Stargate Planner: Week of August 29-September 4

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


August 29
August 30
August 31
September 1
September 2
Red Riding Hood PosterMICHAEL SHANKS‘s Red Riding Hood comes out on DVD and Blu-ray today in Germany!

Dragon*Con starts in Atlanta this weekend. Stargate guests include BEAU BRIDGES, DAVID BLUE, LOUIS FERREIRA, ADAM BALDWIN, NICOLE DE BOER, AARON DOUGLAS, SAMANTHA FERRIS, and SEAN PATRICK FLANERY. JOE FLANIGAN had to cancel because he’s in Bucharest filming a new movie with Jean-Claude Van Damme entitled Six Bullets (see LJ article links below for more).

September 3
GAME TIME TitleBEAU BRIDGES stars in Family Movie Night’s Game Time: Tackling the Past, premiering at 8/7c on NBC. The movie’s home page has promos up, so make sure to visit. Here’s the storyline: “Personal and professional issues rock a football star, who returns to his small North Carolina hometown and reconnects with the family, friends and community he abandoned in favor of gridiron glory.” Bridges plays the football star’s father, whose heart attack prompts the hero’s return to his hometown where he must face his troubled past.
September 4

Solutions Features and Brief Updates

For news as it happens, make sure to visit the STARGATE TWITTER SUPERFEED for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And our feature BEYOND THE EVENT HORIZON consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.

Ba'al in 'Summit'
Ba'al, an appealing evildoer? Visit our LJ for a discussion.
Our LJ COMPANION has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits. Some of our recent posts in this LJ, as well as from the related SGU DESTINY, a Universe-specific community, include:

Our new COMING SOON feature gives you advance notice as to when our Stargate actors will be making appearances in movies and television productions. We’ve had some updates from the previous week, so make sure to visit often for the latest in release news.

And for the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

Richard Dean Anderson and Daughter Guest Star in "Raising Hope"

OK standing in line 4 'premiere/screening' of 'Grownups' Stil... on Twitpic
Richard Dean Anderson and daughter Wylie at a movie premiere in June 2010.

Stargate star Richard Dean Anderson has updated his official website readers on a new project that he and his daughter Wylie are doing together: guest starring roles in Raising Hope:

I wanted you to know, first, that Wylie and I have been inked to appear, together, mind you, in an episode of “Raising Hope.” We are both very excited.

Wylie Anderson spent the summer in a camp for theatrical kids, and it looks like she’s well on her way in following in her father’s footsteps. She just recently made her father beam with pride on Twitter: “If you’re close by: The Music Man is playing @ CSUN (Cal. State University@Northridge.) W.Anderson shines in the chorus! Proud Dad, sighs…” Earlier this summer, Anderson wrote about her previous stage appearances:

For some time now I’ve been staying tight with Wylie. She’s had the lead in two productions, (“Phantom Tollbooth” and “Little Women”). And, my God!! She shone! She played Beth in “Women,” so things get pretty heavy for the actress playing her. She gets sick, and dies, ultimately. Wylie’s getting very close to being able to tap the emotional coffers she’s been adding to over the years. She made a dozen people in the audience weep openly, very audible sniffling for minutes after the death scene.

She just might have ‘it’. She certainly stands out when she shares the stage with others… she’s definitely got ‘something’ that gets her close to that…. space, that heart, the focus, intelligence, nerve…. Time will tell.

Raising Hope is an Emmy-nominated comedy show that just finished its first season on FOX. The second season will premiere Tuesday, September 20, at 9:30/8:30c. We currently don’t have the date for the Andersons’ episode, but will announce it in our Coming Soon feature when we know.

More about Raising Hope from their About page:

RAISING HOPE is a new single-camera family comedy from Emmy Award winner Greg Garcia that follows the Chance family as they find themselves adding an unexpected new member into their household.

At 23 years old, JIMMY CHANCE (Lucas Neff) is going nowhere in life. He skims pools for a living, parties every night and still lives at home with his family, including his MAW MAW (Cloris Leachman); his mother, VIRGINIA (Martha Plimpton) and his father, BURT (Garret Dillahunt).

Jimmy’s life takes a drastic turn when a chance romantic encounter with LUCY (guest star Bijou Phillips) goes awry once he discovers she is a wanted felon. Months later, when Jimmy pays a visit to the local prison, he learns Lucy is pregnant with their baby, and after she gives birth, he is charged with raising their daughter.

Select Your Top Stargate Icons

SFX Magazine did a survey to find out who their readers’ sci-fi favorites were, and the results show that many of their readers are Stargate fans!

