Adventures in Sci Fi Publishing Interviews Mallozzi

Joseph Mallozzi (MGM)

Adventures in Sci Fi Publishing conducted a phone interview with “Joseph Mallozzi, Consulting Producer of Stargate Universe, and Lou Anders, Editorial Director of Pyr, … to analyze how literary and media science fiction influence each other. Topics discussed include adaptations, the sophistication of new TV shows, fantasy literature, a Pyr title making cameos on Stargate Atlantis, Battlestar Galactica, Joe’s book club, and much more.”

You can listen to the interview, which runs about 30 minutes, at the link above, or through this direct link to the MP3 file.

Fan's Choice Blu-Ray, DVD Cover Art Contest

Stargatehub held a Fans Choice poll to decide which 10 episodes of Stargate Atlantis will be on a special Blu-Ray (high definition) DVD release this summer. The results are in! Keep in mind fans were voting for what would look good on Blu-Ray as well as which episodes are favorites. Here are the winners of the poll:

  1. Enemy at the Gate (Series Finale)
  2. Rising (Series Premiere)
  3. The Seige (unclear which part of the Season 1/2 3-parter this is)
  4. Tao of Rodney (Season 3 Episode 14)
  5. Be All My Sins Remember’d (Season 4 Episode 11)
  6. The Shrine (Season 5 Episode 6)
  7. McKay and Mrs. Miller (Season 3 Episode 8 )
  8. Vegas (Season 5 Episode 19)
  9. Midway (Season 4 Episode 17)
  10. First Strike (Season 3 Episode 20)

Now comes the announcement that fans will also get to design the cover of the DVD. From here:

MGM Home Entertainment is giving fans a chance to design the cover art for an upcoming “Stargate Atlantis” best-of compilation to be released on Blu-ray Disc.

Through Feb. 28, fans can visit to upload their own art or work with provided templates. The top designs will be selected by the “Stargate Atlantis” producers, with the winner announced in April and showcased on the Blu-ray release this summer.

We’re confident fans can create a cover to rival or surpass any that we’ve seen for Atlantis. So get busy and submit your art to StargateHub!

Thanks to Elyse at sg1_spoilme for the tip.

MGM: Stargate Hits the Road: Las Vegas

MGM has posted another behind-the-scenes video for the Stargate Atlantis episode “Vegas”. This time, they’re in Planet Hollywood in Las Vegas, Nevada, playing poker and chasing Wraith.

Featuring writer/director/executive producer Robert C. Cooper and stunt coordinator James “Bam Bam” Bamford, the video provides a brief glimpse into the hectic schedule brought about by having only two days to film what would normally have taken a week.

Joseph Mallozzi Interviewed by

Joseph Mallozzi (MGM)

Joseph Mallozzi and his writing partner Paul Mullie have been with the Stargate franchise since Season Four of Stargate SG-1. They went on to become the showrunners of Stargate Atlantis during its final two seasons (Seasons Four and Five). And now, they’ve become writers and consulting producers in the production offices of Stargate Universe.

Mallozzi has been keeping a blog for several years now, writing about all kinds of things on a daily basis. And of course, the Stargates are high on his list of hot topics. He’s become the most accessible person in the franchise as he fields questions from his readers frequently. got to talk extensively about his years with the franchise, especially those with Atlantis. Visit Interview: Stargate Writer-Producer Joseph Mallozzi: The franchise mainstay ponders the end of ‘Atlantis’ and the dawn of ‘Universe’ by Mark Wilson.

MGM: Hit the Road to "Vegas" Location Shoot

MGM has posted a new behind-the-scenes video about the filming on location in Osoyoos, British Columbia, Canada, for the penultimate episode “Vegas”. This location substituted as the desert outside Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

Vegaas Car Stunt

Visit Stargate Hits The Road: Osoyoos, BC Canada to watch as stunt coordinator James “Bam Bam” Bamford shares the woes of spinning the red 1981 Camero 180°. Something about the brakes and snapping cables…

Tapping on Return to Stargate, SGU Premiere

In a recent interview with Pop Culture Zoo, Stargate star Amanda Tapping shared what it was like to return to the Stargate sets after fully immersing herself in the world of Sanctuary and how her show will be shown on Friday nights with the new series Stargate Universe.

On reprising her role as Col. Samantha Carter in the Stargate Atlantis series finale, “Enemy at the Gate”:

PCZ: So, the other thing that aired recently was the final episode of Stargate Atlantis. What was it like going back and shooting that?

AT: It was really hard, I have to be honest with you. Stargate has been my home for such a long time that jumping out of that nest was such a big, scary leap to make. I’m glad I did it, for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is creatively I feel revitalized. But to go back with that crew, that wonderful crew and that cast – they were all [there] in the makeup trailer. It was weird and bittersweet because it was their last episode and it sort of didn’t make sense to me why it was ending. So, it was bit weird. I had gone off and done my own thing and now I was coming back and there was this sense of sadness about the place. It was hard. I mean, my car knows how to drive to Bridge Studios. I walked into Joe Mallozzi’s office and had such a lovely talk with him. Brad Wright and Rob Cooper came down before my last shot and gave me a hug. But it opens the door for movies and there’s a certainly a lot of talk about that. I would jump back into the army boots any day.

