Goa'uld Language

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Chaka communicates with a young Unas


Daniel, Chaka, and Iron Shirt (Kor Asek) after a successful negotiation



The Unas are a very primitive society in some ways, but have a very intricate clan and social structure that must have existed for centuries. This is evidenced by their communication. Dr. Daniel Jackson noted that language was a learned behavior, and at first believed Chaka had taught Unas on another planet “his word” of Chaka. Only later did he realize the Unas already knew that word, and in fact, they already spoke the same language (5.07 "Beast Of Burden"). Chaka and Daniel were later able to communicate with Unas from yet a third world (7.07 "Enemy Mine"). Therefore at least the rudiments of the spoken Unas language had developed by the time Unas first left their aboriginal homeworld of P3X-888 (see 4.08 "The First Ones")

Visual and Written Language

Lt. Ritter’s body hung on warning totem
Unas cave drawing

There appears to be no written language for the Unas. They relied mostly on pictographs on the walls of their cavern dwellings to tell stories or relay information (4.08 "The First Ones"). Another way they relayed information was through visual aids. They placed warning totems near their sacred areas, complete with the bodies of those who had trespassed where they should not have been (7.07 "Enemy Mine").

Verbal and Physical Communication

The Unas language is very guttural. Much hissing and snarling with very strong consonants and long vowel sounds. A snort or roar may communicate as much if not more than any spoken words. Words may mean different things if combined with other words. When in mourning, the Unas as a group growl a low keening sound.

Daniel and others showing submission to Unas

Aside from the spoken language, there is a large physical component to Unas communication. The entire conversation can mean very different things if spoken with a different tone while standing up straight rather than from a more submissive position with eyes lowered. The Unas culture is heavily based upon hierarchy. For example when Chaka and Daniel attempted to broker a treaty between the Tau’ri and the Unas of P3X-403, he and Daniel knelt before the Alpha male leader of the clan, Iron Shirt (Kor Asek). Only after a dagger and bracelet had been traded did the negotiation begin (7.07 "Enemy Mine").

Unas to English Dictionary

A Benna A Tar
no direct translation; likely "surrender” or “honor has been given”
A Cha’aka
Used as a greeting of respect; see also Chaka
Thank you
Aka na
I’m sorry
Join me/Stay with me/staying together
Means many things, including a gesture of respect, it is also an expression of common goals; a call to a higher power; call to freedom (see A Cha'aka)
Invitation to Negotiate/Talk/Diplomacy/Peace
No (a), (b), (c)
Ka Keyka
Don’t kill/Don’t hurt (a)
Ka Nay
Friend/Clan Member (c)
Ka Naya
Working together (see also Naya) (c)
Ka Nok
Later/Not Now (c)
Naquadah (c)
Here (b), (c)
Go (b), (c)
Why/How (c)
Danger/Death/Kill (a), (b), (c)
Weapons (specifically referencing Jaffa staff weapons) (c)
Give/Bring (b)
Bring to the clan (a)
Ko Keyka
Bring death/kill pre-c, (c)
Ko Ka Cha
Move/Relocate (c)
Iron pre-c, (c)
  • Lota: Wait/Stay pre-c, (c)
  • Ma: Agree/Settlement pre-b, (b), (c)
  • Ma Kan: Here by Choice/My decision to come pre-b, (b), (c)
  • Na: Prisoners (5.07 "Beast of Burden")
  • Nan: Food/Eat/Nourishment (4.08 "The First Ones, 7.07 "Enemy Mine")
  • Naya: All/Together (see also Ka Naya) (7.07 "Enemy Mine")
  • No Na: Home (before 5.08 "Beast of Burden", 7.07 "Enemy Mine")
  • Nok: Time/Now (7.07 "Enemy Mine")
  • Onac: Goa’uld
  • Shesh: I don’t understand/I don’t know/Strangeness
  • Ska: Life
  • Ska Nat: Friends
  • Soseka: An extremely large number
You; what name is? What do you call...? (7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Trick/Deception (pre-season 7, 7.07 "Enemy Mine")
What is that group/name/species (7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Me/My/The name is/also “the” (7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Fight/Defiance (pre-season 7, 7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Make War/Battle (pre-season 7, 7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Human (7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Unas (4.08 "The First Ones; 5.07 "Beast of Burden", 7.07 "Enemy Mine")
Wok Tah
Sacrifice/Marked for death (4.08 "The First Ones", 5.07 "Beast of Burden")
Leader (5.07 "Beast of Burden", 7.07 "Enemy Mine")

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Aurora Novarum 1:10 27 Nov 2005 (EST)