SFX Magazine’s Top 100 Sci-Fi Icons: Stargate Icons

99. Nicholas Rush

Nicholas Rush in MALICEA recent addition to the Stargate saga, Dr. Nicholas Rush, portrayed by Scotsman Robert Carlyle, is the type of character that you don’t know whether to love or to hate. Always thinking ahead several moves—he is a chess player, after all—Rush saw the discovery of Destiny as one of the most significant events in human history—and he had a major part in that discovery. His goals were often out of sync with the rest of the Icarus Project’s personnel, but he was depended upon to get them through the tough spots, and he often did.

95. Jack O’Neill

Jack O'Neill in ONE FALSE STEPHe was the first to walk through the Stargate in the movie and has been with us ever since to watch our backs! A Sci-Fi Icon list would not be complete without him. We got to love him as Colonel Jack O’Neill, leader of the flagship team SG-1, and now he’s all grown up to become Lt. General Jack O’Neill, commander of Homeworld Security. As the only military man who could say he’s been there and done it all, Jack has always been there for his people. Portrayed by TV legend Richard Dean Anderson, we cannot imagine anyone else filling Jack’s boots!

63. Daniel Jackson

Daniel Jackson in THE PEGASUS PROJECTIt’s only appropriate that the man who opened the Stargate and made regular travel through it possible should be the top representative of Stargate in the poll. Dr. Daniel Jackson might have been a “dweeb,” but he certainly knew his stuff and learned how to adapt quickly to his changing role as the expert on human cultures that had been transplanted across the galaxy by the Goa’uld. And after the defeat of the System Lords, Jackson continued to show how closely linked he was to the Stargate by becoming the foremost expert on the Ancients, the builders of the Stargates, Destiny, and Atlantis. Ever resourceful and quick-thinking, Daniel’s ability to solve riddles and puzzles, as well as negotiate treaties, made him Stargate Command’s most respected civilian employee the military had ever had and his actor Michael Shanks one of the Internet’s most closely followed television actors.

Our Own Stargate Icon Poll

Admittedly, we don’t have the same readership as SFX, but we thought that it might be fun to choose our own Icons, limited to our main Stargate characters. We can have another poll for Top Villain, Top Secondary, etc., later—just let us know—but right now we’re concentrating on the main cast of characters. Choose your Top 5 here:

The Rest of SFX’s Poll

You can see the rest of the 100 Sci-Fi Icons as declared by SFX readers by visiting SoEntertain.Me: Science Fiction News: SFX Names Top 100 Sci-Fi Icons, wherein you’ll see that Ben Browder’s John Crichton made 49th. Thanks to our LJ subscriber ivanov_vladimir for the heads-up and link.

Stargate Planner: Week of August 22-28

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


August 22
Red Riding Hood PosterMICHAEL SHANKS‘s Red Riding Hood comes out on DVD and Blu-ray today in the UK!
August 23
August 24
August 25
FanExpo Canada – August 25-28 – Toronto – MICHAEL SHANKS, LEXA DOIG, MICHAEL ROOKER, and MARINA SIRTIS.
August 26
August 27
Trek-Gate To Your Star – August 27-28 – Dusseldorf, Germany – TORRI HIGGINSON and ROBERT PICARDO.

Today is Stargate co-creator DEAN DEVLIN‘s birthday! He can be reached @electric44 on Twitter. (Thanks, IvanovVA.)

August 28
Today is AMANDA TAPPING‘s birthday! You can send your happy birthday wishes to her Twitter: @amandatapping.

Solutions Features and Brief Updates

For news as it happens, make sure to visit the STARGATE TWITTER SUPERFEED for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And our feature BEYOND THE EVENT HORIZON consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.

Daniel Jackson monitoring the Stargate in 'New Order'
Daniel Jackson among SFX's Top 100 Sci-Fi Icons
Our LJ COMPANION has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits. Some of our recent posts in this LJ, as well as from the related SGU DESTINY, a Universe-specific community, include:

Our new COMING SOON feature gives you advance notice as to when our Stargate actors will be making appearances in movies and television productions. For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

Jason Momoa’s "Conan the Barbarian" Opens Tonight!

Opening Tonight!

Conan the Barbarian (final poster)CONAN THE BARBARIAN
USA: Wide Release

We’ve finally reached August 19, 2011, and the opening night of JASON MOMOA’s Conan the Barbarian!

Here in our Blog and also in our LJ Companion, we’ve been reporting Jason’s interviews and appearances, as well as presenting trailers and posters, that have centered around this break-out role for our Stargate actor (you can see the most recent of these posts on Jason’s page in our Beyond the Event Horizon feature). We’re proud that he’s made such an impression that he was chosen as Rising Star of 2011 and through it all has remained firmly grounded.