On honoring the late Don S. Davis and Carter’s role in the next Stargate SG-1 movie:

PCZ: My favorite part of the final episode was the little tribute to Don Davis and General Hammond. I think it speaks highly of the cast and crew that even in an episode where so much needs to get done, room is made to have a scene like that.

AT: Something had to be said that’s such a show of respect for an incredible man who…here come the tears…but something had to be said. I remember we were at Don Davis’ memorial and I was standing in his kitchen with his wife, Ruby, and Joe Mallozzi said “We’re naming the ship the General Hammond.” And we all just lost it. “Of course you are, thank you.” It’s a subtle, simple tribute, which is exactly – Don was a simple, beautiful man so that’s how they did it, it was lovely. You can’t overplay it, you’ve just got to say it. As an actor you wonder how you could possibly do justice to it. It one line and it’s so huge. So, it was just keeping it simple and lovely.

PCZ: Definitely a perfect moment at the right time. And it also takes Carter off in a new direction too. Hopefully we’ll get to explore that a little in the movies.

AT: I hope so!

On the second season shooting and premiere of Sanctuary and the series premiere of Stargate Universe:

PCZ: When do you start shooting?

AT: We’re still waiting on word, ideally the beginning of March so that we can deliver for early October. SCI FI wants us to air October 9th. We will run concurrently with Stargate Universe. I think they premiere with a two-hour episode and then the following week we will run together. Anyway, that’s the plan. We’ll hopefully start shooting at the beginning of March at the latest.

To read the complete interview in which Tapping covers Sanctuary‘s direction in more depth, visit Pop Culture Zoo: Catching Up With Amanda Tapping.

Stargate Universe will begin principal photography February 11. They’re scheduled to complete filming October 23 (according to the BC Film Commission). Based on what Tapping said, the new show will premiere Friday, October 2, most likely at 9 PM, with their two-hour opener “Air”, and return the following Friday, October 9, with the third part to “Air”. If Sanctuary keeps its first season timeslot, then SGU will probably take SGA’s old timeslot of 9 PM as a lead-in.

Cooper Shares How "Vegas" Came Together

Vegas Tragedy

“This was a tragedy. The hero always dies at the end of a tragedy. It’s a dark story about a lonely man with a broken past who sees a chance to be a hero and possibly end his life-long pain,” writer and director Robert C. Cooper said of “Vegas”, the penultimate Stargate Atlantis episode, when he stopped by executive producer Joseph Mallozzi’s weblog to answer questions gathered by Mallozzi from his readers.

Cooper was quick to give credit to several others for their contribution in seeing his vision come to fruition. “I have to credit Charlie Cohen Executive VP of MGM for wanting to make the end of season five as special as it could be,” he started.

Part of the unique feel of “Vegas” is the location shoot done in the actual city. “We had a crew most of us had never worked with that had to be flown in from LA. Getting a casino property to agree to let us do what we wanted was a challenge as well. Planet Hollywood made it all possible.

“Mike Banas cut this episode and deserves a huge amount of credit for how it came together. Surprisingly, this is the first time I’ve worked with Mike. He spent countless hours studying various techniques employed by CSI and a variety of other films and television shows. After he took a first crack, we worked very closely on getting things to where they ended up. His enthusiasm and editing artistry made this episode much better than it would have been without him.

“James Robbins, our production designer and extraordinary artist, came up with much of the visual look. We always wanted them [the Wraith] to have a dark goth-like quality. We were amazed when we all looked back and realized that in five seasons we had never seen a wraith with his shirt off. We decided it was an opportunity to show subtle and not-so subtle differences,” Cooper answered when asked about the Wraith’s nippleless chest.

“Kerry McDowall our post-production co-ordinator put in a lot of extra time and effort negotiating the deals for the songs. I’m very grateful to her for that.” Acquiring the use of these songs helped bring the CSI-like mood to the episode, as well as the work of composer Joel Goldsmith, who wrote all of the other music, including that for the chase scene.

When asked “Did you use stock footage of the A10 Warthogs, or did the Air Force give you a fly by?” Cooper replied, “I guess that’s just how good the VFX department is. They were all CG.” The VXF department also added debris to the shoot-out scene at the end of the episode.

And finally, Cooper gave credit to the creative input of Joe Flanigan, David Hewlett, and Robert Picardo that went into making the characters deeper and the story fuller.

The production team learned a lot during the making of this episode, and they want to carry that experience over into the new Stargate Universe. “Vegas was an experiment in many ways. It was an opportunity to break the mold and try something different. Universe will not follow the style of Vegas but it will most definitely be much different than previous Stargate series. The shooting style and use of more contemporary music are part of what will hopefully make Universe stand out.”

Visit Joseph Mallozzi’s Weblog for the complete and informative Q&A.

