5.20 "The Sentinel" Episode Guide

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O'Neill must enlist the aid of a couple of convicted felons in a bid to save a planet from the Goa'uld. With an attack looming and the planet's automated defense systems seemingly offline, an entire world's salvation rests in the hands of SG-1 and two former NID operatives.

Guide | Transcript

MGM Official Summary

Col. O'Neill must enlist the aid of a couple of convicted felons in a bid to save a planet from the Goa'uld. With an attack looming and the planet's automated defense systems seemingly offline, an entire world's salvation will rest in the hands of SG-1 and two former NID operatives.

SciFi.com Official Summary

The Latonans possess an protection device called a Sentinel, which protects the planet by teleporting away or destroying attackers. Col. Grieves and his rogue NID team try to steal the device and fail, damaging it in the process. The SGC sends SG-9 to reestablish diplomatic relations after Grieves' team was arrested for treason and then the Goa'uld Svarog invades and, because the Sentinel is no longer working, traps the team on the planet.

Colonel Jack O'Neill takes SG-1, SG-3, and two of the rogue NID convicts who damaged the planetary defense system (Col. Grieves and Lt. Kershaw) to rescue SG-9 and, hopefully, restore the Sentinel. Once on the planet, SG-3 secures the local Stargate while SG-1 tracks down Lt. Grogan of SG-9. O'Neill then accompanies Grogan to meet a local dignitary, while Major Samantha Carter and Dr. Daniel Jackson follow Kershaw and Grieves to the hidden Sentinel itself.

(Official Summary modified to reflect character name changes)


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--Kylie Lee 10:40, 26 Jun 2004 (PDT)