Amanda Tapping Is Blogging from Nepal for S4K

Amanda Tapping 2009Now that Amanda Tapping has wrapped principal photography for the third season of her hit TV series Sanctuary, she’s doing some traveling on behalf of her charitable organization Sanctuary for Kids and is blogging about it on its website!

She opens her most recent entry:

It’s virtually impossible to put into words the swell of emotions right now, but I will attempt to give you a glimpse of what we have experienced so far.

Sanctuary for Kids (S4K) is a not for profit foundation that serves to provide sanctuary for children who do not live with the right of safety in their lives.” Tapping is in Nepal visiting the Nepal Orphans Home (NOH) in Kathmandu, and you can follow her and daughter Hannah not only from the blog, but also from their Sanctuary For Kids Twitter. She said that she’ll be spending the night at NOH, so expect another entry soon!

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