SCI FI WIRE: Stargate Universe Moved to Fall Premiere

According to SCI FI WIRE in an article stating that Robert Carlyle will be joined by Justin Louis, David Blue, Brian J. Smith, and Jamil Walker Smith in the regular cast of Stargate Universe, fans of Stargate will now be waiting until the fall instead of July for twenty new Stargate stories.

This news follows Atlantis executive producer Joseph Mallozzi’s statement that if he were a betting man, the third Stargate SG-1 and the first Stargate Atlantis movies won’t be ready until 2010, rather than the hoped-for fall of 2009. The latest word is that the SG-1 movie, starring Richard Dean Anderson, will be filmed in the spring and the Atlantis movie will be shot in the summer. Depending on how these two movies will be released, a good ten months could possibly follow in post-production and marketing.

Stargate Universe will premiere with two hours of the three-part opener “Air”, which is written by series creators Robert C. Cooper and Brad Wright. Filming the new show is expected to begin February 4, and more cast announcements are anticipated for the two female leads who will be portraying Tamara Johanson (aka Jon) and Chloe Walker.

It should be noted that the Sci Fi Channel has been known to change their schedule often, so it’s possible that things might again change. Please visit Solutions regularly for the latest news on the Stargate television and movie projects.

NBCU: SGA Finale Ratings a "Triumph"

NBCU, parent company of the Sci Fi Channel, has issued a press release that boasts a “Triumph on Sci Fi” for the finales of Stargate Atlantis and Sanctuary:


New York, NY – January 12, 2009 – SCI FI had two of the top ten programs in cable entertainment on Friday, January 9, 2009 with the series finale of Stargate Atlantis and the season 1 finale of Sanctuary. This led Sci Fi to become the #4 cable entertainment network among Adults 25-54 and #5 among Adults 18-49 in primetime for the evening.

The series finale of Stargate Atlantis entitled “Enemy at the Gate” (9 pm) delivered a 1.5 HH rating with 973,000 Adults 18-49, 1.15 MM Adults 25-54 and 2.02 MM total viewers (P2+). This marks a season high in all key measures and is the best performance for an Atlantis episode since the season 4 finale on March 7, 2008. The second half of the Sanctuary two-part season finale “Revelations” (10pm) delivered a 1.6 HH rating with 900,000 Adults 18-49, 1.13 MM Adults 25-54 and 2.0 MM total viewers (P2+). This is the best performance for the series since its premiere on October 3, 2008 in total viewers and among Adults 18-49.

Season program highlights include:

For its fifth and final season (including all available timeshifting data), Atlantis averaged a 1.6 HH rating with 1.06 MM Adults 18-49, 1.24 MM, Adults 25-54 and 2.1 MM total viewers (P2+). Compared to season 4 Atlantis is up +14% in HH ratings, +5% in Adults 25-54 and +5% in total viewers (P2+).

For its full first season (including all available timeshifting data), Sanctuary has averaged a 1.8 HH rating with 1.04 MM Adults 18-49, 1.36 MM Adults 25-54 and 2.35 MM total viewers (P2+). This is the best performance for a first-year original scripted series on SCI FI since the 2006 debut of Eureka.

Stargate Atlantis and Sanctuary were the #9 and #10 cable programs for the day among Adults 25-54.


Congratulations to all those involved with these two programs, but especially to the outgoing Stargate Atlantis, which indeed did “go out on top.”

Mallozzi Reveals a Few Atlantis Movie Plot Points

Enemy at the Gate

In his most recent entry in his weblog, Stargate Atlantis executive producer Joseph Mallozzi revealed some of the plot points that he and writing partner Paul Mullie are considering in writing the script for the first Stargate Atlantis movie.

These plot points follow the events of the series finale “Enemy at the Gate”, which was also written by Mallozzi and Mullie, so if you haven’t seen the episode yet, you might want to stop reading this article right here.

“When we were breaking Enemy at the Gate,” Mallozzi explained in order to set the stage, “we saw it as a very special episode, not because it would be our series finale (at the time, we were somewhat optimistic that we would get that sixth season pick-up), but because it was going to be our 100th episode. For that reason, it turned out to be a little different from past finales, less a cliffhanger and more of a coming full-circle that featured the star of the series: the city of Atlantis.

“It was also intended to be the launching point for a very interesting early season 6 scenario:

  • “With Atlantis back on Earth, why the hell would the I.O.A. ever let it go? And if it remained, which, by all indications seemed likely, what would become of its occupants, especially Ronon and Teyla?
  • “Also, with a permanent station in the Milky Way, wouldn‘t Atlantis, logically, cease to be a launch point for gate travel and, instead, become a research center for Ancient technology?”

The Season Six opening two-parter is now the first Stargate Atlantis movie, about which Mallozzi declared, “[W]e’ll be able to tell our story on a much bigger, visual effects-laden, character-centered canvas.” Shooting is expected to take place this summer for either a late 2009 or early 2010 release (the Sci Fi Channel is expected to premiere the movie before it will be released on DVD).

Visit the Atlantis Movies guide in the Stargate Wiki for updates.