Conan the Barbarian will be showing in both 2D and 3D. Before that happens in New York, Momoa will have the honor of ringing the Closing Bell at NASDAQ! There are lots of ways to witness this event, so visit Market Watch for the details.

The movie has two major Internet pages that are rich in extras: the main website at and the Facebook page.

Here’s a brief summary of the movie’s plot, taken from the Facebook info page: “A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.”

Momoa himself has written a script for a sequel, which will be made, he says, only if this movie is a success. Here’s hoping that fans of Conan will join us and become fans of Jason and that all of us will see his star rise even higher!

Tonight: Alaina Huffman in Syfy’s "Alphas"


*Guest Star*
Alphas posterALPHAS
“Bill and Gary’s Excellent Adventure”
Syfy 10/9c

Stargate Universe star ALAINA HUFFMAN guests in Syfy’s new show Alphas tonight at 10/9c! The episode’s name is “Bill and Gary’s Excellent Adventure,” and according to a press release, PETER WINGFIELD also guest stars.

Alphas centers around “five ordinary people [who] are brought together to form one extraordinary team of Alphas — people with the unique power to stretch the capabilities of the human mind giving them superhuman physical and mental abilities.” You can visit their homepage at Syfy, which includes a preview video of Alaina’s episode. The storyline: “Bill and Gary pursue an outside case, putting their Alpha powers to the ultimate test.”

Huffman has been busy with her MTV comic book series Agent Mom, attending conventions, and expanding her family: She revealed in an interview with Curt Wagner of the Chicago Tribune that’s she due with her fourth child in December! This interview was done along with JULIA BENSON, Lt. Vanessa James on SGU, wherein they talked about the end of Universe, their current projects, and how much they enjoy meeting with the fans at the conventions.

Speaking of meeting the fans, Huffman is looking forward to her trip to Australia in October (Armageddon Expo, October 22-23, 2011, Melbourne). “In the meantime,” she told Curt, “I’ll be doing laundry…a lot of laundry.”

Stargate Planner: Week of August 15-21

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


August 15
Alphas posterALAINA HUFFMAN guest stars on Syfy’s Alphas tonight at 10/9c. The episode is called “Bill and Gary’s Excellent Adventure” and also guest stars PETER WINGFIELD, SG-1’s Goa’uld Tanith. The storyline: “Gary and Bill take an outside case, which puts their powers to the test.”
August 16
August 17
August 18
August 19
Conan the Barbarian (final poster)JASON MOMOA’s break-out role as Conan in Conan the Barbarian can be seen today as the movie makes its wide release premiere in American theaters, in both 2D and 3D! The storyline: “A quest that begins as a personal vendetta for the fierce Cimmerian warrior soon turns into an epic battle against hulking rivals, horrific monsters, and impossible odds, as Conan realizes he is the only hope of saving the great nations of Hyboria from an encroaching reign of supernatural evil.”

AMANDA TAPPING’s Sanctuary should be wrapping its principal photography today, according to the BC Film Commission. This is Season Four of the hit show, which will consist of 13 episodes and will air on Syfy this fall.

The Official Stargate Convention in Chicago starts today and runs through the weekend. Stargate guests include CHRISTOPHER JUDGE, JOE FLANIGAN, DAVID HEWLETT, PAUL McGILLION, BEN BROWDER, ALEXIS CRUZ, KAVAN SMITH, J.R. BOURNE, GARY JONES, ALEX ZAHARA, DAN PAYNE, and DAVID DeLUISE.

August 20
Today is JAMIL WALKER SMITH’s birthday! You can send your happy birthday wishes to his Twitter: @limajamil.
August 21

Solutions Features and Brief Updates

Michael Kenmore in THE KINDRED IIFor news as it happens, make sure to visit the STARGATE TWITTER SUPERFEED for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And our feature BEYOND THE EVENT HORIZON consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.

Our LJ COMPANION has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits. Some of our recent posts in this LJ, as well as from the related SGU DESTINY, a Universe-specific community, include:

Our new COMING SOON feature gives you advance notice as to when our Stargate actors will be making appearances in movies and television productions. For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

Tonight: Jewel Staite in "Doomsday Prophecy"


Doomsday Prophecy - Coming SoonvDOOMSDAY PROPHECY
Syfy 9/8c

Tonight, Stargate star JEWEL STAITE saves the world from the Doomsday Prophecy, along with CSI: NY’s A.J. Buckley, on Syfy at 9/8c!

