Stargate Universe "Deliverance" Ratings

The numbers for Stargate Universe episode “Deliverance” have been added to our summary table below.

Season Two Viewer and Ratings Summary

Episode Rating/Share Viewers in Millions
HH 18-49 Live+Same Day Live+7 Days
Intervention 0.8/1 0.5/1 1.175 Note 1
Aftermath 0.7/1 0.5/1 1.070
Awakening 0.8/1 0.5/1 1.222
Pathogen 0.7/1 0.4/1 0.974
Cloverdale 0.7/1 0.4/1 1.012
Trial and Error 0.7/1 0.4/1 0.967
The Greater Good 0.7/1 0.4/1 1.074
Malice 0.7/1 0.4/1 1.025
Visitation 0.7/1 0.5/1 1.169
Resurgence 0.7/1 0.5/1 1.094
Deliverance [Note 2] 0.6/1 0.5/1 1.035 <<<< NEW DATA

Source for New Data: Travis Yanan Blog


  1. “Just got the live+7 numbers for Intervention, the season 2 premiere. Wow. We jumped 78% from the live number, about 40% from the liv+SD. That’s a lot of eyeballs. Of course that isn’t even counting those who are viewing the show through alternate platforms (ie. netflix, iTunes, and other download options).” — Joseph Mallozzi, October 19, 2010.
  2. “The ratings of the back half of season 2 will have absolutely no bearing on whether or not Brad and co. proceed with movies.” — Joseph Mallozzi, March 5, 2011.

New Projects for Robert Carlyle

Robert CarlyleStargate star Robert Carlyle has been cast in at least two new projects, and there’s the possibility of another! The highly-sought-after actor is continuing his presence in American television, as well as returning to films in London, England, and possibly his native Glasgow, Scotland.

The first announced project is the film Dogs of Law, described by Indie Wire:

Screen Daily reports that rising star Luke Evans will appear alongside Robert Carlyle in “Dogs of Law,” an action-thriller set in London about an undercover cop (Evans) investigating a corrupt colleague (Carlyle). The script is from newcomers Matthew Cooke and Vincent Lund, and will be directed by TV veteran Declan O’Dwyer, who was behind the pilot for the cult British series “Being Human.” Producer Michael Ford is currently in talks with sales agents and financiers, calling the film “very international in its vision” and the $3.7 million project is heading for a summer shoot.

Before heading to London to film Dogs of Law, Carlyle will be working on his American television project, a pilot for ABC called Once Upon a Time. Comic Book Resources Spin-off has the details:

Stargate Universe star Robert Carlyle will play Rumpelstiltskin in Once Upon a Time, the ABC pilot from Lost producers Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz, Deadline reports.

As revealed last month, the drama centers on a young boy in Storybrooke, Maine, where everything isn’t as it seems and we’re introduced to dual plots unfolding in separate realities — our world and a fairy-tale land. To that Deadline adds a woman “drawn into a town where the magic and mystery of fairy tales may be real and hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of her troubled past.”

Carlyle’s Rumpelstiltskin is an expert in black magic who agrees to help Snow White and Prince Charming counteract the Evil Queen’s spells … for a price.

And finally, Carlyle’s name has been attached to the Glasgow film project Paying for It, which is based on the book by Tony Black. Screen Daily has the mention in an article centering around writers visiting prisoners so that the two groups can learn from each other:

THREE top crime writers came face-to-face with their fiercest critics this week – when they met hardened CONS at Barlinnie Prison.

Alex Gray, Gordon J Brown and Tony Black went inside the tough Glasgow nick to give a talk to inmates about how to write books.

But THEY ended up taking tips from the prisoners.


The trio were invited into Bar-L by Deputy Governor Rhona Hotchkiss.

But Tony reckoned stepping through the front gates of the Victorian jail – built in 1880 – was like a scene from the 1994 prison movie The Shawshank Redemption, starring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins The 38-year-old from Edinburgh, whose book Paying For It is set to be turned into a film starring Robert Carlyle, said: “Even though it looks like Shawshank, I couldn’t believe how friendly the staff and inmates were.”

Congratulations to Mr. Carlyle, and we’re hoping to hear about your casting as Dr. Nicholas Rush in the SGU movie or movies currently being negotiated with MGM.

Stargate Universe: 2.11 "Deliverance"

What has Chloe done?
Stargate Universe returns to our small screens tonight (March 7) on Syfy at 10 PM ET! The episode is 2.11 “Deliverance,” written by Paul Mullie (and Joseph Mallozzi) and directed by Peter DeLuise; it picks up the story where we left off in the mid-season cliffhanger “Resurgence.”

