Richard Dean Anderson in SNL "MacGruber" Skits

Wearing a wig to call up the past days of Angus MacGyver, Stargate star Richard Dean Anderson appeared in three variations of a “MacGruber” skit on Saturday Night Live last night (January 31, 2009). According to reports, these skits were actually cleverly-disguised commercials for Pepsi.

Along with commentary, the Chicago Tribune included the three videos in their blog, and with the posting generosity of user hayes650 at YouTube, we’ve embedded them here as well:

Also, you can download the WMV files from Richard Dean Anderson’s official website.

Stargate Hits Big at Comic Con

Another San Diego Comic Con, another huge suite of Stargate events! This year was especially big for Stargate in that Richard Dean Anderson attended for the first time ever, and there were 3 panels, not two: Stargate Continuum, Stargate Worlds, and Stargate Atlantis. Fans had to arrive by 7:15 am to get the best seats, a mere 3.5 hours before the panels began. By the time they started, over 4000 fans had filled Ballroom 20 once again.

Stargate Continuum

Brad Wright moderated the Continuum panel, and it was a rousing and fun affair. In attendance, in order of assigned seating, were Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Director Martin Wood, Michael Shanks, Ben Browder, Chris Judge, and Beau Bridges. It was lovely to note Wright introduced RDA as perhaps his closest friend, and Michael Shanks as personally his favorite actor in the world. RDA didn’t seem nervous at all and in fact seemed to behave exactly as “Jack”, playing dumb and not taking anything the least bit seriously. He was a hoot. It should also be noted that Ben Browder kissed Michael on the lips as he joined him on stage. Michael seemed to take this in stride.

The main news for SG-1 is that both a third movie and Stargate Universe are in development. That doesn’t mean either one has been green-lighted, but MGM has authorized Wright to work on them, especially the third movie. Note this differs from previous stories saying there would either be two more SG1 movies OR Stargate Universe, but not both. Perhaps it will be one of each. In any case Brad is starting to work on a story for the third movie.

Some outlets are reporting this last as major news, but the certainty doesn’t seem to be any more or less definite than it has been for 6 months now. Hmm.

Brad introduced a lovely tribute to Don S Davis. It showed clips of General Hammond talking about what his people and his position as General mean to him, and it was set to Joel Goldsmith’s score from Continuum. When the lights came up after the tribute, all the panelists were clearly moved to tears. RDA got things back on track with a whacky joke.

The panelists looked healthy and happy, in particular Beau Bridges who looks much younger with longer hair! Everyone has been keeping busy, most with acting and Ben with coaching high school pole vaulting this spring, and football coming up. He’s auditioning and writing, however. Chris Judge mentioned he was supposed to be a villain on the upcoming season of 24 but was “fired” for not being black enough, which seemed to refer to him not looking like he’s from Africa. That got a good laugh.

Everyone was excited by the premiere of Continuum with a few hundred fans on the deck of the US carrier Midway the night before. They are very proud of the film and what it represented, the chance to go to the Arctic and then work together again even after SG-1 was canceled. Several of the panelists talked about what a great experience it was working together over the years.

RDA didn’t do well with questions like “favorite episode” or “hardest episode”. He passed on hardest emotional scene, but then called the panel back to him to say it was when O’Neill dealt with the death of his son (“Cold Lazarus”). He said the kid died, how could there not be emotion? Otherwise he admitted he doesn’t remember what he filmed. But his favorite part of Continuum was filming in the Arctic, and his favorite part of that was that the toilet seats were frosted with ice and that his poop would freeze solid.

Stargate Worlds

The Stargate Worlds panel was next, hosted by the Cheyenne Mountain guys. Brad Wright participated too. I don’t pretend to understand all the lingo, like PvP, PvE, spawning, or arenas versus battlefields. What I got out of the panel very strongly was that the creators are really trying to make the game accessible to all Stargate fans regardless of previous gaming experience. There will be many modes of play from solo to team, from fighting to physics to archeology. There will be social networking aspects as well. Reviewers have said the game is like the 4th generation of on-line role-playing games, and goes beyond World of Warcraft in that it takes the social networking to the next level.

The game will be set right before Season 9, and those events had all taken place in the universe of the game. Playing the game will have the elements of an episode. The SG-1 characters will be there as mentors and gift givers to the player characters. The panelists mentioned having voiceovers, and I asked one of the guys afterward what this meant. He confirmed they will record the actors’ voices for the game! He said everyone has signed on, except that RDA might need some further convincing. This is new information to many of us and very welcome!

