Mallozzi: “Plans are still in place” for SGA Movie

With Solutions’ recent report on what was said about the status of the first Stargate Atlantis movie combined with rumors that the movie had been shelved or put on indefinite hold, producer and writer Joseph Mallozzi felt the need to clarify the movie’s status. He stated, “So even though the SG-1 movie has been greenlit, I can assure you that plans are still in place to move forward on the Atlantis movie as well.”

Solutions reported, “Wright and Cooper, and MGM, want to make an Atlantis movie. The fact the sets are still up and their space being paid for is evidence of MGM’s commitment to the movie. However, given the world economy, the people who fund the movies have put the breaks on actual production. Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie are working hard on the script, and they really want to make it as much as we want to see it.”

In his April 7 entry in his weblog, Mallozzi explained that there are different deals for each of the legs of the franchise and that financing for each project comes from different sources. “Well, first of all, it’s not a simple matter of us getting a whack of money and being able to pick and choose the projects we want to apply it to. Each production whether it be SGU, SG-1, or SGA, is contingent on their respective deals. And no two deals are alike.

“Furthermore, part of a project’s production budget is made up of licensing fees from various broadcasters, sales to various territories both domestic and international. Now these entities are a fickle bunch and won’t just buy anything. If they want product A, you can’t just replace it with product B. And that’s just one aspect of the many elements that go into any given deal. The bottom line is that the deal in place for Stargate: Universe has different components than the deal for the SG-1 movie which has different components than the deal for the SGA movie (yes, in spite of the fact that they are both Stargate movies, the deals are different).”

One of the differences between the production of the SG-1 movie and that of the SGA movie was brought to light early on when the two movies were first announced: the SGA movie was to first air on the Sci Fi Channel before being released on video, while the SG-1 movie would follow in its predecessors’ footsteps and go directly to video (DTV).

The production office has not put the Atlantis movie script aside with no production future in mind: that would be the definition of “shelving”. Rather, Mallozzi clarified, “Brad is working on the SG-1 script while Paul and I hope to have a first draft of the Atlantis script by month’s end (we’re already past the halfway mark). No firm production dates for either movies, but if I was a betting man, I’d be looking at this fall. All this to say – there’s no need to get all negative. When there is a need, I’ll let you all know but, at present, we’re making progress on all fronts: SGU, SG-1, AND SGA.”

To read Mallozzi’s full statement on the status of the Atlantis movie, visit his April 7 weblog entry.

Stargates Nominated for Canada’s Constellation Awards

Coming right after the many Leo Awards nominations announcement, the list of the nominees in the 2009 Contellation Awards has been made available! According to their official website, “The Constellation Awards are Canada’s annual science fiction awards focused on rewarding excellence in science fiction film and television. Now in its third year, The Constellation Awards celebrate and honour the actors, writers, and technical artists behind the best of today’s science fiction film and TV works – with an added focus on Canadian contributions to science fiction film and television. The Constellation Awards are also the only Canadian science fiction film and TV awards where YOU, the Canadian viewing public, get to select the nominees and winners in all categories.”

The categories in which Stargate has nominees:

Best Male Performance in a 2008 Science Fiction Television Episode: David Hewlett, “The Shrine”

Best Science Fiction Television Series of 2008: Stargate Atlantis

Best Male Performance in a 2008 Science Fiction Film, TV Movie, or Mini-Series: Richard Dean Anderson, Stargate: Continuum

Best Female Performance in a 2008 Science Fiction Film, TV Movie, or Mini-Series: Amanda Tapping, Stargate: Continuum; Claudia Black, Stargate: Continuum

Best Science Fiction Film, TV Movie, or Mini-Series of 2008: Stargate: Continuum

Best Technical Accomplishment in a 2008 Science Fiction Film or Television Production: Digital Effects (Rainmaker Digital Pictures), Stargate: Continuum

Best Overall 2008 Science Fiction Film or Television Script: Brad Wright, Stargate: Continuum

Outstanding Canadian Contribution to Science Fiction Film or Television in 2008: Amanda Tapping, Canadian Actress/Producer; The Stargate Franchise, Canadian Produced Series/Films.

Additionally, Tapping’s Sanctuary was also nominated in several of the same categories as Stargate.

The awards will be presented at Polaris 23 on July 11th, 2009. Congratulations to all nominees!