The cliffhanger left us wondering whether or not Chloe did something to help the crew of Destiny—and maybe even those double-crossing Ursini—survive the relentless attack of the accidentally-reactivated unmanned ships. Does she know the codes to get the command ship to recall all of these incessant drones? Did she give away secrets to the enemy that could mean certain doom or can she be trusted to have the crew’s best interest at heart?

Tune in tonight to find out what Chloe has done and make sure to rejoin us here for our episode poll on the front page.

Link and Spoiler Collection

[spoiler intro=”Episode Synopsis”]

Chloe contacts her alien abductors to buy the Destiny time to circumvent attacking drones; Volker and Brody tend to Destiny’s damaged shields.[/spoiler]

[spoiler intro=”Syfy: Sneak Peek (Actual Scene)”]


Stargate Planner: Week of March 7-13

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


Monday,   March 7 SGUStargate Universe returns to the United States on Syfy at 10 PM ET with the 11th episode of the season, “Deliverance.”

Michael Shanks will be at the premiere of Red Riding Hood at Graumann’s Chinese Theater located at 6925 Hollywood Blvd in Hollywood. Other members of the production company and the cast who will also be present include Leonardo DiCaprio, Amanda Seyfried, Billy Burke, Julie Christie, Gary Oldman, and Lukas Haas (Source: MSOL).

Tuesday,   March 8 Stargate Universe returns to Canada on SPACE at 10 PM ET with the 11th episode of the season, “Deliverance.”
Wednesday,   March 9
Thursday,   March 10 Stargate Universe returns to Australia on SciFi at 8:30 PM ET with the 11th episode of the season, “Deliverance.”

Richard Dean Anderson is returning in his role as David Smith in Fairly Legal on USA network at 10 PM ET (Source: DVR Playground).

Friday,    March 11 Tonight is the opening night of the highly-anticipated movie Red Riding Hood. Michael Shanks plays Adrien Lazar, the father of Henry, a love interest of Valerie, “Red Riding Hood” herself. The film was helmed by Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke. Synopsis: “Set in a medieval village that is haunted by a werewolf, a young girl falls for an orphaned woodcutter, much to her family’s displeasure.”
Saturday,   March 12
Sunday,   March 13

News Notes

Stargate Universe News


  • Franchise – Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi updated his readers on the last tasks that he and others are doing to complete the final episode of SGU, “Gauntlet.” As is typical with most Stargate season finales, this episode ends on a cliffhanger. “It’s a spectacular yet poignant season ender,” Mallozzi wrote after watching the finale’s Day 1 Mix. “Hopefully, by the time its airs, we’ll have definite word on a potential movie or two. If it’s a go and fans can look forward to a proper end to Destiny’s mission, then Gauntlet will certainly set the stage for a grand conclusion. If, on the other hand, things don’t pan out and Gauntlet does turn out to be the bittersweet finale, fans will be thrilled, touched, heartbroken – and left to wonder what could have been.” Once the finale is “in the can,” what will become of the franchise? Mallozzi once again reassured his readers, “The sets are still standing as Brad and co. await word on possible movies. As for the writers/producers – some have moved on, some stand ready to start work on a continuation of the storyline should they receive the green light.”
  • Indie Wire: Luke Evans & Robert Carlyle To Star In London Cop Thriller ‘Dogs Of Law’

Solutions News Blog Round-Up

Our News Blog posts since the last Stargate Planner (most recent listed first):

Solutions LJ Companion Background Articles

Last week, we posted a few background articles in our LJ Companion that you might be interested in. The articles listed in this section don’t have a companion piece in our News Blog here:


For news as it happens, make sure to visit the Stargate Twitter Superfeed for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature Beyond the Event Horizon, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1 and Atlantis.

Our LJ Companion has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits.

For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

Stargate Planner: Week of February 28-March 6

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


Monday,   February 28
Tuesday,   March 1 Desperate Escape, a telemovie starring Michael Shanks, is coming out on DVD today.
Wednesday,   March 2
Thursday,   March 3
Friday,    March 4 The new animated film Rango comes to theaters today, and Claudia Black has a part in it! She voices the character Angelique, described by the movie’s official website as “the Mayor’s slinky receptionist. Her French accent only hints at the mysterious layers beneath her foxy fur. She has a long standing feud with Beans over an awkward love pentagon with three of the Jenkins brothers.” The story centers around Rango, a chameleon (voiced by Johnny Depp) who “aspires to be a swashbuckling hero.” He “finds himself in a Western town plagued by bandits and is forced to literally play the role in order to protect it.” (Sources: Claudia Black Online and IMDb)

Tonight is the 6th Annual Vancouver Women in Film Festival, and Amanda Tapping is the host! Visit for more information about the festival and this year’s award winners.