They confirmed the game is for Windows only now but expressed sympathy for Mac users and some hope that there could be a Mac version some day.

Stargate Worlds encourages fans to sign up to be beta testers and help stress the game. Their current projected release date for the game is “early 2009”.

Stargate Worlds is clearly a huge part of the franchise strategy this year. They have lots of bling, from tee-shirts to dog tags, and are key to the Stargate booth, which appears to be sponsored by MGM and Stargate Worlds. Oh, and some of the buses are painted with SG Worlds. I sense a pattern emerging.

Stargate Atlantis

The Atlantis panel was smaller in terms of panelists, with Martin Gero presiding and Joe Flanigan, Bob Picardo, Jewel Staite, and Sci Fi VP Chris Sanagustin on the panel. Martin Gero was especially pithy and quick-witted and added much humor to the affair. All the actors were in fine form and very positive about the show.

Answering about the future of the show on Sci Fi, Chris Sanagustin assured the audience that Atlantis will continue, if not as a series than in TV movies. This seemed a very diplomatic answer and did not exactly impart warm fuzzies about the prospect for a 6th season of Atlantis.

In a hint of a spoiler, Jewel Staite said her wish for Keller this season is to make a choice, and she does. I assume this refers to the Keller/McKay/Ronon love triangle, and based on other spoilers, it seems her choice will be McKay. But, that’s just speculation.

Beyond that, Robert Picardo expressed how much he enjoys the humrous aspect of Stargate and the way it sort of winks at the audience, in contrast to the seriousness of Star Trek. He said he feels a bit like he’s been let out of prison.

Joe Flanigan spoke about “Search and Rescue” being a difficult episode for him to shoot because they’d just come back from hiatus and also because he had a personal issue going on during filming [a/n: he might have been speaking about the death of his father, which occurred at the end of February.] He said when it happened, he went right back to work because that’s exactly where he wanted to be, with his friends and colleagues on set. He has moments of intense gratitude for getting to do this work that millions of people wish they could be doing.

Jewel noted that her character gets kidnapped in the woods many times. Martin pointed out that since they film in Vancouver, it’s hard for them to kidnap you anywhere else but the woods.

Everyone on the panel seems very excited about the upcoming Season 5 episode “The Shrine,” penned by Brad Wright. There are insights into Woolsey. Brad Wright’s favorite moment of the season so far is a scene between Sheppard and McKay in The Shrine, on a pier at night. The slashers in the audience cheered the implications of that one.

These are just some highlights of course. Check back for a more detailed report, or since video taping was allowed, it’s likely the panels will be on MGM, Sci Fi, and/or YouTube. We will be uploading a more complete gallery in the next few days, including close-ups from the autograph sessions!

Anderson: "Continuum" Like a Feature Film

Jack O

Stargate SG-1 star Richard Dean Anderson recently posted a note on his official website concerning his recovery from foot surgery and his return to his role as Jack O’Neill in Brad Wright’s Stargate: Continuum, the first of the stand-alone SG-1 movies being released directly to video.

Anderson closed his note with this mini-review of the movie: “Oh, and by the way, Brad sent me a copy of Continuum, and I must shout and tout the relative genius of both Mr. Wright and Mr. Wood. The darn thing looks, SOUNDS, and behaves like a feature film. I am soooo frickin’ proud of those guys. Talented and genuinely GOOD guys.”

To get a preview of Anderson’s return as Jack O’Neill, view the trailer below (this version is without the cheering fans):

The world premiere of the DVD (and Blu-ray HD) is July 29, 2008, in North America. There’s a tentative release for the UK set for sometime in August.

SG-1 Spoilers: Wright and Anderson on Continuum


Stargate: Continuum is the second direct-to-DVD movie that will be produced over the next few months, aiming for a fall of 2007 release. Brad Wright is writing the script, Martin Wood is directing, and Brad Wright and Robert C. Cooper are producing this stand-alone story. Stargate SG-1‘s Season Ten cast members are returning to continue bringing the teammembers to life once more for the show’s fans.

The following contains comments from Brad Wright and Richard Dean Anderson concerning Anderson’s reprising his role as Jack O’Neill. There is also spoiler information on a filming location for the movie:

MGM Makes Announcement

From: Richard Dean Anderson Web Site:


Former Stargate SG-1 Actor and Executive Producer Travels to North Pole Location to Reprise His Role as General Jack O’Neill

LOS ANGELES, CA. March 20, 2007 — Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios Inc. (MGM) today announced that Richard Dean Anderson will be reprising his role as General Jack O’Neill for the Studio’s upcoming Stargate: Continuum.