Staite and Buckley did a conference-call interview about the new movie, which was filmed back in May 2010 and was originally titled The Doomsday Scrolls. The transcript from that interview has appeared on the participants’ websites, but here’s the one that reached us first: Newsarama: Firefly Alum Fights DOOMSDAY PROPHECY in Syfy Movie.

The movie centers on the Staite’s character, “an archeologist who teams up with A.J. Buckley…, a book editor, to hunt down the mysterious author of novels predicting the future; it turns out the author has a device enabling him to see the future…and the end of the world.”

Jewel shared, “I play Brooke (Calvin) who is a young Archaeologist — emphasis on young. She is very much out of her element on this crazy journey that she’s going on, and is really excited. And that’s kind of what I wanted to play the most, was how there’s disaster going on all around her and the world’s falling apart, but she’s really excited about everything that she’s discovering. It’s her passion. It’s her passion in life. So yes, she’s a lot of fun to play.”

Make sure to visit Newsarama for the rest of the interview, but be aware that they talk about certain scenes in the movie. Maybe it’ll be best to wait to read it until after the world gets saved!

Reminder: Beau Bridges Guests in "White Collar" Tonight


Agent Kramer
White Collar posterWHITE COLLAR
Mid-season Finale, “Countdown”
USA 9/8c

Tonight is the mid-season finale of USA’s hit show White Collar and Stargate star BEAU BRIDGES has the guest role as Agent Kramer in it!

The episode is titled “Countdown,” an ominous title for a story thread watchers of the show are majorly concerned about—”Neal and Mozzie must stay one step ahead of the the FBI while appearing to work with them in order to keep them from discovering that they possess the treasure.” It doesn’t sound good for someone, and true to the half-season arrangements we are now getting in our television shows, it’ll end in a cliffhanger that won’t be resolved until its return several months from now—most likely in January 2012!

TV Guide announced Bridges’ guest role in an exclusive, giving us background on Agent Kramer: he is “a well-decorated federal officer and art expert who instructed Peter (Tim DeKay) when he trained at Quantico. Kramer has been Peter’s mentor ever since, and his paternal nature offsets his intimidating presence.”

Tune in tonight at 9/8c for the mid-season finale, and here’s hoping that we’ll get to see more Bridges as Kramer when the show returns next year!

Stargate Planner: Week of August 8-14

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


August 8
We thought that ALAINA HUFFMAN‘s guest appearance in Syfy’s Alphas was this week, but all of the online schedules have been updated and her episode has been placed to air next Monday, August 15.
August 9
White Collar posterBEAU BRIDGES guest stars in USA’s hit show Blue Collar tonight at 9/8c. He plays Agent Burke’s mentor, Agent Kramer, in the show’s mid-season finale.

Season 1 of JAMIL WALKER SMITH‘s animated series Hey, Arnold! is being released on DVD today.

Also being released on DVD and Blu-ray today is Steve Austin’s Tactical Force. You’ll get to see several Stargate alum in this one, including MICHAEL SHANKS, LEXA DOIG, STEVE BACIC, PETER BRYANT, PETER KENT, and MICHAEL EKLUND. Stargate stunt double DAN RIZZUTO also does stunts and has a “thug leader” role. It’s no surprise that so many of our Stargate actors appear in this movie since it was filmed in the Vancouver area.

August 10
August 11
Wizard World’s Chicago Comic Con is this weekend, and several Stargate actors are due to appear: ALAINA HUFFMAN, MORENA BACCARIN, JULIA BENSON, SEAN PATRICK FLANERY, and LOUIS GOSSETT, JR.

Also this weekend, Star Trek is having an incredible celebratory convention in Las Vagas! There are several of this 45-year-old franchise’s actors who will be in attendance who also guest starred in Stargate: RENE AUBERJONOIS, NICOLE DE BOER, JOHN DE LANCIE, ALAN SCARFE, ARMIN SHIMERMAN, CONNOR TRINNEER, MUSETTA VANDER, and GWYNYTH WALSH.

August 12
August 13
August 14

Solutions Features and Brief Updates

Falling Skies poster
Two Stargate vets have starring roles in TNT's FALLING SKIES, which has its 2-hour season finale tonight at 9/8c.
For news as it happens, make sure to visit the STARGATE TWITTER SUPERFEED for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And our feature BEYOND THE EVENT HORIZON consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.

Our LJ COMPANION has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits. Some of our recent posts in this LJ, as well as from the related SGU DESTINY, a Universe-specific community, include:

Our new COMING SOON feature gives you advance notice as to when our Stargate actors will be making appearances in movies and television productions. For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.