5.02 "Threshold" Episode Guide

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Teal'c may have been rescued from the evil Apophis but his mind remains loyal to his old master. Bra'tac suggests an ancient Jaffa ritual called M'al Sharran, a process which could bring Teal'c back to his senses…or end his life!

Guide | Transcript

MGM Official Summary

Teal'c has been saved from death on Apophis's ship, but mentally remains loyal to his old master. Bra'tac suggests an ancient Jaffa ritual called M'al Sharran—a process which could bring Teal'c back from the abyss, but could also kill him.

SciFi.com Official Summary

Teal'c's mind has been altered by System Lord Apophis, turning Teal'c into a willing First Prime once more. He believes the last four years were spent working undercover for Apophis by infiltrating SG-1. Now he must be deprogammed.

Master Bra'tac is asked to help. With his guidance, Teal'c undergoes the Jaffa ritual known as The Rite of Mal'Sharran. This ritual brings the Jaffa to the very edge of death, forcing him to relive events throughout his life.

At the correct moment, the Jaffa is presented with a choice. In Teal'c's case, that means either acknowledging that Apophis is not a god and regaining self-control, or clinging to the notion of Apophis' deification and dying still trapped in the mindset of a First Prime. Major Samantha Carter, Dr. Daniel Jackson, and Colonel Jack O'Neill take turns at Teal'c's side.


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--Kylie Lee 10:35, 26 Jun 2004 (PDT)