Anderson will join cast members Ben Browder (Stargate SG-1’s Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell) and Amanda Tapping (Lt. Col. Samantha Carter) in shooting on location in the sub-zero climate of the Arctic where the production is working in collaboration with the U.S. Navy’s Applied Physics Laboratory Ice Station (APLIS) for the week of March 23 through 29.

Brad Wright

From SCI FI WIRE: Anderson Enters Stargate: Continuum:

“We’re thrilled to have Richard join us for Stargate: Continuum,” Brad Wright, co-creator of the Stargate franchise and writer/executive producer for the latest installment for the property, said in a statement. “As Gen. Jack O’Neill, Richard brings both a sense of history and familiarity to the continuing adventures of the Stargate team. And we all recognize his value as the much-loved hero among the Stargate fan base.”

Richard Dean Anderson

From Richard Dean Anderson Web Site:

“I have agreed to play with the kids in Vancouver, again, in the form of a movie which we hope will stand on its own. In other words, I’ll be doing Brad’s movie; don’t know how much or how little, but I’m in.”

Playback Mag: Anderson in Continuum

More information about the upcoming shoot

Recently, information concerning the very unique filming location for SG-1’s second movie, Continuum, was released. The shoot is scheduled for March 23 to 29 and includes Ben Browder (Lt. Col. Cameron Mitchell) and Amanda Tapping (Lt. Col. Samantha Carter). Playback Magazine has added one more actor to this list!

The following contains spoilers about one of the filming locations:


According to Playback Magazine, Richard Dean Anderson (Jack O’Neill) will be at the week-long shoot in the Arctic. The article, written by Marise Strauss, stated, “Continuum, produced by MGM Studios, will shoot in the Arctic March 23-29 with an 18-member crew, including veteran director Martin Wood (Stargate SG-1), DOP Peter F. Woeste and cast members Ben Browder, Amanda Tapping and Richard Dean Anderson.”

Strauss also talked with writer and producer Brad Wright concerning the special location and stated that Wright and MGM’s executive Charles Cohen will be going to the location for a few days as well. Wright stated, “I think it’s the first time any production of any size has gone to do something of this scope, in terms of shooting on the arctic ice with a U.S. nuclear submarine.” This submarine is the USS Alexandria.

Wright didn’t say anything more about Anderson’s appearance, but this article is the first to mention his being present at this shoot. No further information concerning Anderson’s involvement with the movie has been released.

According to Wright, the possibility exists that both SG-1 movies will be broadcast on TV, even though they are being filmed with the direct-to-DVD format in mind. He said, “We hope that Sci Fi Channel will jump on board.”

Read the full article here: Stargate goes nuclear.

[Thanks to wraithfodder for the tip.]

Big Update to Interviews Pages

Here’s a big update to our interviews pages, with excerpts of recent magazine interviews.

Richard Dean Anderson

Claudia Black

Beau Bridges

Ben Browder

Chris Judge

Michael Shanks

Amanda Tapping

We’ve also added some links to external on-line interviews to the respective interview main pages.

RDA On Stargate and Weddings

TVGuide Online has a wonderful new interview with Richard Dean Anderson, in honor of this week’s airing of “200” in the U.S. Read it with images here, and we’ve excerpted it below. Beware of spoilers for “200”.

Richard Dean Anderson Marks SG-1’s 200th
by Ileane Rudolph

TV Guide caught up with Richard Dean Anderson on the Vancouver set of Sci Fi Channel’s Stargate: SG-1, where he was making his first visit back since he left the show one and a half years ago to spend more time with his young daughter. Sitting in a mock wedding chapel, Anderson looked just fine in a tux, as he waited for a nuptial scene to begin. (SG-1 fans, you’ll love it.) The occasion was special not only because of the former star’s return — the first of two SG-1 and three Stargate Atlantis visits this season — but because the episode was the 200th of the decade-old show (airing Friday, Aug. 18, at 9 pm/ET). Anderson talked to us about the anniversary, why he returned and what he’s been up to.

TV Guide: Is it true that the writers are also giving the fans what they’ve always wanted? Jack and Sam getting together, for instance, is a major fan wish, no?
Anderson: Yes, you’re right, the fan base always wanted this to happen, [though here it’s] in a coma or a fantasy, or whatever this is. By the way, I’m doing an Atlantis [episode] simultaneously, bouncing back and forth all week. I’m the character comparable to Dr. Weir, but she’s in a coma. And over here, I’m in somebody’s dream or fantasy.