Here are the instructions on voting, which is now open until June 8, 2009:

In order for you to be eligible to vote, at least one of the following must be true:

1) You are either a Canadian citizen (not necessarily living in Canada) or a permanent resident of Canada,


2) You were a member of the TCON Promotional Society during the Polaris 22 convention in July, 2008,


3) You have purchased a membership to the TCON Promotional Society which does not expire before Polaris 23 (July of 2009).

Ballots missing voting information or payment will not be counted. Note that you do not need to vote in all categories.

Joe Flanigan on John Sheppard

John Sheppard
Joe Flanigan as Lt. Col. John Sheppard (image from MGM)

Stargate Atlantis star Joe Flanigan was the subject of a lengthy article titled “Joe Flanigan: The Adventurer”, published by Steve Eramo in the blog Sci Fi and TV Talk.

One of the highlights of the article: “It’s very easy to slip into the Sheppard character and see what his perception would be of the particular environment he’s in. You think, ‘OK, what are the things that he’d find amusing, serious, scary, or whatever,’ and then just act accordingly. Surprisingly, that’s not a difficult thing to do. Again, keeping him fresh from a character development standpoint is a little out of my control, but, you know, after all this time the people out there still seem to see Sheppard as someone who’s fun and interesting. That makes me feel good about what I’m doing.”

Make sure to visit Sci Fi and TV Talk for the complete interview.

According to Stargate Actor Appearances, Flanigan’s next public appearance is currently scheduled to be the Official Stargate SG-1 & Atlantis Convention in Rosemont (Chicago), Illinois, August 21-23.

Stargate Garners Many Leo Nominations

leo2009logoThe nominations for the British Canadian Film and Television 2009 Leo Awards were announced today. Among the nominees are many for Stargate, both for acting and production. Only shows and films that are produced in BC, Canada, are eligible. Here are the nominees!

(Note: David Hewlett has now said on his Twitter page that he is not eligible, because he lives in Washington state, not BC. What a pity!)

  • Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Feature Length Drama – Michael ShanksStargate Continuum
  • Best Lead Performance by a Female – Amanda TappingStargate Continuum
  • Best Direction in a Feature Length Drama – Martin WoodStargate Continuum
  • Best Screenwriting in a Feature Length Drama – Brad WrightStargate Continuum
  • Best Cinematography in a Feature Length Drama – Peter WoesteStargate Continuum
  • Best Picture Editing in a Feature Length Drama – Brad Rines Stargate Continuum
  • Best Overall Sound in a Feature Length Drama – Paul Sharpe, Iain Pattison, Graeme HughesStargate Continuum
  • Best Sound Editing in a Feature Length Drama – Devan Kraushar, James Wallace, Kirby Jinnah, Jay Cheetham, Dario DiSantoStargate Continuum
  • Best Production Design in a Feature Length Drama – James RobbinsStargate Continuum
  • Best Costume Design in a Feature Length Drama – Christina McQuarrieStargate Continuum
  • Best Visual Effects in a Feature Length Drama – Michelle Commens, Stephen Bahr, Christopher Stewart, Krista McLean, James KawanoStargate Continuum
  • Best Dramatic Series – Stargate Atlantis (Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie, Brad Wright, Robert Cooper,Carl Binder, Martin Gero, Alan McCullough, John Smith – Producers)
  • Best Lead Performance by a Male in a Dramatic Series – David Hewlett – SGA – The Shrine
  • Best Lead Performance by a Female in a Dramatic Series  – Jewel Staite – SGA – Tracker
  • Best Direction in a Dramatic Series Steven A. Adelson – Robert Cooper – Stargate Atlantis – Vegas
  • Best Screenwriting in a Dramatic Series –
    • Joseph Mallozzi, Paul Mullie – Stargate Atlantis – Remnants
    • Brad Wright – Stargate Atlantis – The Shrine
    • Alan McCullough – Stargate Atlantis – The Queen
  • Best Cinematography in a Dramatic Series –
    • Michael Blundell – Stargate Atlantis – Vegas
    • Jim Menard – Stargate Atlantis – The Shrine
  • Best Picture Editing in a Dramatic Series
    • Mike Banas – Stargate Atlantis – Vegas
    • Brad Rines – Stargate Atlantis – The Shrine
  • Best Overall Sound in a Dramatic Series – Kelly Cole, Bill Mellow, Joe Watts, Hugo De Le Cerda, Kevin Belen (SGA – Enemy at the Gate)
  • Best Sound Editing in a Dramatic Series – Steve Smith, Matthew Wilson, Kirby Jinnah, Jay Cheetham (SGA  – Enemy at the Gate)
  • Best Production Design in a Dramatic Series – James Robbins (SGA – Search and Rescue)
  • Best Costume Design in a Dramatic Series – Valerie Halverson (SGA – The Queen)
  • Best Make-Up in a Dramatic Series – Todd Masters, Holland Miller, Kyla-Rose Tremblay, Nicholas Podbrey, Brad Proctor (SGA – Vegas)
  • Best Visual Effects in a Dramatic Series – Mark Savela, Shannon Gurney, Kodie MacKenzie, Vivian Jim, Dan Wier (SGA – First Contact)

