5.03 "Ascension" Episode Guide

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While investigating an alien device, Carter is found unconscious. Resting from suspected exhaustion, she is visited by an invisible being who holds vital secrets to the device and the catastrophe it may cause.

Guide | Transcript

MGM Official Summary

While investigating an alien device Carter is found unconscious. Resting from suspected exhaustion, she is visited by an invisible being who holds vital secrets to the device and more. But how does she convince SG-1 that she is not delusional?

SciFi.com Official Summary

The team is inspecting a weapon found on an alien world and Major Samantha Carter is knocked unconscious. General Hammond gives her, Teal'c, and Colonel Jack O'Neill some time off, while Dr. Daniel Jackson helps Colonel Reynolds set up a recon post and study the weapon further.

Carter, however, is followed home by Orlin, an alien who met her during the survey. He assumes human form in order to approach her more easily. Carter goes back to work, trying to develop a power source for the recently discovered weapon, while Orlin begins ordering technical supplies at her house and starts building something in her basement. Meanwhile, Colonel Simmons wants to test fire the weapon, but Carter believes doing so will cause a chain reaction that could destroy the planet.


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--Kylie Lee 10:36, 26 Jun 2004 (PDT)