Saturday,   March 5
Sunday,   March 6

News Notes

Stargate Universe News

  • SGU Stargate
    Most of SGU's sets remain standing.
    Blogging executive producer Joseph Mallozzi has moved out of Bridge Studios to join Robert C. Cooper and Paul Mullie on a new project in Toronto. In the meantime, Brad Wright and Carl Binder are keeping the home fires burning for the Stargate franchise. Mallozzi hasn’t stopped reporting what he can about the state of the franchise, however. In one of his recent “mailbag” exchanges, Mallozzi addressed concerns about the status of SGU’s sets. “For now, I believe the plan is to strike the sets on Stage 6 (the cave and Homeworld Command which were doubtful to be used moving forward anyway). The standing sets (the Destiny corridors, observation deck, gate room over on Stage 4 and the bridge, shuttle, and mess over on Stage 5) will remain standing until we hear definite word that we will not be proceeding with production on any movie(s). And, sorry to say, no news to report on that front.” He also confirmed that there will be no set tours at the upcoming Vancouver Con (April 14-17). “I was actually there on Thursday when they were discussing it and the issue was one of costs for lighting up the sets. Even without full lighting, it would have been quite pricey.” On a closing encouraging note, he wrote, “The fact that the sets are still standing is a good sign. It costs money to keep them up/the stages rented, so, at the very least, this does demonstrate a desire to see the production move forward in some form.”
  • Blastr: John Scalzi’s epic novel Old Man’s War heading to the big screen. Scalzi was Creative Consultant with SGU.
  • Nerdage: Alaina Huffman of Stargate Universe, Smallville coming to Wizard World cons in Chicago, Philadelpha.

Solutions LJ Companion Background Articles

Last week, we posted a few background articles in our LJ Companion that you might be interested in. The articles listed in this section don’t have a companion piece in our News Blog here:


For news as it happens, make sure to visit the Stargate Twitter Superfeed for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature Beyond the Event Horizon, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1 and Atlantis.

Our LJ Companion has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits.

For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

Stargate Planner: Week of February 21-27

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


Monday,   February 21
Tuesday, February 22
Wednesday, February 23
Thursday,   February 24
Friday,   February 25
Saturday, February 26 Armageddon Expo in Sydney, Australia, is this weekend. Stargate guests include David Hewlett, Colin Cunningham, Christopher Heyerdahl, and Ryan Robbins. Make sure to visit the website for more details.
Sunday, February 27

News Notes

News Flashes and Brief Follow-Ups

  • The first track of Rachel Luttrell’s album has been posted on YouTube (and is also available for download from iTunes)! Here it is below:

Stargate Universe News

  • Franchise – Still no news on the future of SGU or the franchise in general, but recent posts in his weblog by former executive producer Joe Mallozzi indicate that we’ll be hearing something soon. Mallozzi and writing partner Paul Mullie are preparing to join Robert C. Cooper on a new project in Toronto. Executive producers Brad Wright and Carl Binder remain with the franchise.
  • Robert Carlyle – In an article about writers and prisoners, Carlyle was mentioned as being attached to a new film in Glasgow: Paying for It.

Solutions News Blog Round-Up

Our News Blog posts since the last Stargate Planner (most recent listed first):

Solutions LJ Companion Background Articles

Last week, we posted a few background articles in our LJ Companion that you might be interested in. The articles listed in this section don’t have a companion piece in our News Blog here:


For news as it happens, make sure to visit the Stargate Twitter Superfeed for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature Beyond the Event Horizon, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1 and Atlantis.

Our LJ Companion has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits.

For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

Stargate Planner: Week of February 14-20

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


Monday,   February 14 Be looking for Rachel Luttrell‘s debut album I Wish You Love to be released “in time for Valentine’s Day.” Visit Luttrell’s Facebook to obtain the link to the tracks that will be available on iTunes soon.

Lou Diamond Phillips will be guest starring tonight on Chuck in the episode “Chuck Vs. the CAT Squad” on NBC at 8/7c. He’s playing villain Augusto Gaez in the story about when “Chuck (Zachary Levi) surprises Sarah (Yvonne Strahovski) with her old spy team, The C.A.T. Squad, leading to a mission in Rio. As The C.A.T. Squad works to settle a score with Augusto Gaez (guest star Lou Diamond Phillips), old secrets and grudges come to light. Back at the Buy More, Morgan fends off the advances of Carina, a former flame and frisky member of The C.A.T Squad.”