Atlantis will have some alums amongst their competition, Sanctuary has had ten nominations, including Amanda Tapping for Best Lead Actress in a dramatic series for the episode “Requium” and Chris Heyerdahl (Halling/Todd the Wraith of SGA) in the episode Revelations II.

Brad Wright and Robert Cooper have already been singled out for a special achievement Leo for the 2009 ceremony.  Congratulations to all the Stargate nominees!

The full list of nominees can be found here.

Wright and Cooper Spill on Stargate


Today at the Vancouver Creation Stargate Convention, Executive Producers Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper gave a very informative, interesting, and at times quite intellectual talk to an enthusiastic audience. A more detailed report will follow, but here are news tidbits of immediate interest to Stargate fandom.

** NOTE: minor spoilers for SGU and SG-1 **

Stargate Universe

While the teasers that have been aired so far for Stargate Universe (SGU) have been very dark (see “Frantic” and “Philosophical”), there will definitely be humor in the series. The teasers, created by Sci Fi Channel, are meant to set a mood and an energy, but the characters will have innate humor. The show is set in the here and now, and even in bad situations, people make jokes.

SGU will have touchstones from SGA and SG-1. The show takes place in the same time period, and there will be visitors from those shows. There will also be a lot of back reference. While wanting to bring in new fans, they also want to reward long-time fans.

SGU will have new mythologies, some related to the Ancients and others brand new. Since the ship will be exploring the universe, there won’t need to be a basis in Earth mythology.

The aliens on SGU will be very alien. They won’t be humanoids with prosthetics, and they won’t speak English. They will be as alien as you’d hope to find in the far reaches of the universe.

There will be a component on SGU that allows the characters to relate back to Earth and to people on Earth. It will enable stories of the trapped crew interacting with their loved ones. It will allow the writers to tell “Earth” stories. [This is likely a reference to the Ancient communication terminal that will allow body-swapping similar to what was done on SG-1.]

The show will shoot in New Mexico in a couple of weeks. Those will be scenes from “Air Part 3”. They’re really looking to find new ways to have episodes that aren’t set in trees.

Cooper believes the SGU gate is the coolest ever. And there will be a shot of the Earth gate in which viewers will see a chevron lock that’s never been seen locked before. He would not confirm that it’s the ninth chevron.

Space Network in Canada will air SGU at the same time as it’s aired on Syfy in the US. They expect the UK to air it too, as there is lots of interest in the show due to Scottish actor Robert Carlyle being in it. [There’s confirmation of Sky One from Variety today.]

On the involvement of sci fi author John Scalzi with SGU, Wright said Scalzi has been reading every script and giving notes. He’s been especially helpful in rooting the science of the show a bit more in reality. He might write an episode if he gets time at some point. Wright is a big fan of his fiction, as is Joe Mallozzi, and Scalzi’s sensibility and humor they felt would benefit the show.

The style of SGU is different from the past. Cooper doesn’t believe they are emulating Battlestar Galactica. But, they want to shoot the show more like how a documentary crew would shoot on the ship if they were there documenting it. So cameras will be in non-standard places. The sets will be lit naturally, such that the actors can move around as if they’re on a stage, rather than having to be in one place for lighting reasons. Already as a result they are getting far more “real” performances from the cast. Viewers will feel as though they are there. It will feel less staged and less unrealistic. They hope this will help viewers connect with the characters very closely. One show they did look at as an example to draw from was Firefly. It was shot with hand-held cameras or non-traditional camera placements. So Firefly and other dramatic shows were somewhat an inspiration.

There will be two gay characters on SGU. Cooper started to say there would be one at least, and Wright clarified that there will be two. Cooper and Wright want the crew to represent our society, with all its complexity and realism. They want it to be identifiable to as many people as they can. Not for ratings, but to portray humanity.

