SGA 4.11 "Be All My Sins Remember'd Part 2" Episode Guide

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Revision as of 16:34, 9 July 2007 by DeeKayP (talk | contribs) (→‎Production Notes: JM July 9)
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The Atlantis Expedition and the Wraith join forces to execute a daring plan against a common enemy.

Guide | Transcript

MGM/ Official Summary

The official summary is not available as this episode has not yet aired in the United States.

Spoiler Summary

McKay and a Wraith work together in a lab on Atlantis with two Marines keeping watch. They’re working together under an extreme time limit and McKay reassures the Wraith that they’ll be done as planned. The Wraith doesn’t believe the estimate is long enough, and McKay claims that he performs better under pressure. They’ve spent enough time together that the Wraith has picked up on McKay’s modus operandi and offers to speed up the process by threatening to feed on him. The Marines don’t take this as a joke, even as McKay tries to reassure them that it is, but he still moves as far from the Wraith as possible to continue his work.

In the meantime, both the Daedalus and the Apollo are in orbit over Atlantis. Carter is with Caldwell on his ship, looking at the upgrades that include a retrofit of an Asgard terminal. They discuss Carter’s command and how different it is from being on an SG team.

Later, the Wraith is with Sheppard, Ronon, and Teyla on a puddle jumper. They’ve gone to the Wraith’s hive ship to negotiate the joining of forces. The Wraith’s fellow Wraith stunned the Expedition members so that they could talk with the Wraith in private. The Wraith wakes up Sheppard and tells him he’s managed to get seven hive ships instead of the twelve they had anticipated to join them. The Wraith explains that not all of the hives agreed to the plan and that some of them don’t have queens to create new soldiers should any of them be lost. Sheppard agrees that seven is better than none and they proceed with their plan.

While his team is out, McKay stays behind in Atlantis, this time working with Zelenka in the lab. They are conducting their experiments on a block of silvery metal [Although silvery metal has been seen on Stargate SG-1 as the appearance of the inert state of Replicator cells, the common enemy in this story is currently not known].

NOTE: Spoiler information is subject to change as this episode is in production.


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Production Notes

  • "Brad will probably be too busy to write an episode of Atlantis this season but has come up with a terrific story that should figure into the mid-season two-parter." (Joseph Mallozzi's February 21 blog)
  • "No hints but I will say that it will be very different from previous mid-season two-parters." (Joseph Mallozzi's March 19 blog)
  • Martin Gero will be writing this episode. (Joseph Mallozzi's April 16 blog)
  • "Anonymous #4 writes: “Joe which will be the science geek eppy in season 4.. I mean the one where we will see a hell of a lot of space ships and advanced technology at work…” Answer: The second part of the mid-season two-parter certainly fits the bill in a big way." Additionally, "development and evolution" of the Asgard Legacy from SG-1's "Unending" will be addressed in this episode. (Joseph Mallozzi's April 17 blog)
  • "Martin is finishing up work on the second part of the mid-season two-parter." (Joseph Mallozzi's May 7 blog)
  • "Hey, look at what showed up on my desk yesterday. It’s the second part of the mid-season two-parter compliments of Marty G. I predict it will vie for the title of Season Four Fan Favorite Episode. We’ll see if the title sticks." (Joseph Mallozzi's May 9 blog)
  • "Anyways, the reason I was here was because a scheduling conflict came up and Sam Carter had to be taken out of some scenes in an upcoming episode called “Be All My Sins Remember’d.” So I came in before the concept meeting to publish the changes Martin Gero made." (Alex Levine's May 17 blog)
  • Michael Beach and Mitch Pileggi will both be in the episode because both of their characters' ships, the Apollo and Daedalus, will be in the Pegasus Galaxy in orbit over Atlantis. (Joseph Mallozzi's May 19 blog)
  • "Top the day off with a notes call with Nora from SciFi and Deb from Sony - they liked Be All My Sins Remember’d a lot which made it all that more pleasant - and chalk up another day’s work well done." (Joseph Mallozzi's May 22 blog)
  • "Spent most of the day in editing today (Reunion is coming along swimmingly), taking a break for lunch and the Be All My Sins Remember’d read-through. I read the part of Caldwell and really killed. Alan McCullough read the part of the lovely Larrin and we were all blown away by the palpable chemistry between him and Joe Flanigan. If we’d known he’d do such a spectacular job, we’d have cast HIM for Travelers." (Joseph Mallozzi's May 28 blog)
  • "There’s a particularly sweet scene in Be All My Sins" between Teyla and Rodney. (Joseph Mallozzi's June 27 blog)
  • "A really sweet one [emotional scene between Ronon and Teyla] in Be All My Sins Remember’d." (Joseph Mallozzi's July 9 blog)

Further Reading

--DeeKayP 08:07, 1 June 2007 (PDT)