TV Guide: So you’re not really in either place?
Anderson: Apparently not. Which means, I guess, they’re not paying me. I never showed up.

Anderson goes off to rehearse the big wedding scene. Sam (Amanda Tapping) is the bride, and Daniel (Michael Shanks) is the best man. No doubt saluting the fans who want Jack and Daniel to hook up, they do a couple of “Brokeback” takes. In one, Richard takes the bouquet out of Amanda’s hands and gives it to Michael. In another, Richard takes Michael’s hand at the altar, which causes the assembled cast and crew to erupt in applause. (You’ll just have to watch to see what ends up on air.)

TV Guide: That was cute, the hand-holding with Michael.
Anderson: [Laughs] Over the years, it’s been alluded to, so we did that just for us.

TV Guide: Should Jack and Sam wind up together at the end of the series?
Anderson: I know it’s a pressing issue for the fans, but luckily we’ve been able to justify not just doing it for doing-it’s sake. There’s always been something that’s kept us apart, obviously. But I don’t know whether there should be an allusion to it at the end, whenever the series goes its merry way.

Video: SG Actors Talk About "200"

Sci Fi Channel has put up short (several minute) videos of much of the cast of SG-1 talking about their experiences shooting the show that has lasted 200+ episodes. The interviews were filmed at the recent TV Critics Association party. Michael Shanks, Richard Dean Anderson, Amanda Tapping, Chris Judge, and Claudia Black all gave interviews. Michael gave a few spoilers: a mild one is that his 1-yr old daughter Mia will be in a Season 10 episode.

To view the videos, visit Sci Fi Stargate Video.

Thanks to SueB at Our Stargate for the tip!

SG-1's Anderson Back in Saddle

From today’s Sci Fi Wire:

Richard Dean Anderson, who played Jack O’Neill for most of Stargate SG-1’s previous nine seasons, returns for a few episodes in the SCI FI Channel original series’ current 10th season and told SCI FI Wire that it took a little adjustment to play the general again. “It took a couple of hours,” Anderson said in an interview at a party to celebrate the show’s unprecedented run in Pasadena, Calif., over the weekend. He added: “I was a little rusty, I have to be honest. … I didn’t stretch, let’s put it that way. I should have. My wind was a little low. But once I got back over there with the group that I grew up with, let’s say, in the Stargate franchise, everything all just fell back into line, and we all remembered each other right away.”

Anderson’s O’Neill returns in the show’s upcoming 200th episode, and he will also make special guest appearances in a number of additional episodes of both SG-1 and its spinoff series, Stargate Atlantis. “It was by invitation only,” Anderson joked. “[Executive producers] Brad [Wright] and Robert [C. Cooper] both called me, independent of each other. I don’t know if they knew that. Of course they did: They collaborate on everything. But they called and asked if I’d be interested in … being part of the 200th episode, and … I wouldn’t miss that. It’s a milestone. As you may have heard tonight, it’s a record [for an American SF show]. Two different kinds of records, and I think Guinness wants a part of us, too. But yeah, I was fine with that. I wouldn’t have missed that for anything. And then the four more episodes were negotiated, I guess, to be fair about it, and it all fell into place. And I was ready to come back and see the folk. If they hadn’t invited me to come back to work for a little while, I would have been up there anyway vacationing and checking in with everybody. In fact, my daughter and I, Wylie and I are leaving tomorrow to go back up there. We’re going to go up to a friend’s cabin and spend some time north of Vancouver.”

As for where Gen. O’Neill has been all this time? “Good question,” Anderson said with a smile. “You should ask that of more people who work there, because I don’t [know]. In the four … extra episodes that I came back to do, three of them were Atlantis, or Atlanti. But I think the answer was there. We sort of had to make it up while we were standing there. Not a writer to be found. It was basically, he’s been in Washington, sort of hiding behind a desk somewhere in charge of [something]. I think Brad might have told me what it was, but I don’t recall. Apparently he’s in Washington, and they don’t have an answer for me or for anybody when it comes to, I guess, the ultimate question: What’s going to happen to O’Neill, since he is still alive. I’m hoping that, God forbid this show should be over, but if it is, I’d love to be seen just floating away into space naked. Or partially naked. Or CGI naked. … Yeah. Stand-in. Use a stand-in. It would be fun to just float away. But I’m still alive, so I have no answers for you.” Stargate SG-1 is currently airing Fridays at 9 p.m. ET/PT. —Patrick Lee, News Editor