Executive producer Joseph Mallozzi just posted in his weblog, “…I hung around to do a quickie interview for Canada’s Space which will follow up Tuesday night’s series finale, Gauntlet, with a special Stargate-laden installment of Innerspace. From what I hear, they got A LOT of interviews with Stargate personalities – David Blue, David Hewlett, Amanda Tapping, Christopher Judge, Louis Ferreira, Alaina Huffman, Brian J. Smith, and Jewel Staite (to name a few) – who’ll be talking about the franchise and its fans. Don’t miss it!”
Canada’s Spacecast airs Stargate Universe (their SGU page) at 10 PM ET and InnerSPACE follows directly at 11 PM ET (their InnerSPACE page). All of the Stargate shows have enjoyed impressive viewer numbers, and currently, SGU is Space’s “most-watched series.”
“Gauntlet” will be a cliffhanger, unfortunately, which Mallozzi described as being in the same category of cliffhanger as SG-1’s “Camelot,” SGA’s “The Siege II,” and SGU’s “Incursion II,” and gave this “fair warning” about the conclusion of the Stargate franchise “as we know it”: “Gauntlet, in particular, is very touching and its conclusion will no doubt you leave you…among many other things…frustrated, incredulous, outraged, offended, annoyed, vexed, saddened, distressed, bitter, aghast, irritated, unsatisfied, pissed-off, melancholy, miserable, confused, furious, dejected, riled, shocked, heartsick, angry, surprised, exasperated, indignant, enraged, despondent, bewildered, dismayed, incensed, stunned, and grief-stricken.”
Hopefully, seeing the Stargate stars from all three shows afterwards will help ease the Canadian fans’ pain.