Tuesday, February 15
Wednesday, February 16
Thursday,   February 17 RDA Fairly LegalRichard Dean Anderson begins his multiple episode arc as David Smith in the Fairly Legal episode “The Two Richards” (ha!) on USA network at 10:01 PM ET (that time is according to TV Guide and is not a typo). Synopsis: “A man who was hit by a truck seeks a settlement with an insurance company. But the man’s wife has her own grievance: she claims her husband was forever changed after the accident.”

Today is Lou Diamond Phillips‘s birthday!

Friday,   February 18 BasauriConThe Basauri Con begins today and runs until February 20. Stargate stars Michael Shanks and Torri Higginson are two of the main guests. The convention has a limited attendance, which the organizers hope will give the event a more casual and friendly atmosphere at the Ibaigane Theatre in Basauri, Spain.
Saturday, February 19
Sunday, February 20 Brothers and SistersTonight at 10 PM ET, Beau Bridges begins his multi-episode arc as Brody in ABC’s Brothers and Sisters in the episode “Brody.” The synopsis: “Though Nora tries her best to keep Brody (guest starring Beau Bridges) at bay, she can’t help but feel the long lost connection between them, and Justin reaches out to a homeless vet reluctant to accept help getting back on his feet.”

Today is Louis Ferreira‘s birthday!

News Notes

Stargate Universe News

  • Our SGU Portal has been updated to include the starting dates for Season 2.5, the last ten episodes of the show, for Syfy and Space, March 7 and 8, respectively. Other dates will be added once they are announced.

Solutions News Blog Round-Up

Our News Blog posts since the last Stargate Planner (most recent listed first):

Solutions LJ Companion Background Articles

Last week, we posted a few background articles in our LJ Companion that you might be interested in. The articles listed in this section don’t have a companion piece in our News Blog here:


For news as it happens, make sure to visit the Stargate Twitter Superfeed for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature Beyond the Event Horizon, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1 and Atlantis.

Our LJ Companion has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits.

For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.

New Show for Stargate Writers Revealed?

Transporter 3 movie posterProducer Joe Mallozzi has been blogging over the past few weeks about a potential new writing opportunity for him and fellow Stargate writer-producers Paul Mullie and Robert C. Cooper. Last week the three met up in Toronto to break episodes with the show-runner and producers of the new series, which Joe declined to name but has described as the first season of a TV show based on an established franchise. He’s also said it’s action-oriented, not science fiction and has a male main character.

On his last day in Toronto, Joe revealed the name of the show-runner: German-born producer Alexander M. Ruemelin. An alert blog reader of Joe’s, Randomness, used his google-foo to discover that Alexander Ruemelin is the show-runner of the new series The Transporter, based on the three-movie, French franchise of the same name (The Transporter 1, 2, and 3).

Today Joe made it clear he and Paul at least have made deals to work on the project, and that he’s planning to move to Toronto for the filming season. Robert C. Cooper appears to already be living there and attached to the project.

Below are some internet reports about the new Transporter series. The show will be financed by the French company that produced the movies. It will be filmed in English and has been picked up by a “major” U.S. network. It will tell the story of a man whose job is to transport anything, anywhere, no questions asked.

The timing and Joe’s description of the show seem to match. As well, Joe wouldn’t have approved those blog comments by Randomness if he had wanted it to remain a secret.

So if this is all correct, congrats to Joe, Paul, and Rob — on to Toronto! And may we ask you to consider Stargate actors as you’re casting your new show. 🙂

Stargate Universe Returns to Syfy March 7

SGU StargateMGM Studios has announced via Twitter, “THIS JUST IN: ‘Stargate Universe’ season 2 continues March 7 at 10/9c, only on Syfy! 10 more episodes, starting with ‘Deliverance’!”

March 7 is a Monday: a new night for Stargate!

Syfy’s schedule thus far for the show’s return (10 PM ET, repeating at Midnight ET):

March 7: 2.11 “Deliverance”
March 14: 2.12 “Twin Destinies”
March 21: 2.13 “Alliances”
March 28: 2.14 “Hope”

The schedule doesn’t go any further than that, but if the trend continues, Stargate Atlantis fans should tune in on April 4 to see Dr. Rodney McKay and Richard Woolsey involved in a scientific and diplomatic solution to the energy problem currently plaguing the marooned crew of Destiny in episode 2.15 “Seizure.”

Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi has been updating fans with what’s going on behind the scenes as Brad Wright works with MGM to continue the Stargate franchise. His most recent report: “Still no definite word on the Stargate front. Following a flurry of promising developments, things have gone unbearably quiet. Not a bad sign just… no sign. There’s an anticipation that good news could break any day now – but the longer the wait, the greater the challenge when the time comes. To those holding out hope that this could mean a third season pick-up – alas, this isn’t one of the scenarios in play. Nevertheless, as I said in a previous entry, if and when we finally do get the green light, Brad has some wonderful surprises in store for fans of SGU (as well as fans of the Stargate franchise in general).

“I’ve got my fingers crossed for all involved, even though it’s looking more and more like I won’t be among them.” Mallozzi, writing partner Paul Mullie, and SGU co-creator Robert C. Cooper are apparently going from one established franchise to another as they move to Toronto, leaving Brad Wright and Carl Binder, the team who wrote the script for SG-1’s third movie Stargate: Revolution. Hopefully, the news about the future of the franchise includes updates on the status of Revolution and Stargate: Extinction, the movie that Mallozzi and Mullie penned to continue the Stargate Atlantis story.

For more about SGU’s second and final season, please visit the Season Two index in the Solutions Stargate Wiki.

Stargate Planner: Week of February 7-13

We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.


Monday,   February 7 All About A BoyClaudia Black returns as Guru Sona in the 90210 episode “All About a Boy” tonight at 8 PM ET on The CW. TV Guide’s summary: “Teddy discovers who’s blackmailing him; Navid learns the truth about Adrianna and her baby; Emily plans to ruin Annie’s audition for a play; Naomi hosts a party in honor of her spiritual guru; Ivy is anxious about returning to the water.”

Today is David Nykl‘s birthday!

Tuesday, February 8 Starting at 8 AM ET, Syfy will be having an 8-episode marathon of SGU’s Season Two, beginning with “Intervention” and ending with “Malice.” To complete the Stargate experience, SG-1’s “Forever In A Day” will show at 5 PM ET, and SGA’s “Be All My Sins Remember’d,” at 2 AM ET.

Rainbow Sun Francks is part of the regular cast in Season Two of The Listener (as well as SG-1 guest star Peter Stebbings), which premieres tonight at 10 PM ET on Canada’s CTV. The show will be released internationally in March. Visit Francks’s homepage at CTV, which profiles the actor and his character Corporal Dev Clark, a communications expert for IIB. In the Season Two premiere, “Toby Logan is still haunted by guilt over the murder of his friend Detective Charlie Marks and the disappearance of his mother – has resolved to stop fighting against his mysterious gift and use his telepathic abilities to help others. When he revives a woman (Rekha Sharma, V) who nearly drowned, her amnesia gives him the perfect opportunity. But unbeknownst to him, she’s tangled in a case of corporate espionage and murder, and she might not be the victim he presumes. As he sets out to help her remember her past, she’s also being investigated by Sgt. Michelle McCluskey (Lauren Lee Smith) of the IIB, who has taken a special interest in Toby’s connection to the woman and uncovered his more than coincidental history with a number of major criminal cases in the past.”

Wednesday, February 9 Arctic Blast PosterTonight at 8 PM is the Syfy UK premiere of Arctic Blast starring Michael Shanks. There will be repeats on February 10 at 10 PM and on February 13 at 9 PM (Source: MSOL). For more information about this movie, visit IMDb or Imagination LLC.
Thursday,   February 10
Friday,   February 11
Saturday, February 12 Paul McGillion, Kavan Smith, Chris Gauthier, and Nicole de Boer lead the cast in Syfy’s original movie Iron Invader at 9 PM ET. The storyline: “Alien bacteria brings a giant metal monster alive.” This movie was previously titled Metal Monster and Iron Golem.
Sunday, February 13

News Notes

Stargate Universe Press

  • SGU’s VFX team didn’t take home the VES Award on February 1 in the Outstanding Visual Effects in a Broadcast Series category. Instead, the award went to the team at Caprica.

Solutions News Blog Round-Up

Our News Blog posts since the last Stargate Planner (most recent listed first):

Solutions LJ Companion Background Articles

Last week, we posted a few background articles in our LJ Companion that you might be interested in. The articles listed in this section don’t have a companion piece in our News Blog here:


For news as it happens, make sure to visit the Stargate Twitter Superfeed for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature Beyond the Event Horizon, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1 and Atlantis.

Our LJ Companion has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits.

For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.