We’ll update this article if something comes to our attention during the week. Also, if you’ve got more to add, please don’t hesitate to announce them in the comment section below.
Monday, May 30 |
![]() Memorial Day (Traditional and Observed) |
Due to the Memorial Day holiday, AMANDA TAPPING‘s Sanctuary will not be on tonight, but will return to Syfy at 10 PM ET next week. |
Tuesday, May 31 |
![]() Solutions’ Summary: Through many difficult situations, the crew of the Destiny finally become a family, working together to continue Destiny‘s original mission. Along the way, they encounter remarkable civilizations and technology, and eventually have to resort to incredible measures to ensure their continued safety and existence. |
Wednesday, June 1 |
Today is PATRICK GILMORE‘s birthday! Tweet happy b’day wishes @PatrickGilmore. |
Thursday, June 2 |
Today is JEWEL STAITE‘s birthday! You can tweet your happy b’day wishes to her @JewelStaite. |
Friday, June 3 |
LOU DIAMOND PHILLIPS hosts the next installment of the Military Channel’s An Officer and a Movie: Kelly’s Heroes. Check out the production’s homepage for more information. |
Saturday, June 4 |
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CORIN NEMEC will be at the SALUTE TO SUPERNATURAL convention in Nashville, Tennessee, that is being held this weekend. Make sure to visit the website for the scheduling details. |
Sunday, June 5 |
For news as it happens, make sure to visit the STARGATE TWITTER SUPERFEED for tidbits directly from the Stargate stars and production crew. And don’t forget our new feature BEYOND THE EVENT HORIZON, which consists of “home pages” with dynamic feeds from our LJ and Blog for the stars of SG-1, Atlantis, and Universe.
Our LJ COMPANION has news bites, polls, and glimpses into the lives of the actors that we don’t necessarily cover here in our more formal news blog. Make sure to visit the LJ’s feed on our front page or visit the site directly to see its mostly fun little tidbits. Some of our recent posts include:
- Joseph Mallozzi’s Stargate Memories for Stargate SG-1 Season Seven: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4.
Joseph Mallozzi is also discussing his and writing partner Paul Mullie’s script for the Stargate Atlantis movie that will never be seen, STARGATE: EXTINCTION. Although not considered official canon, it’s still interesting to see what the writers were planning for the crew of Atlantis. Col. Sam Carter is there in the teaser, which you can read more about in Stargate: Extinction – The Abridged Version, Part 1. There’s certain to be more to follow. Discuss the implications of what might have been in the entry’s comment section.
- Jason Momoa Reveals How He Bulked Up for Conan Role
- Amanda Tapping “Sanctuary” Interview
For the latest in convention appearances, which are subject to change, make sure to visit Stargate Actor Appearances.