – Pt 1” Schedulebot