Stargate Atlantis

Wright and Cooper, and MGM, want to make an Atlantis movie. The fact the sets are still up and their space being paid for is evidence of MGM’s commitment to the movie. However, given the world economy, the people who fund the movies have put the breaks on actual production. Joe Mallozzi and Paul Mullie are working hard on the script, and they really want to make it as much as we want to see it.

Stargate SG-1

The SG-1 movie seems to have been green-lit. It will probably start shooting in the Fall, but that is somewhat dependent on whether the SGA movie gets the green light and they decide to film them back-to-back. It’s “probably” because there are a lot of deals that have to be put in place before that can happen. This likely refers to actor deals. If it films this Fall, it would probably be released in the Summer of 2010.

As far as why the 3rd SG-1 movie will revolve around O’Neill, it’s because he’s cool, and because Wright had a story idea that would really work with O’Neill. Wright loved Continuum especially when RDA was in it.

The re-cut version of “Children of the Gods” is complete and has been delivered to MGM and Fox for distribution as a special DVD. It will include a commentary track by Brad Wright and, for the first time ever, Richard Dean Anderson. Wright noted that the story was very fresh and new to RDA, so many years after filming it. Wright believes they are in the final process of working on the DVD, but he doesn’t have a timeline for the release. The DVD will be dedicated to the memory of Don S. Davis.

The 3rd SG-1 movie won’t feature Ba’al or Cliff Simon.

There can’t be a theatrical release of any of the Stargate shows because of the issue of rights of the original Stargate movie creators. So don’t expect a Stargate movie in theaters.

Vancouver Con Teaser Pics

Your intrepid Solutions reporter has been on the scene in Vancouver all week for the 2009 Creation Vancouver Stargate Convention. In addition to sampling of of actor pictures below, stay tuned for many filming location images and our usual complete, illustrated con report. All the guests have been wonderful; they’ve kept up with the very long hours even better than some fans, who’ve been seen crawling to their rooms to rest or wait out the autograph lines. There hasn’t been major news to come out of the con so far, but plenty of smaller tidbits that we’ll share soon.

The actors have no information about the Stargate Atlantis movie. Hopefully something will be revealed by Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper tomorrow. Stargate Universe remains strictly under wraps, and the set visit this year did not include any of the SGU ship sets. The Atlantis sets are standing, and the SGC set could be restored with two weeks of work, according to producer N. John Smith.

Click on the thumbnails to see full-sized images!

Submit Your Questions to Peter DeLuise

Peter DeLuise

Joseph Mallozzi is offering to host a fan Q&A with returning director Peter DeLuise (he’s directing Stargate Universe‘s “Fire”). He’s collecting your questions now, so visit the current entry of his weblog, scroll down to the comments section, and type in your questions. Mallozzi screens all comments, but once approved, your questions will appear for all to see.

Mallozzi said that DeLuise will get to these questions as soon as he’s finished with “Fire”. That should be very soon.

MGM: Robert C. Cooper Video on “Vegas”

Detective John Sheppard of Vegas

MGM’s Official Stargate website has posted another new video clip featuring the episode “Vegas”. In this edition, writer and director Robert C. Cooper talks about presenting an alternate reality story that featured a different John Sheppard than what we’ve seen over the past five years.

“Because it’s an alternate reality,” Cooper explained, “he doesn’t have to be quite as much a shining hero. He’s got more flaws and he can make some darker choices.”

Visit MGM: “Vegas” for Cooper’s insights about his last Stargate Atlantis television story.

Amanda Tapping Answers Fan Questions

Producer and writer Joseph Mallozzi has turned over his weblog to Amanda Tapping so that she could answer several pages’ worth of fan questions submitted by Mallozzi’s readers not too long ago. Tapping covered a lot of ground, including Stargate, Sanctuary, parenting, women in film, and on being a role model. Visit Amanda Tapping Answers Your Questions for a great read!

MGM: Wraith in “Vegas”

Todd the Wraith in Vegas
Todd the Wraith in “Vegas”, played by Christopher Heyerdahl (image from MGM)

MGM has added a new video featuring Todd the Wraith in “Vegas”. Hosted by producer/writer/director Robert C. Cooper, the feature discusses the difficulties that actors experience portraying aliens. Actor Christopher Heyerdahl was praised for bringing a convincing Wraith to life, and in this particular episode, a crazy one at that.